2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Afternoon Session)

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Wouldn't it be nice of LDB just got up and thanked him for finding her so the state could proceed to get her justice.

LDB could do that, and it would say lots more than CM ever did.
I really wish people would stop stating speculation as fact. She does not have access to a phone, she cannot text on a phone. It will be confiscated from her if she is found doing it.

Nobody presented this as a fact. Only speculation, based on observation of ICA during the trial.
Oooh a new clutch, that some money grubbing there. mo
ICA deserves the DP just for putting all these witnesses through this!

I so wish this wasn't a HP case - she would be spending LWOP in prison right now.
YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING!!! He hid the body for repair money for a new clutch? Mason should be in jail for this I am so disgusted.
Hate that when I miss the quick switch from trutv to hln

Isn't this where in the movies, the judge cuts in and says "OK..WRAP THIS UP "
In my opinion, this part of our justice system is rotten, and may explain why many innocent people get convicted. It seems the lawyers are allowed to poke and pry at everything, again, and again, and again. After a while, some people will give up, or mistakenly say something. I believe this part of our system needs to be overhauled.

This is the first trial I've followed in depth and I am appalled that this travesty we are witnessing is even permitted. And I've been around the block a few times, definitely not naive!
What if RK needed money.....lots of people need money. What's the big deal with that.
Come on CM, not all of us make over 200 thou a year, we all need money. Geesh!

Asked, answered
While poor Mr Kronk is having to explain himself for the umpteenth time...

I was thinking of that hawk yesterday. When I drive to the workplace there's a marshed up area that's home to a lot of birds and creatures. I sometimes see hawks perched on the tall road lights, and feel that when I pass one I'm going to have a good day. I looked up some of what hawks mean in Native American symbolism and what struck me was this - "power and guardianship, the hawk is very protective of the young in its nest. It teaches us about providing for family and self."

It is a sign. I believe it.
Can't the prosecution object to any of this?? Like relevance?? Something??!!
I need LBK to say objection asked/answered more frequently. She's far too polite.
I wonder if Mason will continue with questioning Kronk the rest of the day? Jesse Grund may not have a chance to take the stand until tomorrow.
In my opinion, this part of our justice system is rotten, and may explain why many innocent people get convicted. It seems the lawyers are allowed to poke and pry at everything, again, and again, and again. After a while, some people will give up, or mistakenly say something. I believe this part of our system needs to be overhauled.

I agree, I have never really understood before how people can "falsely confess" to things, but imagine being questioned like this for often 10 or more hours. I think I now understand how people can be so worn down, they agree to anything. IMO
Or for the love of GOD!

CM asking about RK's repair bill for his car on Dec 10

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