2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

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KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Paradigm talent agency dropped Jose Baez after four hours. Company spokesman told me "It's not who we are". I'm told there was backlash.

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Paradigm also represents Geraldo Rivera who is now a friend of Baez.
10 minutes ago
i keep wondering if Caylee was even dead when she was placed in the plastic bags.
Caylee's civil rights. Where's her rights?
I am not sure if this has been posted but just saw it on WESH :

snipped from : http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28488266/detail.html

A jail spokesman said Casey was informed Friday morning that Cindy had scheduled a video visitation for 7 p.m. At that time, she declined the visit.

Casey's only visitors since her acquittal on a first-degree murder charge have been members of her defense team.

Hmmm ...

ETA : Oops ... see there is a thread ... sorry !
I have a hard time with believing that.

I seriously believe there are some media there, staking the place out,

Maybe they put her in the trunk to take her out--not meant to be funny, but how ironic would that be.
Does anyone know if it's okay to start a thread yet? I really would like to start one for the John Morgan VIDEO depo on the 19th. I have been following this closely since ICA was served in the jail. HLN has been talking about it for the past 15 minutes or so. I am an Orlando native and John Morgan is a very aggressive and skilled plaintiff's personal injury attorney with a high profile as he advertises heavily. HLN has described him as going to go after ICA "like a pit bull". She is required to show up - two days after her release. He is planning on asking about the defense's version of the story and how she came up with the ZFG story.

It is my feeling that if this occurs, ICA will give the depo and, of course, lie (or if not, how would we know). Once she does this, her words are in stone. She will be attempting to sell her "true" story for money as that, and pictures, are that she has. Anyone can write a book or make a movie about her life or the trial - but the value is in "HER TRUE STORY". Once it is given to Morgan - and he releases it (as he released CA and GA's prior video depos), her "official story" will be out for fee. She can't make up another one after that because she would be implying her depo testimony was false.

She can't settle to avoid the depo as Morgan and ZG would have to agree, and I don't believe they will for many reasons.

Maybe this is not as significant as I think it is. I may just be grasping - but this could be very interesting.

Anyone agree with me?
Does anyone know if it's okay to start a thread yet? I really would like to start one for the John Morgan VIDEO depo on the 19th. I have been following this closely since ICA was served in the jail. HLN has been talking about it for the past 15 minutes or so. I am an Orlando native and John Morgan is a very aggressive and skilled plaintiff's personal injury attorney with a high profile as he advertises heavily. HLN has described him as going to go after ICA "like a pit bull". She is required to show up - two days after her release. He is planning on asking about the defense's version of the story and how she came up with the ZFG story.

It is my feeling that if this occurs, ICA will give the depo and, of course, lie (or if not, how would we know). Once she does this, her words are in stone. She will be attempting to sell her "true" story for money as that, and pictures, are that she has. Anyone can write a book or make a movie about her life or the trial - but the value is in "HER TRUE STORY". Once it is given to Morgan - and he releases it (as he released CA and GA's prior video depos), her "official story" will be out for fee. She can't make up another one after that because she would be implying her depo testimony was false.

She can't settle to avoid the depo as Morgan and ZG would have to agree, and I don't believe they will for many reasons.

Maybe this is not as significant as I think it is. I may just be grasping - but this could be very interesting.

Anyone agree with me?

I agree, I forgot that this was going to take place. I hope it's released right away, I'd love to see someone interrogating her and not treating her with kid gloves for a change.
Wow - I just read this article from back on December 11, 2008. She pretty much is spot on with everything that just happened in this trial. Amazing foretelling, she's a criminal profiler, not a psychic or anything. It's worth the read:

http://patbrownprofiling.blogspot.com/search/label/Casey Anthony
Wow she was spot on. She is so right about the justice system today. It's disgusting attorneys can lie and can get hired guns to say whatever they want. This is supposed to be a search for the truth.
I agree, I forgot that this was going to take place. I hope it's released right away, I'd love to see someone interrogating her and not treating her with kid gloves for a change.

If he makes this happen, and it is released relatively quickly, then this will end up being her "exclusive interview" for free.

If Morgan can pull this off - he is brilliant - MOO.
Wow she was spot on. She is so right about the justice system today. It's disgusting attorneys can lie and can get hired guns to say whatever they want. This is supposed to be a search for the truth.

