2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Morning Session)

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CM w/Joe Jordan....email to SO told them you thought remains were moved...yes did say that...how many people on your team do our search? show map....this area to the path how many people .....had 5 people walk along side road brush heavy....other than TES search that area? I didn't see anyone besides the people on my team search that area...do you remember interview on 11/5/09 - LDb, Corp. Edwards & Melich, Sgt Allen and your Atty present with you.....asked mass 100+ people turned out to search past the school? I don't remember......the only people that searched the pathway you pointed out were the 5 I mentioned.....explain what pathway speaking of? the one you marked sir....there were not 100 people searching there when I was present....did you know where A residence was? yes....drove past Hopespring Drive...media trucks around the house...generally a lot of people around the house....

do you have any knowledge of what happened to the email you sent out 12/13/08? no sir

LDB moves easel....Mr. Jordan volunteered with TES in late Aug or early SEpt 2008, before volunteered for that position...begun to email OCSO before and suggested they have contact with certain individuals....yes

TES required keep paperwork - team leader documents individuals who went with you to search...provided with a map of area to search and indicate what was found on the search....space for indicating if items were found or need to be checked further....then to be debriefed by TES employee....take the time to debrief? yes...seen your original paperwork? approach witness to memory

#RM identify - original paper filled out 9/1/08 in conjuction w/search effort of TES....@ that point actually took detailed notes of what might be of interest to look @ later....exhibit shown on overhead #1 of 5 pages - publish....

Field team activity report for TES team leader search- Lori Cree & Churchills, Jen Craig, mid doc - assignment maps were attached...Church off of Chicasaw trail to the west of Suburban Drive....behind Elementary school Hidden Oaks....dogs and ATV behind school - dogs were not fresh...what do you mean....the gentleman told me...(object hearsay) not offer for truth of matter just why indicated dogs not fresh - dog handler told me dogs not fresh.....non highlighted area - what mean? when we searched I highlighted - anything we searched....wrote 2 humerous bones? I checked the Forensic Antho book - those were not human after they were checked....

Non highlighted areas - portions did not search

needs researched after water recedes - too dangerous to go into water ....alligators or water moccasins....TES concerned could disturb scene or walk on child's remains...

Mounds 4 & 5 and made reference to half buried bags....signed and dated that time and day....last page of document publish....

highlights made by you...we were given such broad areas ....I wanted to show only where we actually searched.....areas highlighted actually searched....lines show ...items of interest we found....didn't highlight entire area..

area where found pink baby blanket - cooler cleared by dogs...GAP bag or towels....mound...toys....arrows or lines going to particular location....is this as far away from the end of Suburban as you got in the woods? yes....if this is east furthest West you got was about here....however far you went in...couldn't get into the woods in that area due to relatively deep water....these documents were created before Caylee remains were even located....when emailed YM & Det. Allen on 12/13/08 - didn't know where Caylee's remains were found...speculation from media....in the area....I made a mistake.....

CM ...comes to podium with papers....Mr. Churchill took you to spot and pointed out where remains were found? yes....saw Media trucks and saw blue tents from SO and all around.....on 12/13/08? didn't go out on 12/13/08 sent email....saw on tv big blue tents....object-....
Did you recognize the area that you searched? thought so @ the time.....water was clear? you could see? yes....any present reasons to offer testimony about where you serached? object-overrule

In this investigation in this case? were you threatened with felony prosecution? On my advice of counsel and my 5th amendment right....
Approach sidebar

This DT is so weak.
Trying to make this guy say something he made a mistake about. Holding him to a stupid email. I know if I had searched out there I would have said the same thing... Thats a whole lotta woods out there.

How is he a witness for the D? Why even bother calling him up there?

