2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

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JA: "This jury in my estimation is going to want to smell the evidence."

I so agree!
Get that can in!


JA never ever misses a beat. Seriously a pleasure to watch- such a skilled lawyer.
This is a load IMHO they are computer records backups or not I imagine they look up records BY DATE and TIME..... Sims doesn't know how much time she needs because of a different time zone???? add the hours together for that day then, if timezones are to complex for ya. Typical for this trial everybody KNOWS it is a LIE but they go along with it waste time and money because God forbid we ruffle the delicate sensibilities of LIARS and MURDERERS .
this picture actually disturbs me :(

I know its just Caylee playing but it bothers me considering what was later done to her :(

Same here. The other picture of Caylee trying to take off or put on some clothes. Half her face is covered and she doesn't look happy.

They are just pictures of a goofy little girl playing/trying on clothes guys.
Thank God!!!! I prayed hard. I was afraid. I am very pi$$ed that the state waited until the last minute to get these documents. They know better. I had no idea they did not have these documents.

But CA's testimony WAS different than her depo.

Guys, this was a big deal. I was nervous. If the jury could have believed that CA actually did the searches, it could have created reasonable doubt as to premeditation, or aggravated child abuse. If CA searched chloroform (which admittedly, sounded like a lie), then casey likely did not and the state's argument that casey planned this, and/or the inference that casey used chloroform on her child, which caused her death, could be put into question a bit and we need one of those two things to get 1st degree murder.


I am so glad we had you on board this afternoon to explain this hearing.

Thanks again !

I thought the judge already said he will not make hie jury into witnesses
Oh dear. SA wants to open the can as olfactory evidence!

if they go with not a discovery violation (if we, let's say, call it a win-the-battle-lose-the-war type of thing)

is the war lost (in a sense) bc does that open a stronger angle for the mechanics of an appeal ?

Am I totally confused?

And I also have a huge problem believing Cindy would CHOOSE to fall on a sword for ICA. (claim she searched if she really didnt.... risk being charged with perjury...)



I doubt this will be an appealable issue. HHJP is very good at what he does and his rulings. I was very scared but the reality is it looks like HHJP wanted to let it in, he just had to ask lots of questions to make sure that he could show it was not a violation and not prejudicial to the defense (other than in the sense that it impeaches their witnesses' testimony).

Further, you bet CA would fall on the sword for her kid. She has been almost violent in her desire to do so, almost from the beginning.

And she is not going to be charged with perjury. The state would never go after a crime victim's grieving relative and perjury charges are very, very rare. Also, as BS pointed out, CA gave herself wiggle room so she would not commit perjury. She said 'maybe' when asked whether she was home on the days of the searches.
I pray to God that those cans still smell or it will be a HUGE bust! Very risky, IMO.
this defense team is a disaster - i'm really praying for a mistrial so Ms. Anthony can get a fair trial. its almost like the defense is working for the prosecution.

no, the defense team is working for their client. the FACTS are working for the prosecution.
Ashton believes the jury would want to smell the can!!!

Laying it out there JA!
The judge mentioned that this can't come as a surprise to anyone including the defense and that got me thinking. Baez apparently listens to the TH's because he's called and *corrected* his personal information and qualifiations for this case. Since we know that is true, then how did he miss all the TH's saying the same thing the judge said, that the Prosecution was going to get these records? You would think if TH's could know this before it happened he would have some remote idea that it would happen! :maddening:
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