2011.07.04 Verdict Watch 12:15 pm How long will the jury deliberate?

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How long do you think the jury will deliberate?

  • <1 hour

    Votes: 17 1.6%
  • 1/2 day

    Votes: 132 12.2%
  • 1 day

    Votes: 173 16.0%
  • 2 days

    Votes: 321 29.8%
  • 3 days

    Votes: 226 21.0%
  • 4 days

    Votes: 100 9.3%
  • 5 days

    Votes: 51 4.7%
  • 6 days

    Votes: 16 1.5%
  • 7 days

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • >1 week

    Votes: 60 5.6%
  • the original 12 will remain in place

    Votes: 105 9.7%
  • some of the alternates will shift into juror seats

    Votes: 73 6.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I voted 2 days. I think they will take the initial poll and if all are in agreement that she's guilty, then they will determine of which charges. I think they will ask to review certain evidence eg. photos, phone and computer records, those items will take some time to review.
I also think if they aren't in agreement on the initial vote, then they will open a can and vote again.
I really hope they reach a verdict quickly so they can return to their families and try to put this nightmare behind them.
Here is a part of the Scott Peterson wikipedia article on why the jurors convicted him of first degree murder and gave him the DP: (sound familiar??)
In later press appearances, members of the jury stated that they felt that Peterson's demeanor—specifically, his lack of emotion, and the phone calls to Amber Frey in the days following Laci's disappearance—indicated that he was guilty. They based their verdict on "hundreds of small 'puzzle pieces' of circumstantial evidence that came out during the trial, from the location of Laci Peterson's body to the myriad lies her husband told after her disappearance." They also decided on the death penalty because they felt Peterson betrayed his responsibility to protect his wife and son

I read this last weekend and that very part stuck out to me too. It gave me a lot of hope that this jury will look at her behavior closely as well.

I think that there will be little, if any, discussion as to her actual guilt. I do think that once they all come to a consensus of ICA's guilt, they will take two or three days to decide on which charges she is actually guilty of.
I said 4 days, as there are too many choices for them all to be unanimous at the start. It takes time to reach a consensus.

I think because it is such a high-profile case, they would feel irresponsible with a quick judgment.
One week +. I think there's going to be at least one hold-out that needs convincing.
This is the south. Jurors hate being manipulated by liars. If the case was in Texas and they started at 9AM, they would be done by noon. I figure the good folks of FL are smart enough to figure it out in similar time, so I'm voting 1/2 day. It's just not that difficult. One day at most if the forms and instructions are overly complicated.
I voted half day, thinking 3 hours, 9 to noon.

2 hrs 55 minutes of:

"OH MY GOD CAN YOU BELIEVE (crazy/outrageous things from the trial)"!!!


"I could NOT BELIEVE IT when (crazy/outrageous things from the trial)"!!!

Then 5 minutes of deliberations, and they're done.

I couldn't agree with you more. I think this jury will make a quick decision, and then just sit and talk about how crazy this trial was, what parts were sad, what parts were funny, how nice HHJP is and while they are doing this, they will tell each other that Casey Anthony deserves to wait, just as her attorney's have kept them waiting in that room when they could have been sleeping in.
I expect 24 hours, but only 10 minutes of that on actual deliberations, if in fact the show of hands is not unanimous from the first count.
I believe if they get the case by July 4th, the jury will be home on the 4th.
I don't think the jury was confused by yesterday and today's "Smoke and Mirrors" sideshow.

The Truth will bear out.
Does anyone know if the jury has to stay sequestered through the penalty phase? If so, That sucks for them...
As long as they come out with the words GUILTY of MURDER, I don't care how long they take. MOO.

I voted for 1 day though.
I'm really looking forward to seeing many of them on the talk/news circuit. We only know them by numbers and from voir dire. I can't wait til this is over and we can see them and learn how they handled the trial, how they reached a verdict and what they all think about Baez. I hope a talk/news host will ask them "If you ever needed an attorney, would you hire Baez?" :giggle:
I voted 3 days. I think she intended to get rid of Caylee to spite her parents, however if it were an accident - why wait 31 days? Had she come forward immediately and said she got into the pool, then she might not be in court today. I think the 31 days will be the deciding factor, but after the jury discusses and weighs everything out.
Q: Is this true: I heard the longer a jury deliberates the more likely they will not find a defendant guilty? O is it the other way around?
I am thinking perhaps 5 days. I am sure there is going to be a thorn in the side of the jury by one or two persons just being plain gullible in regards to CA and LA tatics.

I am for the death penalty due to some crimes as just as vile as they can get. I do not think they will give her the death penalty. I really don't.

I have to admitt I am a little scared she may walk.
I voted 3 days. I think the jury will TRY to sort out all the different expert opinions for at least a day before they throw up their hands and say "everybody contradicts everybody else." decide to put all that aside, that will take one day. After that, they will vote that she is guilty and spend the next two days deciding what they think she is guilty of. I am going with guilty on all 4 counts of lying to police and guilty of aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse.
I am thinking perhaps 5 days. I am sure there is going to be a thorn in the side of the jury by one or two persons just being plain gullible in regards to CA and LA tatics.

I am for the death penalty due to some crimes as just as vile as they can get. I do not think they will give her the death penalty. I really don't.

I have to admitt I am a little scared she may walk.

Judge Perry has the final say on Casey's fate, The jury can only recommend the DP or LWOP.
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