2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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If it's First Degree, the penalty phase doesn't begin until 2 days later - Karen Levey.
Jury will be released if anything less than first-degree...

That's a WHOOOLE other post in itself!

No, my son got bit by somethign over the weekend and it's not looking better. Of course, it turned out to be a wasted trip and time away from WS as all the Dr said was "OOO, that's an ugly bite. Don't really know what it is." No answers,no definite on whether it is an allergic reaction or if it is infected. Just YUP, that's ugly and keep an eye on it:banghead:

Not looking better by now? He didnt get bit by a brown recluse, did he?
Guessing that the courthouse is jammed with reporters.. this way they answer all of the reporter's questions about what to expect, warnings, etc..

Courtroom is locked. No one can enter until Perry calls them to courtroom!
Someone brought up mock jurors...is mountain cat mock deliberating? Is that why we haven't heard from her? LOL

I think she has been MIA for days now...I'm getting concerned about her. I hope she's on vaca or something. We may need to call 911...and not wait 31 days!
As a smoker, let me tell you - YES IT IS !
So if I'm reading tea leaves - which I am - when they do ask for a special break that might be a great thing. Personaly, i would need one before I went back in to say she was going to get the needle.

o/t - am I the only one who wishes we still used the chair or hanging ? does that make me a little weird ?

The press lady said she does NOT know if they've had breaks so it's very possible they have.
Don't be nervous. Scott Peterson got the death penalty with no murder weapon, witnesses, or cause of death. Read this article; it might ease your mind a bit about how juries come to decisions in circumstantial cases like the murder of Caylee Anthony.


Thanks! A great article. And several factors that the jury was persuaded by that I think will come into play w/ this jury:

Where Laci was found (a place Scott knew and had been)
Where Caylee was found (a place Casey knew and had been)

Scott wanting freedom (no Conner in his life)
Casey wanting freedom (no Caylee in her life)

Scott's lack of remorse and emotion during the search for Laci and the trial
Casey's lack of remorse and emotion during the search for Caylee and her trial

Scott's behavior (romancing Amber Frey even after Laci disappeared)
Casey's behavior (romancing Tony Lazarro after Caylee "drowned")

These are striking similarities, IMO. And we know where Scott is now.
No magazines for ICA, food is brought to ICA, don't know where they bring it from. Is there medical staff -- she doesn't know, if its 1st degree - penalty phase 48 hours after verdict. If verdict comes today - any lesser than 1st degree - will be later.

(sorry - my lil one called to tell me "that Casey Anthony thing is on on your computer." I left that mfile akami tab open on my laptop and it just starts talking!! So nice of him to call me!!
I think she has been MIA for days now...I'm getting concerned about her. I hope she's on vaca or something. We may need to call 911...and not wait 31 days!

Well, I know she had company, but I would have thought that company would have left by now, unless they are staying the whole week. I was just amused by the thought of mountain cat not logging in because she's our mock juror, so that means she should be mock deliberating right now, LOL.
I think she has been MIA for days now...I'm getting concerned about her. I hope she's on vaca or something. We may need to call 911...and not wait 31 days!

I don't think there is a reason to worry- I had read earlier that she has guests at her house from out of town. :)
Where is Beth K. today? Yesterday she was upstairs and reporting on breaks, etc...
My daughter never had any issues with her periods, although as soon as she became sexually active (age 17) I took her to the gyno for the first time. Just to make sure my daughter understood that being sexually active means maintaining regular pap tests, exams, birth control, etc.
Hornsby tweeting the jurors have ordered lunch - but he does do snarky comments so FWIW
YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony Blames Father‬‏
This is a lipreaders opinion of what KC is saying during LDB's closing statements!

I found yesterday when I was reading her lips very interesting that when LDB was talking about how GA,CA could not find KC,Caylee and the car for the 3 days ICA said she was in Jackson or wherever,That ICA said-GEORGE KNEW!
She refers to her father as George,not my dad or my father!
Also-Her very scary glare at LDB was chilling to say the least-I really hope she does not get out of jail anytime soon.I would be afraid for LDB..I really thought ICA wanted to jump out of her booster chair,fly over that table and jump on LDB's back.DS was trying to calm her down.ICA is a dangerous person who must not be able to walk free for there will be people who will need to watch out for her!!VERY SCARY!!
okay I am going to have carbohydrates before this day is over......da** Casey
Help! Someone tell me this isn't true!
Family member told me Casey is pregnant I said I didn't hear that I asked what source
National enquirer. It's online at their website if you look it up with today's date
I pray this is a rumor
Delete this if I wasn't allowed to post this
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