2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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I must say, I kind of get why so little of JP's cases get overturned. I thought he really gave too many chances to the defense, evern after stating that he wouldn't do so anymore. But yet, he was very very strict with the state. I'm still pissed that JA did not get to show the FBI video while Jose Baez pretty much got away with everything.

I agree he does pick on JA a little too much, but maybe it's the case of kicking the dog at nite, since u can't kick the person that causes it LIKE BAEZ..
I'm surprised that the prosecution didn't bring up two things:

1) The text that Casey Anthony said her car smelled like something had died in it (this is prior to the trash being in it, I believe June 25th). Which proves that the smell was not the result of her putting trash in the trunk. Also she said in the text it might be a dead squirrel.

2) The jailhouse letter that Casey was "just remembering" that her dad might have molested her. If she was so good at lying about Caylee b/c she had lied about the abuse, but she didn't remember any abuse until she got into jail... I don't see how that makes sense.


For a while there I thought the defense was going to state that Casey and her dad thought he was Caylee's father, and that's why they had to cover the whole thing up.

Both of those would open too many doors for JB to drive his tricycle through.
I asked her that, she said she'd have to research it first.:banghead:

I don't know if you saw this but last week when Judge Perry was talking about reading the laws for the jury to follow he listed all the charges they could consider and I remember manslauter (sp) was one of them there was a list of charges for the jury to consider.
When was this suicide note brought up today in the trial? Someone told me the suicide note was read today in court and I heard most of today's trial and did not hear this mentioned.

During rebuttal. Judge allowed the suicide note in as evidence and the pros published it. The jurors read it.
Thanks...She does have the "sweet little thing" voice down. I do wonder what they think and can't wait until this trial is over to find out.

Yes her voice is very different than what we've heard from the jailhouse videos. Fascinating, isn't it? Sociopaths know how to deceive that's for sure!
ok, cool. And you've stated you think she's guilty. (as do most people here, myself included.)

You mention your daughter would vote not guilty. What is her extent of exposure to this case?

I'm asking b/c I'm concerned about the jury.

I only started following this case recently - about a week after the trial started. I had previously heard of Casey Anthony but had scrupulously avoided reading any details about Caylee's murder since my own two daughters were around the same age.

IMO she is guilty. Her behavior after Caylee's death - the partying, lying about Caylee's whereabouts, keeping her daughter's dead body in her trunk, the chloroform, borrowing the shovel, - all of that is attributable only to Casey.
I don't believe the claims of molestation - but even if I did it wouldn't change my mind. I think her family has shown themselves to be liars - but I really don't need to hear from them to conclude she is guilty. Everything else is meaningless noise. I understand that people who have followed this case for year are used to speculating about some of these side characters and what they might reveal. But for me - coming in just for the trial - these people appear to be sickening examples of just how many will try to profit from the murder of a little girl ("Experts" and non-experts alike).

At the end of the day, despite all of the kooks, mud slinging, insinuations - I am still left with Casey's behavior after Caylee's death - the partying, lying about Caylee's whereabouts, keeping her daughter's dead body in her trunk, the chloroform, borrowing the shovel. There is no logical explanation for the sum of these things other than the very simple conclusion that Casey Anthony killed Caylee.
George was in her bed and taking her money. according to Ms cruz.

It's hard to figure out who's telling the truth in all this. But I've come to the conclusion that there probably was an affair of some sort. I think GA is lying about his involvement for obvious reasons, and River Cruz is embellishing her story, making this affair more serious that what it was.
The Twinkie Defense happened in San Francisco. Supervisor Dan White killed Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk, who was gay. Dan White claimed he killed them because of all the sugar from the twinkies he ate!!!

Well, actually, Whites attorney was trying to say that White was depressed-
as evidenced by him eating junk food, not caring about his appearance, etc.
The court agreed that due to the depression there was diminished capacity,
so he could not have premeditated the murders.
His attorney was saying he was eating Twinkies BECAUSE he was depressed,
but the media spun it as Twinkies MADE him depressed.
Thus, 'The Twinkie Defense' was born.