Yes! A search for the truth, our justice system is so far from that. It's all about getting your client off scott free and not about the truth at all. It's become nothing but a game for attorneys. JB and CM are thrilled they "won".
Please let me know how to notify the media. Last night on Inside Addition they did a story they headed up with, "What TV show does Casey Anthony say she can't wait to see - what food is she craving?" Seriously??
How can I implore to them that I want to see more about JAYCEE DUGARD and her courageous battle and her recovery. I want HER to be a celebrity. NOT CASEY. How can I get that word out?
3,754 The U.S Supreme Court: Try Casey Anthony in Federal Court petition!
Nah, Texas was a red herring. I predict New York or California. Follow the money.

Yep!! LA Baby!! A round of talk shows, Dateline, Nightline, AC360,etc. then reality shows, interviews in Rolling Stone, Playboy, etc. and try to get her into the celebrity brat pack who are famous for nothing more than being notorious!!:loser:
Maybe this is not as significant as I think it is. I may just be grasping - but this could be very interesting.

Anyone agree with me?

I agree. I have a question, is Morgan, the Morgan&Morgan firm that Clint House said is helping him, Tony, Cam, etc. pro Bono with Caylee's Law?
3,754 The U.S Supreme Court: Try Casey Anthony in Federal Court petition!

That change.org website does not come up for me, I've tried numerous times to sign and the web page never loads for me, just wondering if anyone else has trouble with it.
Then don't vote for death. I don't know how many times it's been repeated that there were lesser charges that had nothing to do with the death penalty. Even the Murder 1 charge didn't mean she would get death.

Exactly! My gut feeling on the jury's actions: They didn't really pay attention to JA in court or they would have seen and heard evidence. He did present evidence. They may have been bored, but this wasn't a show to entertain them. They should have listened, even to the boring parts. They would have seen and heard the evidence. Secondly, they could not have had time to review even what few notes they took in less than 11 hrs. It saddens me to say this, but they didn't want to take up their time to review and discuss the case; they had given a month of their time already, had places to go and didn't want to waste anymore time trying to convince those that said not guilty. Sorry, I'm usually not this cynical, but had to tell how I really feel. JMO
Originally Posted by Tulessa
3,754 The U.S Supreme Court: Try Casey Anthony in Federal Court petition!

Please give me more info. What can Casey be tried for in Federal Court?? If it the Caylees law (which I have signed, sent the petition to my State representatives and I own two homes, one in VA and one in IA so it went to both State Reps). Even if this law is passed, even at a Federal level, Casey's case is done. Unfortunately, nothing can be done to her.
I agree. I have a question, is Morgan, the Morgan&Morgan firm that Clint House said is helping him, Tony, Cam, etc. pro Bono with Caylee's Law?

It very well may be. JM has been in town for ever. Being a personal injury attorney, he advertises heavily - all over the state. "Morgan and Morgan - for the people".

He and his long time wife are partners. His son is the lawyer who was at the presser with the Vasco guy.

I don't have any great love for personal injury attorneys - but right now - he is my hero.
Exactly! My gut feeling on the jury's actions: They didn't really pay attention to JA in court or they would have seen and heard evidence. He did present evidence. They may have been bored, but this wasn't a show to entertain them. They should have listened, even to the boring parts. They would have seen and heard the evidence. Secondly, they could not have had time to review even what few notes they took in less than 11 hrs. It saddens me to say this, but they didn't want to take up their time to review and discuss the case; they had given a month of their time already, had places to go and didn't want to waste anymore time trying to convince those that said not guilty. Sorry, I'm usually not this cynical, but had to tell how I really feel. JMO

I Agree. And OBTW, I am not a conspiry theorist - usually the exact opposite. But SOMETHING was hinky about this trial!!! Some of these Jurists were dressed to go home on the day they were sent to deliberation!!???!!! As the Scott Peterson Jurists have stepped forward to say, NOT ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE WAS REVIEWED!!! Even the Scott Peterson Jurers say something was hinky about these Jurists. They didn't pick up ONE BIT of evidence.
If he makes this happen, and it is released relatively quickly, then this will end up being her "exclusive interview" for free.

If Morgan can pull this off - he is brilliant - MOO.

He also provided some of the most fascinating depositions of the past three years when he deposed GA, Ca, LA, and Jim Hoover. He takes no prisoners.
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