2011.06.27 TRIAL Day Twenty-nine (Afternoon Session)

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I'm not sure they knew to look in black trash bags, I think they just happened to come across some while they were searching so they cut them open. They'd have done the same thing if the bags were green or white, IMO. Most trash bags just happen to be black.

didn’t he just state on the stand they were looking for black garbage bag and remains
Here's a site that shows the remains found behind the Zanaida house.

They were looking for pavers. Why? Who told them there would be pavers near the body?
My opinion is that KC gave Lee hints, and he figured it out. For example, when she told him to look for Caylee in places that were familiar to them.

Yep. I don't think they really knew at this point. I think it was a theory Lee put together from things ICA told him. Like "THINK about everything I've said." (meaning the houses "between 9 and 1" one being named Zenaida one being named Gonzalez) "She's close." ect...They were fishing. Looking in garbage bags is just an obvious thing to do. I think if they really knew DC would have looked alot longer than he did.
Is he really stabbing knives and shovels into bags looking for a human child's remains?!? I am horrified. There was a little girl lost in those woods! She was a much loved human being. I am really upset by this.
Would love to know what is going through ICA's mind right now.

I bet she's mad because they were so close to finding her and that if they had just found her she wouldn't be sitting where she is now. Caylee would be gone her family would support her in everyway. She could have no job and do exactly as she pleased.
LPadilla will be all over this tonight. IIRC he was the one that told NG about this orginally. One of the few things he has said that panned out...
I, mercifully, went to the pool with my little piglets today after watching this morning's testimony... There were 6 witnesses in the wing Saturday and the DT said they would be done by tues or wed if I remember. Well, they missed Saturday and only got through 3 witnesses today (I think?) that would make them about 1.5 days late.... Think they will wrap up by the end of the week, the jury will have off the 4th and then the state will take two days to wrap it up, jury has it by thursday? What do you cats think?
GA dumped Caylee's body, Kronk moved (GA didn't know) it in August when he called 911 on the 11, 12 and 13th, 3 days that Yuri said the area was searched, no need to bother anymore. GA gets a PI to go film finding the body on a tip from a "psychic", except when they got there... "Uh Oh!" Where is she??? Then Kronk calls for a 4th time in Nov. and takes them back to this same filmed spot, and guess what! There are remains now!!! Amazing!!! JMOO

There's NO proof GA got anyone to do anything so I'm assuming you're just assuming it was GA?
well jb has just blown his own witness testimony out of the water this video puts paid to Dr Bock s 2 weeks of leaves lying around, it just goes to show the jury how bad it actually was there one month BEFORE little caylee was found x
My take~

CA and GL had contact.
CA sent DC to woods to find Caylee.
DC asked JH for help with this.
JB using JH to throw RK under the bus.

Watching the video makes me sick...I feel like I've participated in the search for Caylee as part of a conspiracy by the DT:( ^i^
I think it is an innocuous video of them looking around... just as many others were looking around from Blanchard park to places around the airport. People were looking... lots of people were... just this man happened to hit close to where she was finally found and he wanted to make money off of almost getting it right. (remember his intentions were to sell the tapes when he contacted LP and LP for once did something right in making him go to LE with the tapes)
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