2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

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DNA Solves
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Mt 75 yr old daddy texed me thisto me
after the verdict was read, he did pretty good!

If your child drowns
wrap it in duct tape
lay it on the side of the road
don't tell anyone for a month
party at the club
go on sexacapades
lie to police
get an "I am free" tattoo
and in three short years you will be.

he says this is a HUGE problem...
can you say copy cat???
Bless Vinnie Politan. He just went of on Linda Kenny Baden and cut her off in midsentence and threw down his pen, slammed the table. He is broken by this verdict.
Didnt the Brilliant Jurors ask themselves why she spent 3 years in jail if it was a simple accident or if she was so innocent?
The jury was biased. Children are disposable in America. What has our nation come to? The results today are a reflection of lack of morals and personal accountability permeating our nation today. A day and a half including lunch and breaks. Really? More important to go home----
Wow, Vinnie Politan is passionate and angry about what happened today. I totally agree with everything he is saying.
:banghead: One of the alternates is saying they voted NG because there was no COD! He agrees with them.

As a result of a not-guilty verdict a lot of people will be making a lot of money. More than what a guilty verdict would have made for the jury members I am sure....money is the root of all evil!!! This was a evil decision made by a greedy jury...IMO!!!:maddening::maddening::maddening:
ICA's life will not be pleasant from this day forward. Maybe worse out of prison than IN it!
I am so upset. I needed ya'll! WS went down right when the verdict was being read and I needed my WS buddies the most! Caylee Marie will never get justice now and I am beyond livid.
Alternate juror just on with Vinnie"

he didn't believe body was ever in the trunk. He didn't see a stain, thought it was cleaning stuff

Didn't like the way George responded to Baez's questions. Didn't believe molestation
Thought WHOEVER killed her did use duct tape. Still don't know who killed her

Baez proved too much reasonable doubt. Casey had a right not to testify.
:banghead: One of the alternates is saying they voted NG because there was no COD! He agrees with them.


Goes to show you something was wrong with the jury. Alt. were not there to deliberate. So how could he had known anything about a vote unless they had voted before and they were instructed not to. They were told not to discuss this case. Bingo, they were discussing it during breaks, lunch etc.
They buried the pets the same way Caylee was found therefore NOT GUILTY?????? OMG I think im gonna have a heart attack...WHERE IS COMMON SENSE!!! THIS IS INSANITY!
The alternate is basically saying the whole State case was disregarded...didn't believe George at all, couldn't understand him ignoring that smell, didn't buy into the chloroform, etc...
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