2011.06.28 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty)

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Absolutely revolting that the DT would stoop this low. REVOLTING!
It's revolting to me that it's allowed. I'm quite literally in shock. I don't know why, but I didn't think this kind of thing was allowed in American Courts like it is in other places. I realise that I probably have an idealised view of America...so I'm not saying America is wrong, I'm just shocked to see it goes on there, too.
RK has just defeated the defense theory of the case. It's over.
ITA. Defendants are innocent until proven guilty. It seems witnesses are guilty until proven innocent.

:tyou: Plumeria (pulled this over from the trial thread)

Does CM believe this carp? This is horrible to watch. I never, ever knew citizens have so little rights when they have not been charged with a crime, while a person accused of the murder of her two and a half year old is given such rights.

No wonder Casey and the Anthonys feel they are above the law. So far, apparently they are.

I am so sorry Mr. Kronk. This is a disgusting display of humanity. I am ill. And Casey was all smiles when the recess was called, there are no words for how evil I think she is. All I am waiting for is to hear the jury say Casey Anthony is guilty of first degree murder so I do not have to see her smile ever again.
For me - hands down - the worst day of this trial. Just disgraceful - I've never seen anything like this and can't believe it went on and on.
I'm not clear why the SA weren't jumping up and down continually but I guess it was just to let CM ask everything he could think of and just get it over with.
CM should just give it up because IMO he is not making the headway with RK that he wanted to. It's not helping the DT's case at all to keep harping on this man when there is nothing to indicate that he had ANYthing to do with what happened to Caylee.

I see ICA is going for the faux kimono look again today. *rolls eyes*
ok only a few will get this - but I think Kronk looks like Ray Rayner (from olden days TV in Chicagoland and WGN)
I am confused - when RK found Caylee's remains he says that he wasn't reading meters in that area that day - that he just went there to relieve himself? I don't understand that - why of all places there? He absolutely said that he wasn't going to look at where he thought he had seen something before - to me that would be much more believable than he had to relieve himself so he drove to the same area? Help me please - thanks
Absolutely revolting that the DT would stoop this low. REVOLTING!

At this point I would be worried that the jurors are getting ticked off with the waste of their time.
They have plans and vacations coming up. The DT is clueless about how much damage they are doing to ICA's defense right now. JMO
When this trial is over, LA needs to pick himself up and move to another state. He needs a life away from CA and GA.

CA has lost Caylee and ICA and now has pushed LA away.
she's lucky GA has stuck by her, IMO.

Not one question form the Anthonys today about molesting ICA. Not one question to GA about finding Caylee in the pool.

The jury needs to, and I think they will, totaly dismiss the entire defense presesntation.
The jury is directly across from ICA, right?
When JP mentioned the 'special break' she looked straight ahead with this cutesy, little grin.

Is she trying to make contact and endear herself to the jury now?


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For me - hands down - the worst day of this trial. Just disgraceful - I've never seen anything like this and can't believe it went on and on.
I'm not clear why the SA weren't jumping up and down continually but I guess it was just to let CM ask everything he could think of and just get it over with.

Why would they. Mason is doing a great job for the prosecution!
How long is this break?

I missed it ,my husband lost the keys to our audi, which only audi makes and I was on the phone with the guy for the keys..

Who I was only paying half attention to when he said how much it would be.. then I forgot I was watching court ,first time since the trial.
When this trial is over, LA needs to pick himself up and move to another state. He needs a life away from CA and GA.

Especially since he actually told the truth this morning.

I wonder how CA is feeling right now?
WOW! Who is this Zara on HLN??? This is bad. She is talking about RK and she is worse than LKB. Where do they get these peope. OMG. I am sick..

SO TRUE........she is just so smarmy and smug........it makes perfect sense when you find or see something like that, you go away, not wanting to seem foolish, but after you think about it awhile you say to yourself, hmmm, better make that call........
I'm about to shoot the TV. This Zara is bad, real bad...
KBelichWFTVKathi Belich, WFTV
Jesse grund is here

3 minutes ago
Baez and Mason will be having a huddle session at lunch. They will talk about how Kronk is answering in ways that are contradictory to his previous testimonies. The DT team may change strategies about how to deal with the way RK is acting now. I wouldn't be surprised if they end with "subject to recall" and go after him further later today or tomorrow.

Just curious Hot Dogs, do you still believe that Mason will get anywhere with this??

Do you actually believe the whole Kronk moved the body theory??
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