I think this is correct-I could be off on a few things but she's told me the story 100 times and I stopped listening around the 20th time.
I am one of those who does not believe K Holloway/s story for one second.
She is scorned because George rejected her. I don't understand why none of these TH's tonight have questioned why if she and George were having an affair, why in the world would he write her a letter saying he has tried to text and call her yet he signed it George AND Cindy.

Also don't know why Jeff did not question her about what she said about George grabbing Casey by the throat, slammed her against the wall and asked where his grandchild was.
I value the opinion of the lawyers on here way more than the talking heads - mostly because they have nothing to gain by giving their unbiased opinion, unlike the talking heads we do it all for ratings. AZlawyers and beachbumming have both stated that it's almost impossible to get an appeal based on ineffective counsel. Someone else brought up that Jose Baez might be lead counsel but he has very experienced attorneys on his team, Cheney Mason, Dorothy Simms, Ann Finnell, so I don't think ineffective counsel will fly...

I love the Lawyer's thread. :great:

Nope this won't fly on appeal, particularly with CM and AF on the team.
"You know for months, as a matter of fact, for a year or so I brought stuff up, only to be told not to be negative." ----quote from GA's suicide note

You go, JoJo, I believe in you. I believe you've always, deep down, known the truth, as hard as it was. God bless you for being honest during the trial.
hmmmmm.....Fox News reporter was sitting in front of middle finger guy in court. After court, she talked to the guys fiance and 2 of his co-workers. Fiance says when the incident happened, she said something to him. Said he was a fan of ICA and didn't think she was getting a fair shake. JA was being too hard on her and her defense team......
I am one of those who does not believe K Holloway/s story for one second.
She is scorned because George rejected her. I don't understand why none of these TH's tonight have questioned why if she and George were having an affair, why in the world would he write her a letter saying he has tried to text and call her yet he signed it George AND Cindy.

Also don't know why Jeff did not question her about what she said about George grabbing Casey by the throat, slammed her against the wall and asked where his grandchild was.

My guess is because he was "winning" and didnt want to get into that and not be "winning" :innocent:
I am listening to the RC testimony now and JB never fails to get me in bad mood. He's saying GA believed Caylee's death to have been an accident and then asks if this was at the same time they were in the media saying their granddaughter was missing.

I resent that line of questioning because he's trying to imply it was the wrong thing to do.

But hello? Should they just have said, oh well, it was an accident, never mind about finding her? Even if it was an accident, she was missing, because her precious little body had been thrown in the swamp. Every little deceased child, whether accidentally or no, deserves to be found and honored with a proper burial which allows their relatives to put the child to rest and get some closure.
Favorite LDB question of the day (to CA):

"I take it you did not euthanize your own pets with chloroform?"

Thanking you for posting this as I didn't get to see it. That was an incredible thing to say! I get so mad watching HLN all night and just seeing the same clips over and over and they don't show this? Thank goodness I have the next four days off!
There is no logical explanation for the sum of these things other than the very simple conclusion that Casey Anthony killed Caylee.

Can I quote you on a t-shirt? I'll pay you 80% royalties? :crazy:
I am one of those who does not believe K Holloway/s story for one second.
She is scorned because George rejected her. I don't understand why none of these TH's tonight have questioned why if she and George were having an affair, why in the world would he write her a letter saying he has tried to text and call her yet he signed it George AND Cindy.

Also don't know why Jeff did not question her about what she said about George grabbing Casey by the throat, slammed her against the wall and asked where his grandchild was.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
hmmmmm.....Fox News reporter was sitting in front of middle finger guy in court. After court, she talked to the guys fiance and 2 of his co-workers. Fiance says when the incident happened, she said something to him. Said he was a fan of ICA and didn't think she was getting a fair shake. JA was being too hard on her and her defense team......

Wonder if he thinks Caylee got a fair shake?
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