2011.07.04 Verdict Watch 12:15 pm How long will the jury deliberate?

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How long do you think the jury will deliberate?

  • <1 hour

    Votes: 17 1.6%
  • 1/2 day

    Votes: 132 12.2%
  • 1 day

    Votes: 173 16.0%
  • 2 days

    Votes: 321 29.8%
  • 3 days

    Votes: 226 21.0%
  • 4 days

    Votes: 100 9.3%
  • 5 days

    Votes: 51 4.7%
  • 6 days

    Votes: 16 1.5%
  • 7 days

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • >1 week

    Votes: 60 5.6%
  • the original 12 will remain in place

    Votes: 105 9.7%
  • some of the alternates will shift into juror seats

    Votes: 73 6.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I cannot to hear what the notes the jury has written will say.

I suspect we will have Jurors leaving and alternates moving in and they jury will want to see most of the evidence ,I do think someone will ask to smell the can.

This Jury knows this trial is huge and if there are any members wanting to give interveiws or to consider writing a book or just taking to the media then they will want to see and touch and make sure they have all information correct. They have not been allowed to talk about the case so I expect them to really want to hear other peoples opinions on the case and compare them to there own.

Can you explain how jurors could be leaving and alternates moving in? Can a juror just say he/she is leaving because of "blahblahblah" ....?
I said a half a day. After hearing Mr. Cheney today, I feel as though I've already heard the DT closing, and saw how long it took the judge to deny his desire for mistrial.

The SA is overwhelming convincing, so it won't take long, imo.
After watching JB with GA the other day and watching Casey sit there
with not one tear for him, and I saw it on a laptop. I can't imagine the horror
of sitting in that room and watching it in person.
And having her mom lie and risk her own freedom to save her sorry *advertiser censored**, after watching
her literally break in two on the stand a couple weeks ago.
I mean how much more does one have to see to be convinced this woman is well,
I hope I don't get a t/o, but well, heartless.

Yeah, she is obviously capable, and SA has proven premeditation, both to murder Caylee, and destroy her own parents on the stand.

Maybe I should have voted less than an hour, but I figured they have to decide a foreman, and how long does that take, then they all have to cry for awhile, so I said a half a day, if a half day is four hours.

They may decide guilt and DP all at the same time.
I haven't even seen the pics of Caylee in the dirt.
They have seen more than most of us already.
"Have you ever thrown a deceased pet in a swamp?"
declares Mr. Ashton passionately, to which GA responds, "No, I have not."
And as he leaves the stand, he wipes his hands of her, finally. Enough is enough.
He likely would not be in that courtroom at all anymore except that he loves his wife
and will hold her up through this hell they are going through.

Have they been like Lacy's mom, full of grace and beauty, no.
But he is faithfully holding up his wife, as she attempts to hold up her daughter.
And the day will come, I know it will, when she finally accepts what her daughter has done.
And that day, Casey hopes will not happen, because she knows, she knows! will be a day of reckoning like no other.
I was wondering if jury would end up complaining about her if she refused to even deliberate. For all that's been made of her it will be very interesting to see how things go where she is concerned. I'm still of the mind that someone that doesn't want to judge not be on the jury as that is your sole purpose.

I'm not worried about number 4. She desires to be morally upright.
The DT lost her when all the lies starting coming out. She shook her head
thinking how someone could be so morally bankrupt.

I also think it ironic that JB started the whole "morally bankrupt" slang in his opening statements.
How long do you think the jury will deliberate now that we are getting closer to that day?

here are also some interesting facts about the jury in reference to deliberations:


I also left multiple options open so you can vote on if you think the original 12 will decide or if you think any could be let go during the process (just out of interest's sake)

Either 31 hours, 31 minutes or 31 seconds! :twocents:
Has anyone been concerned with how the Jurors have been able to retain, put together or understand the vast amount of information? They have only been able to take notes during trial and well... while taking notes it&#8217;s easy to miss some of what else is being presented. I know I can rarely re-read my own notes lol

In the trial threads in here we also miss and ask a lot of questions with what&#8217;s going on at that moment. Whether thats about the evidence, what it relates to or legal stuff happening. I imagine it&#8217;s similar with them and they can't even write about it in the evening, just to jot down what they want to go back to review later.

They have been unable to talk or write about the days events and I guess I'm worried of the effect on their mental health. Its no wonder some write books or go on media shows... they can finally unload.