Whoa... first invocation of 5th amendment right we've seen in this trial!!
Dang, I missed the question. Why was he pleading the fifth?
#RoyKronk wearing a dark suit in the hallway. Almost didn't recognize him. #CaseyAnthony
this witness just plead the 5th! WOW, i've never seen anyone actually do that in real life, haha.
Did JJ just start to plead the 5th
was he threatened with prosecution: on advice of my attorney and my 5th amendment right....sidebar

not so good but since he did lie in the beginning.....
Wow, this looks so dirty on the defense, imo. Haranguing searchers and the person who found her are cheap low blows.
Did the witness just take the 5th? What was the question, anyone know?
Oooh...CM makes a point about JJ being threatened with legal action by the prosecution. Wonder what THAT'S all about.
Jordan thought he was in the area-but now says he was mistaken. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 8:47 AM
I understood the trash bags to be inside the laundry bag. :waitasec:

Maybe someone will clear this up for us.

Trash bags inside laundry bag is what I have always understood, plus it makes sesnse, the laundry bag would be a lot more sturdy than the trash bags .... easier to carry.

Judge said good morning and JB asked for a sidebar

GOOD MORNING! Here we go.

SIDEBAR #1 (8:55-9:03)

Both sides ready to proceed?

Jury coming in (9:04)


He is employed with a dental supply company in Sanford. In June - Sept of 2008 he volunteered to work with TES. This is the first time he had been involved in searching. He became a team leader - having 10 and 30 people assigned to him. On Sept 1 he searched the Suburban Drive area. They were given direction to search a certain area and this was one of the areas.

He was shown Defense Exhibit #57 (a blow up photo put on the easel)

LDB objected to this exhibit and said that there was another one that had already been marked.

CM then had another copy of the same photo marked as Defense FH.

The witness said he recognized the scene. The photo was then put on the overhead.

The photo showed the area of Suburban that he searched. The photo was marked as Defense Exhibit 65.

He doesn't recall how many times he searched on Suburban Drive. He was searching with TES and lead a team - but not every time. He lead a team the first time and there were probably more than 10. He indicated where he parked and indicated the main focus of the search. At the time, there was no fence and they were able to go back. Then about 5 of them came up and walked into an opening (a path). He doesn't know if they made it up to the wooden fence. Himself, Laurie Kree, Jennifer Craig, Brett Churchill - he can't recall if anyone else, searched. They went into the woods about 5 feet. There was a red cooler and a pink baby blanket and that is as far as they went. He marked the blanket on his field activity report which he turned over to TES. He does not know if OCSO retrieved the blanket.

They also searched an area west on the other side of Chickasaw area on the first day.

Later that day he had a dog handler from another team bring their dog up that way. It was the same day. He had the dog check the baby blanket and the cooler. He brought 2 dog handlers into the area.

One was a cadaver dog?


HE did not know the qualifications of the dog.

Do you know the qualifications of the dog?


He told the OCSO that he was there with a police officer from Panama City. Did the dog conduct an inspection in that area?


He had the dog check the two items.

There was a second dog. He had that dog sniff those two articles of interest.

Were you ever taken back out there to be shown where the remains were found? He did go back there with Red Churchill to be shown. He did not know the distance, but he explained...


CM used a tape measure and measured out a distance.


Do you know how far the remains were from the side of the road? No

Did you go into the woods as far away as I am from you? He stated the entry way was not a straight line.

He doesn't recall how many times he went to the location. He doesn't even know if there was a third time. There were many other areas of interest to look at.

Do you remember when the remains were found? I don't know the exact date in December.

12/13/08 email? He sent this to YM and JA. He did not remember the exact content. He was shown a copy of the email. He conveyed that he believed he was in the location of the area where the remains were located and that he had what he believed to be 2 qualified dogs. He does recall telling them he believed the remains were moved after his search.

How many people do you recall searching?


How many people?


CM showed him the area. How many people do you recall searching that specific area? The area from the fence to the pathway. How many people?

He had about 5 people walk along the side of the road because the brush was heavy.

Other than on your team?


