2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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Young man is in the court room and he is seen between LDB and JA and as the camera focus on him he flips the bird. Says it is at Ashton.

After court ends for the day and the judge goes through the warnings about displays etc. charges with young man with contempt, after questioning the man a couple of times he remands him to jail for 6 days, fines him $400 plus costs, asks him if wants to appeal, young man says yes, judge asks him how much he makes, how much money he has, any property of any value, he says no, judge give him a public defender and sets up a payment plan and the young man goes off to jail and judge goes off to write the contempt order.
Who caught this guy doing it? I saw it clearly on the youtube...but who brought it to the Court's attention?
I don't believe HHJP will be willing to hold up Court proceedings until the DT gets those records.

I don't think there's anything he can do.He granted the subpeona and said "he'll get them when he gets them."
If I were the DT ,I'd think seriously about holding the trial up.The jury will not be happy if this is more useless info and a waste of their time.If the state is done and they have to wait on something from the DT it will be obvious why there's a hold up.
The state can easily impeach CA when they call her in and present those records. I see that happening very quickly and completely. I also think that at the end of the day when state rests and after closing arguments, the Jury will be able to see that CA tried to show she did those things to keep her daughter off the table and the needle out of her arm. At least that's how I would look at it if I were a juror. I would also not put any weight into whatever that Mom had testified to period. JMHO
I don't think for a minute the State will go after Cindy for perjury. They will simply be kind enough to remind her that she, in fact, didn't do any of those searches.

'Your memory better now, Mrs Anthony?'


I feel certain that Judge Perry is aware that Cindy's testimony regarding the internet searches was not truthful and that she could be charged with perjury. I hope that HHJP reminds Mrs. Anthony that she is under oath and must testify truthfully.
I got the impression HHJP was not too happy to hear the news . Can he do anything? He was quick to ask the DT if they knew she would be making these statements.
I agree he clearly wasn't happy about it in the least. But I still don't think Cindy is in any actual danger of going to jail or fined. The greater responsibility lies with Baez. He openly admitted to putting on a false fact. He knew Cindy was going to lie, IMO, and he should have done the ethical thing as an officer of the court and not called her as a witness in the first place.
But that's where the caveat comes in Zsa Zsa. Do they want to pursue this grieving Grandmother and Mom of a defendent that could possibly be sentenced to the death penalty for knowingly lying on the stand?

I'm not saying it can't be done. I"m saying I don't think the State will proceed with charges. I really don't. JMHO

Hi Kat! I don't think that the SA's goal here is to bring CA up on perjury charges. I think the goal is to negate CA's testimony that she was home that day, thereby negating her testimony that she made the chloroform searches. That piece alone is what the first degree murder (premeditation) charges depend upon. JMO~
IT shops are the "gods" of computer networks...

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We can see when you log into your email system... open emails, delete them, etc.
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You have NO privacy on a work computer... remember that.

you said it..my husband is IT guy, works at a plant and handles their computers, he has access to everything,..yup
The judge did not indicate this. He indicated if the additional records were not in till next week ...he said it will be what it will be...but JP went on to say that he expects closing arguments Saturday and jury instructions Saturday pm.

JB said essentially he knew CA was going to change her testimony regard to her time cards and what she looked up on chloroform.

Didn't get the impression that he would hold up the trial JMO.

Hitting the Thanks button just wasn't enough. I missed the last bit of court (Thanks, HLN!) and then I saw posts all over the internet about records not being here until next week. I was really worried that this was another delay and that the jury wouldn't get the case this weekend. Thanks for clearing this up! Whew! Feeling much better now...lol :seeya:
Thanks for the links, I didn't actually see the flipping off till then. What was JA doing when this happened?

I'm sorry, I'm not sure exactly. He was arguing something in front of the judge, I had just walked in the door so missed what happened before. I don't think he was doing or saying anything that would make someone do that, though.
Good to know in case I ever feel like lying under oath, that no one takes it seriously...:innocent:
Why do they bother to swear people in if it means nothing?
There's no proof Cindy lied.

I think she did lie, but it's not provable. Cindy didn't say that she made those searches; she gave herself wiggle room.

How do you think the State or HHJP can prove Cindy lied?

There's the rub.
Haven't they heard of Faxing records? This is the age of instant information :banghead:
I don't think it's a matter of physically getting the records. It's probably a matter of obtaining them legally (think "red tape") that's holding everything up... IMO, anyway.
:) I am in complete agreement with you nomoresorrow.

You all take care! I have some business I have to take care of on behalf of my Husband and I am not sure how long it will take.

:seeya: be back soon!
Good to know in case I ever feel like lying under oath, that no one takes it seriously...:innocent:
Why do they bother to swear people in if it means nothing?

The A's lied so much at the beginning of the case they lied to nearly everyone. They went on TV and tried to control the interviewers, the lied to the police (the hairbrush for example). They new decomp and cleaned the car and ICA clothes.

The A's cause this trial to be dragged out with their lies and the poptart testimony.

Really feel CA should be charged with perjury - but it won't happen because the state may need her in an appeal situation like another poster pointed out. :twocents::twocents:
I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask, but does anyone know where/if George's suicide note can be read?
Another newbie question, please don't kill me... when a jury is sequestered like this do they come into contact with general public at all?? Like, do they get to go on outings, eat at restaraunts, etc.?

This was YEARS ago, when I was in high school, but I worked in a find dining restaurant that was attached to a high end hotel. We once had a sequestered jury and they ate in the dining room together every evening....

We were not specifically told not to seat them in an isolated section, but there were court officials with them, and they all sat together...

I am sure the protocol is at least similar now, especially if they go out to dinner, but imagine special arrangements are made TO isolate them as it would be very obvious what trial they were sitting on...
The state can easily impeach CA when they call her in and present those records. I see that happening very quickly and completely. I also think that at the end of the day when state rests and after closing arguments, the Jury will be able to see that CA tried to show she did those things to keep her daughter off the table and the needle out of her arm. At least that's how I would look at it if I were a juror. I would also not put any weight into whatever that Mom had testified to period. JMHO

I think she should be charged with perjury after this trial.

Not sure if this is allowed but Pat Brown stated it on her FB page and I totally agree with her.


It's time perjury is taken seriously. People lying to the police and to the jury and everyone making light of it like. Lying costs money and it perverts justice.

The state can easily impeach CA when they call her in and present those records. I see that happening very quickly and completely. I also think that at the end of the day when state rests and after closing arguments, the Jury will be able to see that CA tried to show she did those things to keep her daughter off the table and the needle out of her arm. At least that's how I would look at it if I were a juror. I would also not put any weight into whatever that Mom had testified to period. JMHO

But does the State want to impeach CA? Because wouldn't that include ALL of her testimony? I don't know if you can impeach someone for a particular section of testimony or not....

Why wouldn't the State just let the evidence of her lying stand along? Particularly if they have clear evidence of it?

Pretty clear proof, for those who wanted it, to the world that CA lied to protect her daughter..
I did get to see that part, and if JB would have answered yes, there would be big issues. An attorney cannot knowingly put a witness on the stand that is going to lie. What legal repercussions? I am not sure, I would hope it would just go into the heap o' pile o' carp HHJP could file at the end of trial against JB. Don't know if it would have stopped the trial, but seems it could have. Will have to wait for an attorney on that one.

He did say yes (JB) and the judge went into Officer of the Court stuff - so after court is over JB might get some serious reprimands or whatever a 'lawyer' like JB would get.
So I've skimmed over all the videos on wftv but still don't know if court will be in session tomorrow or not? Can someone tell me please?
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