2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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The last however hours have blended into a blur in memory. I remember the ranting of JB about nothing making sense. Honest, that's what I'm going to remember.
The SA needs to get up there and clean this up... and not rush to do it. We're going to be here all night because that won't occur until after dinner break.
If JB is trying to convince jurors to see through the web of Anthony lies and sort out his contrived story, he is going to fall flat on his face. Anyone with a brain is not even going to come close to trying to sort through all the bull stink the Anthony's have put forth.

Your right, and the jury has only heard 2% of the lies--er, mistruths--and distortions.
We're not going to finish tonight, I don't think. We could go on for maybe 2 more hours before jurors need to have dinner. I don't think the judge will make them come back after dinner?
No, she wasn't smart enough to outwit the crimelab. She was lucky enough. Big difference.
iF I completely discount the fact that the arguments are full of it just mean, He's doing a decent job all things considered. When he isnt saying GA committed suicide. Which means he will now go after RK and go off the rails again.

Attacking a suicide attempt is never going to go over well with a jury.

And saying that GA does not love ICA or loved Caylee?


According to who?
I think hung jury. everyone will say this was a win for the defense. The evidence was not very conclusive which hurts. Did KC commit the perfect murder?

Court observers say that the jurors seem to like Baez. Take notes when he talks. No notes when prosecutor talks. Maybe they will acquit her??? Funny how most of the rest of the general public thinks she is guilty tho.
Maybe CM was only going to speak if Jose ("the lead attorney") got into deep water and had to be rescued. Since he has been able to drone on ad infinitum ad nauseum, I guess they are just going to let him take it across the goal line.
Will the state get a chance to rebut today or will they have to wait until tomorrow. I really don't want to leave the jury thinking about all of what the DT theories are over night.
Qualified is not the the word I would give to the impression that Dr. Sp. made in this court.
Adipocere and marijuana found on the towel is ridiculous? Really Jose? He should have stopped a while ago.
MarinaMarraco Marina Marraco
Steering wheel, spelled "stearing" wheel on defense exhibit. #closingarguments #caseyanthony
2 minutes ag
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