2011.07.03 Sidebar Thread

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DNA Solves
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The jury found Scott guilty as to all counts. As to his conviction for first-degree murder, the jury found Scott guilty, by special verdict, under both premeditated and felony-murder theories.

Here's the proportionality test:

"[W]e make a comprehensive analysis in order to determine whether the crime falls within the category of both the most aggravated and the least mitigated of murders, thereby assuring uniformity in the application of the sentence." We consider the totality of the circumstances of the case and compare the case to other capital cases. This entails "a qualitative review by this Court of the underlying basis for each aggravator and mitigator rather than a quantitative analysis." In other words, proportionality review "is not a comparison between the number of aggravating and mitigating circumstances.

....when the facts and circumstances in this case are compared to other capital cases involving a robbery-murder, we conclude that death is not the appropriate penalty."

In accordance with our analysis above, we affirm Scott's conviction for first-degree murder but vacate the sentence of death and remand for the imposition of a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

So, this death sentence was also vacated and he's now serving LWOP.
I had to leave for my aunt's birthday right before CM was supposed to give his closing. Did he? And did LDB do her rebuttal closing? TIA!
I love, love, love that there are crowds at the courthouse for Caylee. If I lived there or close, I know I'd be there. A vigil for justice. For baby Caylee.....
JB was too long-winded, then CM got up, so Perry decided the state will finish up in the morning at 8:30 I think.
NG just said better to keep mouth shut and let people think you are an @ss, than open mouth and prove you are, which is what she thinks DT did. LOL
and the court. Talking while the judge was talking, ignoring the judge, texting on his cell phone etc. Never mind his contempt of court on numerous occasions. He will try any dirty trick in the book and repeatedly does things he has already been warned against.

I'm not going to disagree with you about JA, but apparently you have missed the mulitple times JB has done the same or similar things when JA has been up, including tossing his pen back and forth while staring at the ceiling while leaning way way back in his chair, his eyes doing quite a bit of rolling....this really has been a 50/50 dealio between the two of them since day one. If you've missed it you've only watched one side closely.
Just thinking about something and wondering what y'all think. Has anyone noticed that KC's smile is identical in all the photos we see of her? I mean the same exact smile. No variation. Seems odd to me. Can't put my finger on it....

I really think she has such a beautiful smile, honestly. Caylee had the same beautiful teeth and smile. I am afraid though it's mostly one Casey has learned from hearing "Casey, smile for the camera", "Casey, smile for Grandma so she can see you love the butt ugly sweater she knitted for you and won't know you hate it," "Casey, smile so the boys notice you and you get to pick the best one of the bunch to buy you lots and lots of nice things."
Agreed. I wasn't singling anyone out, just pointing it out general because it's annoying when anyone does it. Seems kind of hypocritcal to complain when media or defense/prosecution/players do it but then to engage in it ourselves if you know what I mean. :twocents:

I enjoy reading your posts and I wanted to say this earlier but the thread was moving to fast. The pink color your using is hard to read, I had to skip several of your posts when the thread was moving fast because I just couldn't see it to read. :confused:
I had to leave for my aunt's birthday right before CM was supposed to give his closing. Did he? And did LDB do her rebuttal closing? TIA!

CM droned on and on and on....pulled out a quote from "To Kill A Mockingbird" and told the jury that if they had a question to ask themselves....WWCMD....what would CM do. :innocent:

LDB has to wait til morning to finish up.
Silly me! There actually is some bamboo that grows here. I know because it bent in a snow storm and blocked a road! I'm going to google shovel and see if I could dig it up!

I had to leave for my aunt's birthday right before CM was supposed to give his closing. Did he? And did LDB do her rebuttal closing? TIA!

Yes he did and LDB will finish tomorrow.
I had to leave for my aunt's birthday right before CM was supposed to give his closing. Did he? And did LDB do her rebuttal closing? TIA!

He did but almost none of us have a clue as to what he said, hard to understand and we fell into a coma.

Due to lateness of the hour, rebuttal was postponed to 0830 or 0900, TBD.
Nancy Grace caller asking about Caylee's dark circles. If you look at stills of Casey at that birthday party when she was a girl, you can see she had mondo circles, most likely inherited from George.

I you are geting any information from NG, throw it out.
He did but almost none of us have a clue as to what he said, hard to understand and we fell into a coma.

Due to lateness of the hour, rebuttal was postponed to 0830 or 0900, TBD.

CM reminds me of a rotary phone, very outdated and way past its prime. I don't think the jurors will connect with him, I know I don't.
KC has an additional aggravating factor-- the age of Caylee, there may be more. We'll see what that adds up to. jmo

Thank you. Could you tell me what the Defense thinks are the mitigating circumstances?
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