2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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This is similar to the woman who acted up in jury selection. Later in the day she was brought back with a public defender. Same thing will happen here. He screwed up but he should be represented by counsel.

He will be.That's the entire point of assigning the public defender. When someone is arrested they are taken to jail ,charged ,have a bail hearing and get and attorney.
Contempt may be done a little differently,but he is still going through the proper process.
I think HH may know the law better than most of us. :innocent:
If the State elects to bring charges against Cindy for perjury you will be able to knock me over with a feather. Not kidding. They would have to prove that she knowingly lied under oath. When perjury is brought forth as a charge then the prosecutor has to not just prove the crime but who the defendent is comes into play. This supposed defendent would be the grieving grandmother and a mother who's only daughter is accused and standing trial for which one of the possible sentences if found guilty is the death penalty.

Naw, I don't see them wanting to do that. I think they'll just impeach her and let it go at that. JMHO

Not hard to prove. She deliberately lied about her whereabouts. They are going to prove there is documentation that she was at work, by her own entries on her work computer and her own phone records.
FWIW, I'll go further and state I don't see the State charging CA with obstruction either (the hairbrush debacle, washing pants...etc) I just don't. JMHO
So...we shouldn't judge murderers? I'm confused.

It's okay HF - it's about people judging people in general not about condoning behavior. It's about having compassion but it doesn't have anything to do with crime and punishment.

So basically he is saying don't gossip, don't criticize because we are one, and if that person is "low" so are you. It's about compassion, not justice.
Forgive me if this has been asked already, but will court be held up till next week while the DT waits on records from CA job? TIA

I don't believe HHJP will be willing to hold up Court proceedings until the DT gets those records.
I don't think for a minute the State will go after Cindy for perjury. They will simply be kind enough to remind her that she, in fact, didn't do any of those searches.

'Your memory better now, Mrs Anthony?'


Good to know in case I ever feel like lying under oath, that no one takes it seriously...:innocent:
Why do they bother to swear people in if it means nothing?
Forgive me if this has been asked already, but will court be held up till next week while the DT waits on records from CA job? TIA

I don't think it will be necessary, other than for the DT to try to cause further delays of the inevitable. It seems pretty clear she lied.

The smoke and mirrors of the DT saying they needed a computer expert to examine them is just that. They didn't have anyone review her timecard report. I think that was the point CJBP was trying to make.
I could be wrong, but I thought I heard them say they had log in and log out times from Cindy's work computer.

Re: Perjury...I don't know what the penalty is. I would like to know too.

IT shops are the "gods" of computer networks...

We can see when you log in and out
We can see when you log into your email system... open emails, delete them, etc.
We can see when you open a file, modify it, save it, delete it.
We can see when you access the internet and track where you go... each and every page.
We can access your "secure" account and read your emails, see what's on your desktop and where you store your files.

You have NO privacy on a work computer... remember that.
I don't think for a minute the State will go after Cindy for perjury. They will simply be kind enough to remind her that she, in fact, didn't do any of those searches.

'Your memory better now, Mrs Anthony?'


I got the impression HHJP was not too happy to hear the news . Can he do anything? He was quick to ask the DT if they knew she would be making these statements.
Not hard to prove. She deliberately lied about her whereabouts. They are going to prove there is documentation that she was at work, by her own entries on her work computer and her own phone records.

But that's where the caveat comes in Zsa Zsa. Do they want to pursue this grieving Grandmother and Mom of a defendent that could possibly be sentenced to the death penalty for knowingly lying on the stand?

I'm not saying it can't be done. I"m saying I don't think the State will proceed with charges. I really don't. JMHO
FWIW, I'll go further and state I don't see the State charging CA with obstruction either (the hairbrush debacle, washing pants...etc) I just don't. JMHO
Same here.

KC is the one on trial here. She and she alone killed Caylee, IMO. Going after Cindy would be a waste of money.
I don't believe HHJP will be willing to hold up Court proceedings until the DT gets those records.

Haven't they heard of Faxing records? This is the age of instant information :banghead:
Forgive me if this has been asked already, but will court be held up till next week while the DT waits on records from CA job? TIA

The judge did not indicate this. He indicated if the additional records were not in till next week ...he said it will be what it will be...but JP went on to say that he expects closing arguments Saturday and jury instructions Saturday pm.

JB said essentially he knew CA was going to change her testimony regard to her time cards and what she looked up on chloroform.

Didn't get the impression that he would hold up the trial JMO.
FWIW, I'll go further and state I don't see the State charging CA with obstruction either (the hairbrush debacle, washing pants...etc) I just don't. JMHO

She won't be for those - maybe if she had burnt all of ICA's clothes, and destroyed every hair brush in the house the LE might think about it, but at the time, ICA was not a suspect at the time re the pants and the frebreezing, so there was no way to prove obstruction even if it was.

I think they would have to prove CA knew ICA had committed a crime first, and deliberately destroyed evidence.
Another newbie question, please don't kill me... when a jury is sequestered like this do they come into contact with general public at all?? Like, do they get to go on outings, eat at restaraunts, etc.?
IT shops are the "gods" of computer networks...

We can see when you log in and out
We can see when you log into your email system... open emails, delete them, etc.
We can see when you open a file, modify it, save it, delete it.
We can see when you access the internet and track where you go... each and every page.
We can access your "secure" account and read your emails, see what's on your desktop and where you store your files.

You have NO privacy on a work computer... remember that.

With that and her cell/office phone records they should have her neatly in a corner.
I got the impression HHJP was not too happy to hear the news . Can he do anything? He was quick to ask the DT if they knew she would be making these statements.

I did get to see that part, and if JB would have answered yes, there would be big issues. An attorney cannot knowingly put a witness on the stand that is going to lie. What legal repercussions? I am not sure, I would hope it would just go into the heap o' pile o' carp HHJP could file at the end of trial against JB. Don't know if it would have stopped the trial, but seems it could have. Will have to wait for an attorney on that one.
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