In light of that and going by how we have gone meticulously thru the discovery in here... I'd guess they may be out a few days (I voted 5 days)
I'm not worried about number 4. She desires to be morally upright.
The DT lost her when all the lies starting coming out. She shook her head
thinking how someone could be so morally bankrupt.

I also think it ironic that JB started the whole "morally bankrupt" slang in his opening statements.

Did she literally shake her head or do you mean it figuratively? I do think you make a good point. I wonder if the CA lies could really be a deciding factor for someone like Juror #4. Lying on the Bible won't set well with them.

I really thought the morally bankrupt comment was really ironic because look at who he is representing. She is the 1 who is truly morally bankrupt and to accuse someone else of it with not a stitch of proof was just terrible. Love or hate any of the witnesses none of them are accused of a heinous crime.
Has anyone been concerned with how the Jurors have been able to retain, put together or understand the vast amount of information? They have only been able to take notes during trial and well... while taking notes it’s easy to miss some of what else is being presented. I know I can rarely re-read my own notes lol

In the trial threads in here we also miss and ask a lot of questions with what’s going on at that moment. Whether thats about the evidence, what it relates to or legal stuff happening. I imagine it’s similar with them and they can't even write about it in the evening, just to jot down what they want to go back to review later.

They have been unable to talk or write about the days events and I guess I'm worried of the effect on their mental health. Its no wonder some write books or go on media shows... they can finally unload.

In light of that and going by how we have gone meticulously thru the discovery in here... I'd guess they may be out a few days (I voted 5 days)

I'm sure their heads are spinning and part of that was what JB wanted. He was putting everyone else on trial to try and confuse them.

I have no doubt they will have some questions and need to read other some testimony. My guess is they have an idea of where they all stand as individuals and if they don't all agree they deliberate and hopefully compromise.
I voted 3 days mostly because one day would be too short. I think we have a thoughtful jury on this case. On the second day they'll hash out the punishment and report to the judge they are ready for a third day announcement. Wednesday. I think Wednesday is the day.
I originally choice 4 days. After listening to the closing arguments this morning I want to shorten that. JA was powerful, clear and concise. JB on the other hand seems to be trying once again to confuse and he is not making any powerful points, imo.

So maybe 2 days, at the most? The penalty phase is separate, right?
I will restate my opinion, the jury is sick of the delays and I think that they have already made up their minds, so a day of deliberations to sort out the charges.
Every jury I've served on started with the foreman asking for a vote on each charge. This was always done on a sheet of paper, we folded and everyone put it in a pile and he read each one. If everyone doesn't vote the same way, the deliberations start. But only after a vote on each charge. I've served on a hung jury and it's not fun. Everyone sitting there in agreement except one person with their arms folded and wouldn't budge.
Surely, they can all agree she is guilty...the hard part I think will be the charges.
JM humble opinion...OH...I think it will be two days cause the judge will give them a list of instructions and I bet it's going to be a long list.

I say 2 days as well. I agree with the list of instructions!
I voted two days. But I wonder if they're pretty close at first vote...they'll begin their deliberations (mid morning) and go til 8 or 9 and just get it done?

I kind of doubt it though...I'm sticking with two days...maybe late Tuesday afternoon, maybe sometime Wednesday.
I initially voted 2 days, but after hearing the closing arguments I really think we will have a verdict by tomorrow evening, if the jury gets the case by noon. I don't think there will be a lot of back and forth among the jurors, these people are intelligent and they can obviously discern the evidence set before them...it's a no brainer really. I mean it is what it is and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the DT's BS doesn't fly...kwim
I voted three days. A few days back I would've said hours or, at most, 2 days, but then I realized that these poor folks have been unable to talk about anything they've seen here. They must be busting at the seams to talk about this, and deliberations are their opportunity to share observations and thoughts. IMOO, even if they do a straw poll and find they are in 100% agreement as soon as they walk into the deliberations, they'll still be out a day or two just to get everything off their minds. I mean, just think about how many outbursts each of us has felt compelled to share. Surely some of the jurors have those moments they've had to hold in for all this time. Poor folks!! I really feel for them. And hope hope hope they return the just verdict.
If they reach a verdict it will come Wednesday early afternoon; after lunch.
I voted 1/2 day about a week ago and I haven't changed my mind yet.
Can I ask a major favor here? If there is someone who would call me if the jury comes back sometime today before 5? After the Judge gives it to them, I am needing to crash, and am worried I could miss the verdict. If someone would do this I could get you my phone number. Mods, excuse me if this is not allowed, I have been sick, but, have been following the trial and so want to see the verdict live. Thanks!
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