2011.07.04 Verdict Watch 12:15 pm How long will the jury deliberate?

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How long do you think the jury will deliberate?

  • <1 hour

    Votes: 17 1.6%
  • 1/2 day

    Votes: 132 12.2%
  • 1 day

    Votes: 173 16.0%
  • 2 days

    Votes: 321 29.8%
  • 3 days

    Votes: 226 21.0%
  • 4 days

    Votes: 100 9.3%
  • 5 days

    Votes: 51 4.7%
  • 6 days

    Votes: 16 1.5%
  • 7 days

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • >1 week

    Votes: 60 5.6%
  • the original 12 will remain in place

    Votes: 105 9.7%
  • some of the alternates will shift into juror seats

    Votes: 73 6.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Does anyone know if the jury has to stay sequestered through the penalty phase? If so, That sucks for them...

Yes...they remain sequestered until this is over! In fact, during deliberation they are individually sequestered.

I voted >week simply because of Juror #4. I think she may hold up or even hang this jury.

There is a lot of evidence that the jury will want to go through..... so I think, yeah, at least a week.

I'm guessing Murder One. I think the State proved ICA did something to Caylee and what she did resulted in her death. That's all that's needed for Murder One w/Aggravated Child Abuse here in FL, thank heavens! :woohoo:
I didn't vote because I have NO idea but will say this: I SURELY HOPE that a holiday (and I love the 4th of July) is not more important to them than the decision they will make that could possibly send a person to their death. JMO
I voted for 2 days and original 12.
The 31 days
The jail tapes
The evilness of the accusations of family members as her defense!!

I haven't been following this trial that much, but I am very interested in seeing what the verdict is. I just want to make sure I have a few things clear: It looks like the jury will decide if Casey is guilty or not, this week. Does anyone know exactly what day they should start deliberating? Now if Casey is found not guilty, then that's the end of the trial, right? If she's found guilty, it goes into the penalty phase. How long does that take?
I hope that for some reason (an inability to make a decision perhaps?!) Juror #4 wants off and another juror can step in. Oh please!
I voted for - 2 days
They have a LOT to go over and try to digest. Hopefully they will see through the LIES and hand down a just punishment.
I voted 2 days but I think the jurors will deliberate longer if they think ica is innocent.
PULEAZZE don't let that happen. :D

When deliberation day comes I may need pepto bismol and Valium. I will be a wreck. lol
I am not concerned how long the jury takes to reach a verdict. It will be what it is. However, I am concerned how people here and in the media react if it is NOT the verdict they were expecting.

Anything can and has happened with juries.
I voted 2 days but I really hope they make their decision in one hour!
I think if they vote her Not Guilty, they will regret it BIG TIME once they get out and are able to read and see all the stuff we can see that is not admissible in the trial.
I think there is just too much info for the jurors to get it done in 2 days. I actually voted 4 days, but the more I think about it, the longer I think it will take. I'm now thinking a week, maybe longer. They have to mull over all the information that's been presented, decide what is important then come to some kind of a decision, after which they must decide on the charges...1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, aggravated manslaughter, is there anything else? murder 1 carries DP or Life, murder 2 carries an average of 22 years in Fla, though Life can be given to an offender with a violent record and not knowing exactly how Caylee died, I don't think she will get Life if convicted of murder 2, and aggravated manslaughter carries only 10-15 yrs. I hope she won't get aggravated manslaughter.
I voted 4 days, what with breaks, questions, discussions, etc.

I have a question about how deliberation is structured. Do they deliberate for a set amount of hours, (9-5 daily), can they deliberate longer into the evening if they so request, can they request to deliberate over a week-end?
TIA for answers.
Because of the seriousness of the verdict they will spend at least 1 full day. I've been on 3 juries. One of which was a no brainier. But as much as people want deliberations over they still must believe they have considered everything. The cynical part of me wonders how many will try to profit from the case?
I said 3 days, but that is when I am feeling optimistic. I feel this could result in a hung jury. But if they do reach a verdict, it will be after several days of hashing out not only what they heard in court, but each of the counts and options. They have a complex task, it is not simply guilty or not guilty. Coming to a decision that all 12 can live with will not be easy. I'm not even talking penalty, just the various counts and degrees. People see things in very different ways and this case is just so much more complex and layered than most. Finding their way through it, missing so much information that most of the public has, will not be easy, IMO. I wish the state had more hard facts, i.e. when, where, how and even why. JMO, JMO, JMO.
I didn't vote because I have NO idea but will say this: I SURELY HOPE that a holiday (and I love the 4th of July) is not more important to them than the decision they will make that could possibly send a person to their death. JMO

I believe it's unlikely the jury will be anywhere but deliberating or sequestered on the 4th of July, especially after losing a full day of testimony Saturday. If the jury returns a 1st degree murder verdict, the sentencing/penalty phase will begin. So it appears the only way they could possibly enjoy the Holiday would be for the defense to shorten their case in chief, the prosecution to have a minimal rebuttal, and a verdict of lesser included charges or acquittal.

I honestly have no idea how long deliberations will take.......

I'm going with a week. I think the majority will vote guilty, but I think there are going to be one or two people who will be a problem. If I had to guess, I am leaning toward a hung jury
How long do you think the jury will deliberate now that we are getting closer to that day?

here are also some interesting facts about the jury in reference to deliberations:


I also left multiple options open so you can vote on if you think the original 12 will decide or if you think any could be let go during the process (just out of interest's sake)

I voted for one day - a full 8 hours, but it could easily be two or three depending on the conclusions of each individual juror when beginning deliberations.

Although there's been a lot of testimony to consider, there's really only these basic facts to consider..............

*There's a dead child, whose remains were tossed into the woods near the street like trash.

*The child was last seen with her mother.

*The child's remains had duct tape covering the area of her skeleton where her nose and mouth were.

*There were searches on the family computer for chloroform, neck beaking, houshold weapons, etc.

*There's evidence of a dead body being in the trunk of the mother's car for a period of time.

*The car had a strong odor of human decomposition, a stain on the trunk liner, and a high amount of chloroform in the trunk.

*The mother lied to family, friends, and later to the police.

*The mother shows no remorse, and spent the 31 days following her daughter's death partying.

The jury must decide if Caylee's death was an accidental drowning as the defense claims or murder as the state claims. When considering all the facts, I can't see the jury taking too long to come to a decision.
can you see the poll now??? let me know..

also you can vote for multiple choices so if you think 2-3 days vote for 2 and 3, etc

I voted before I saw this. I voted for one day, but in my post I've stated that it could be 2 or 3 depending on the conclusions of the individual jurors going into deliberations.

The first thing the jurors will do is elect a foreman. Once that's done, the foreman will usually ask for a show of hands, guilty or not guilty, and they will go from there.
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