2011.07.03 Sidebar Thread

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HLN just showed JB walking no media around him just a jogger who jogged right on by. Wonder when this was taken?
ICA changed her voice to pick up TL's Long Island accent. Listening to Ms. Fryer's responses to the charges "no objections", I think ICA's quiet court voice is mimicking Ms. Fryer's young attorney voice.
Good catch!!
whatever that one was about... the DT was denied in adding these extra paragraphs in
ICA changed her voice to pick up TL's Long Island accent. Listening to Ms. Fryer's responses to the charges "no objections", I think ICA's quiet court voice is mimicking Ms. Fryer's young attorney voice.

Long Islander here! Long Beach that is. I didn't notice KC having a Long Island accent....I think I would have. When do you mean?
I forget what Law School LF went to but it's a Catholic University. I bet she opposes the DT on principal. Although I'm RC, and Gov Cuomo is RC and he signed onto gay marriage so we don't always tow the line I just have a feeling that's the case with her.
"Mr. Mason waxed quite well. . ." - HHJP lol
I just read what Casey Athony's aunt said reported in the news...if what she said is true, it makes a bit more sense now what may have happened. It makes sense KC would have left that night, but did she take Caylee and come back in the morning since GA says he saw them that day or what...?

I think GA may honestly have been mistaken about the morning of the 16th.
The Defendant is entitled to her own theory of Defense in the jury instructions, LF wants included.

(to include a whole cast of imaginary people)
Casey isn't quite paralegal material just yet.....she still feels the need to lean around whoever is next to her to watch CM as JP refers to his arguments.
awwww.....HHJP petting his buddy, CM.....how touching
I've seen Baez smile at the jury, never a smirk and I have never seen him smirk or laugh at the prosecution during this trial, while Mr. Ashton has continuously done it along with rolling his eyes and other rude expressions. Sunny Hostin was right, and many other people have noticed it as well. Baez and Mason have occasionally had a small smile... never like the one Ashton was doing this afternoon.
I started out this morning thinking that Ashton was really giving a fantastic closing, and I was ready to spank myself for ever being critical of him, although I have noticed him being disrespectful many times. HOWEVER... when he sat there with that big wide grin with his hand not even attempting to cover it, all my newfound respect for him went straight out the window.
Baez and his whole team were attentive and respectful throughout Mr. Ashton's speech, for over an hour. The LEAST he could have done was afford Baez the same respect.
And YES, Baez should be fined for contempt as well for losing his temper and calling attention to it in that way. But I think he probably just snapped and couldn't deal with it anymore. What some may not know is that this was brought to the judge's attention right after lunch before court reconvened, according to Beth Karas, because he was smiling and grinning throughout most of Baez's closing this morning.
JMO, but the man is a jerk, and he needs to be called down about it.

I'm not going to disagree with you about JA, but apparently you have missed the mulitple times JB has done the same or similar things when JA has been up, including tossing his pen back and forth while staring at the ceiling while leaning way way back in his chair, his eyes doing quite a bit of rolling....this really has been a 50/50 dealio between the two of them since day one. If you've missed it you've only watched one side closely.
Long Islander here! Long Beach that is. I didn't notice KC having a Long Island accent....I think I would have. When do you mean?

When she made her first call home from jail she had an affected NY accent. You probably didn't recognize it because it was f-a-k-e
I could swear that I've seen HHJP cover his mouth to keep his smile secret, also, during this trial.

I've seen JP do it several times. I think I saw a picture of him doing it today with a fullblown smile and his hands not doing a very good job of hiding it, so he, Baez and Ashton are all guilty.
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