He did not see anyone else from TES search that area.

Other than TES how many people? He did not see anyone besides the people on his team search that area.

11/5/09 taped interview - On page 25 - JE asked him if there were 100+ people? He doesn't remember being asked that. The only people that searched the pathway described are the number he already stated.

The area from the privacy fence to the pathway? Explain the pathway.

There were not 100 people searching there when he was present.

He did know where the A's house was when he was searching. They drove along that area and there were a lot of media trucks. There were generally a lot of people around the house at that time.

CM taking a moment to confer with JB.

Any knowledge as to what was done in response to the email he sent on 12/13/08? No.

No further questions.


Prior to becoming involved with TES, he had begun to email OCSO. He was trying to help them find Caylee. When he volunteered for TES, they required he keep paperwork. It was his responsibility as a team leader to document the people searching with him. He was given maps and he was to indicate the results of his search and there was a place for follow-up. After the search, he was to get debriefed by someone from TES.

On 9/1/08 he became a team leader. He has seen his original paperwork. He was shown State's RN and identified it as his original paperwork. He took detailed notes.

He was shown page 1 of his paperwork. It was his field team report. Laurie Cree, the Churchills and Jen Craig were also listed.

There were maps attached.

The "Describe Search Efforts" section accurately reflected the locations he searched on that date.

The church is the location off of Chickasaw Trail.

Behind elementary school was at the end of Suburban Drive where he started.

Dogs were not fresh - the man who he had check those two articles...

OBJECTION - hearsay - Exception? - OVERRULED

Danny Iverson told him his dog was not fresh when he checked those two articles. He did not know if that was correct.

Locations not covered - non-highlighted area - the areas on his map that were not highlighted were not searched.

2 humerus bones - he noted those. He checked the forensic anthropology book and the bones turned out not to be human.

Suggestions for further searches - non-highlighed areas and when the water receded.

The water was about knee deep as soon as you entered the brush. He believed it was too dangerous for people to enter. It was the concern of him and TES that they would step on the remains under water.

Half buried back and mounds needed to be further searched.

On the last page of document - the highlighted areas were made by him as the area that he searched - as detailed as he could be.

The lines with other markings were items of interest found and didn't highlight the entire area because it was not thoroughly searched.

Pink baby blanket, cooler, Gap bag, mound and toys were marked on the map. That was as far away from the end of Suburban that he got in the woods. He agreed that the furthest west was the line LDB drew.

He couldn't get into the woods very far in that area due to relatively deep water.

The documents were created before Caylee's remains were located.

When he emailed YM and JA on 12/13/08 he did not know exactly where the remains were found - only what he saw on TV. He knew he was in the area.

He made a mistake

No further questions


Did you tell us Mr. Churchill told you where the body was found? Yes.

He saw the media trucks...

OBJECTION - leading - sustained.

He did not go to the scene on 12/13.

Did he recognize what he saw as an area that he searched? He thought he did.

The water was clear and the bottom was sand.

Were you threatened by the presecution of felony prosecution? The witness began to take the 5th.

SIDEBAR #2 (9:47
"... search teams..??? you would think some of them would have detailed maps and coordinates to show the grids they searched."

So correct. In Florida, in subdivisions there are areas of brush, vines, and changing levels of water that only with a GPS could you return to a specific spot. There is also a vine that grows cross ways, not up, that is a nasty bugger to deal with. A machete is a really good idea. Yes, the grids should have been GPS'd.

However, from this witness's testimony it seems there was a lot of good intentioned people without Florida search experience.
CM is slowly opening that door and LDB and JA will drive those mack trucks through without blinking an eye
What i do not understand is RK said he kicked the bag and the skull rolled out Right?

If it rolled out how were vines growing thru it? Wouldnt the vines have rooted it to the

Kronk mis-spoke because he was so shocked. That "fact" was corrected with his testimony - it was the trash bag that moved.
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