2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Afternoon Session)

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DNA Solves
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OMG HOW many times did CM ask RK the same questions! I was seriously considering perforating my eardrums and sticking needles in my eyes! Four hours of the same 4-5 questions!
OMG what has happened to Jean C????? Now she's saying she doesn't know if the jury remembers the defense opening by now.

Because you'd definitely forget a father and brother being accused of molestation, a grandpa dumping a body, and someone being called morally bankrupt. Why can't they just admit the Defense wasn't good today?
found this somewhere....thought a few of u might like it

OMG what has happened to Jean C????? Now she's saying she doesn't know if the jury remembers the defense opening by now.

No worries, I'm sure SA will remind the jury during one of their four closing arguments.
I'm surprised the defense put Dean up there and let him say it was his idea that a body might be in there.
That seems to hurt their theory against Kronk IMHO.
Jesse Grund, 2 corrections officers. Kronk sat back down out there. “@melbel478: who else is in the hallway waiting to testify?”
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 3:18 P
What is he going to testify to? Sexual abuse by LA or GA? If so, I can skip his testimony altogether, because I don't care if she was molested or not.

Could we please have an attitude adjustment from our "mock juror" who should be interested in all testimony? :skip: :skip: :skip: :blowkiss:
JB does not look happy with the way things are going in the sidebar, IMO. Judge has printed many pages and brought them over, they are all looking at them. IMO
Darn, I spaced out during RK being questioned. Did they ask him about the duct tape on the skull or on the bag?
OMG what has happened to Jean C????? Now she's saying she doesn't know if the jury remembers the defense opening by now.

Puleeeese! And on NG tonight, JC will say that the jury is wondering when they will hear about the molestation and pool drowning...flip-flop, flip-flip.
I'd be sad about Caylee but I'd want the reward too! College loans are no joke!
Juror 2 is doing a long, slow rock in his chair.
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 3:17 PM

Juror 16 playing around with a pen.
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 3:17 PM

I'm worried about #4 who doesn't want to judge.
We co exist with Rattlers and copperheads the same as we do wasps. My cats kill them on a regular basis here. You have to be extremely careful when even walking out on the lawn. To me they are just a part of natures order. You can't be afraid and let that fear rule you.

ETA, I won't mention the fact that I am terrified of wasps and have even trained my GSD to kill every one that gets in the house! :floorlaugh:

We live in an area where rattlesnakes are plentiful. My dogs get rattlesnake vaccine and they're rattlesnake trained/proofed.

I tell my kids to watch where they put their feet, butts, and hands.
What is he going to testify to? Sexual abuse by LA or GA? If so, I can skip his testimony altogether, because I don't care if she was molested or not.

Could he? Wouldn't it be total hearsay since he probably wasn't there?
So Roy needed 1k on December 10 for a car repair. I guess Roy never had the need for any "extra money" in August, September, October or November. I guess he just held onto a little girl's body so he'd have a little extra Christmas money, right?
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