2011.07.04 Verdict Watch 12:15 pm How long will the jury deliberate?

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How long do you think the jury will deliberate?

  • <1 hour

    Votes: 17 1.6%
  • 1/2 day

    Votes: 132 12.2%
  • 1 day

    Votes: 173 16.0%
  • 2 days

    Votes: 321 29.8%
  • 3 days

    Votes: 226 21.0%
  • 4 days

    Votes: 100 9.3%
  • 5 days

    Votes: 51 4.7%
  • 6 days

    Votes: 16 1.5%
  • 7 days

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • >1 week

    Votes: 60 5.6%
  • the original 12 will remain in place

    Votes: 105 9.7%
  • some of the alternates will shift into juror seats

    Votes: 73 6.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I originally voted 3 days, but for some reason I think it will be tonight. Maybe that is just wishful thinking.

I totally agree with you. I think they already voted and it was Unanimous and right now going over some evidence to back up their decision.
1319: juror number four Older AA female that did not have complete voir dire. Plays farmville and has hard time judging others

She's gonna be pizzed when she gets online and finds all her crops are dead.
I hope its before Friday morning (6:30 am PST) because I'm leaving on a cruise on Friday.. and the shuttle is picking us up at 7:15 am..

I hope so too....live in No. California and going to the coast on Friday. Luckily, we do have Sirius Radio.
Tomorrow after lunch and right before 4pm is my prediction
I think they prob had lunch after court today and maybe took a breather for an hour or 2. They then had to pick Foreman before proceeding. I would think they might just have started deliberating an hour ago. It could be a few days.
Jurors have had the case for 4 hours & 24 minutes per WESH
I predict... errr, guess by Friday afternoon. I think after the 4 hour OJ debacle, juries try to be, or appear to be, more thoughtful. That will fade with time.

I am trying to remember what recent high profile case was it when the jury decided to look at the most compelling defense evidence before voting to convict? Because they were unanimous but took the time to check evidence to be sure.

I may have this backwards (perhaps it was unanimous for acquital) but I seem to remember this. In any case, I am looking forward to any jury questions so we can all begin wild speculation.
Just returned from the beach with the kiddies.

This has probably been asked and answered...sorry if it has. Does anyone know where GA and CA are? Did they stay at the courthouse or return home for the wait?
I told dh it would be in 3 hours, but time is up. So I will say 2 days now b/c someone is not agreeing.

I&#8217;m wondering when she is found guilty, will she come out in her jail jumpsuit?
No more pretty blouses for inmate Casey.
I told dh it would be in 3 hours, but time is up. So I will say 2 days now b/c someone is not agreeing.

I’m wondering when she is found guilty, will she come out in her jail jumpsuit?
No more pretty blouses for inmate Casey.

No, Bill S. said Casey will be in street clothes
It takes a lot of effort to go over all that evidence, deliberate and decide a verdict.

I seem to remember some some talk by attorneys on an earlier high profile case that one day deliberation per week of trial would not be unusual. So six days? I think I will have a breakdown of we are here Sunday or Monday. I also remember thinking the SPeterson was taking way too long. What was that? Seven days?
Just returned from the beach with the kiddies.

This has probably been asked and answered...sorry if it has. Does anyone know where GA and CA are? Did they stay at the courthouse or return home for the wait?

I saw the defense attorney leaving the courthouse. Casey is in her jail cell, imo.
I think they prob had lunch after court today and maybe took a breather for an hour or 2. They then had to pick Foreman before proceeding. I would think they might just have started deliberating an hour ago. It could be a few days.

I think the "jury clocks" the TV stations have stop when they are not deliberating, like lunch and overnight. (It is hitting me that I have watched wayyyyy too many of these, lol.)
So it is nearly 5 hours now. Don't think it'll be tonight... :(
I originally voted 3 days, but for some reason I think it will be tonight. Maybe that is just wishful thinking.

Same here...But I stupidly thought that everything would be wrapped up on Sat. morning, along with jury instructions. That would make today the third day...
Wow, listening again to ICA's phone call home LDB played this morning. I gained a little bit of respect for LA during that. Drilling ICA for the truth.
I can't imagine them taking more than 12 hours, so I voted 1/2 day. I can't see how anyone would NOT vote guilty of first degree murder, IMO. It's just so crystal clear to me, but it is hard for me to be objective since I've been following this case for 3 years. Even if they all agree on a verdict right off the bat, I can see them wanting to be thorough and make sure they didn't miss anything since her life is on the line.
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