2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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I have this weird feeling that the DA left some charges off just incase this verdicthappened so in the future they could charge her with something should more evidence come to light. I hope they were that smart.
I have followed many cases - and I almost always have respect for Defense Attorneys - I almost always think that each person deserves to be represented in a court of law. I also think that Prosecutors work harder because they know that the burden of proof is on them. I do not have a problem with Defense Attorneys & I don't have a problem with people not agreeing with me.

This being stated - I would not want to be affiliated with this person at all. I would not have wanted to be Judge Perry in this case - I would not have wanted to be a juror. I would never want this person to even know I exist. I think this person does harm to everyone in her path because she doesn't have a conscious. I think the Defense Lawyers on this case are mistaken if they think that they can just walk away from this person - she will demand attention, help, energy from these people like they have never known before. I think this person is very removed from reality - I think she thinks that she is a celebrity - today I got the impression that she believes that she is on the same level as the young female attorney who stood before the court stating that she could not be sentenced on all the charges because of jury. This female attorney has graduated from college, taken the LSAT, went to law school, graduated from law school, passed the bar - she has put a lot of work into getting where she is. The person at the defendant's table think that she can do as she pleases, deserves everything she wants and doesn't understand how you work hard to achieve things.

I would not want to be involved with this family because I think the only outcome of being involved is to eventually face negative consequences - the risk is just too high.

I think she is going for the Angelie Jolie look today - I think she thinks that she is a celebrity similar to Angelina Jolie.
I'm sure JB is disappointed he can't start milking his cash cow as soon as he wanted. Too bad so sad.
Just popped on here to post this; sorry if repeating......

When HHJP announced in either July or August.......I found that odd because it IS July.........maybe he was getting his dig in by not saying "of next year" or maybe I didn't hear him say that d/t I haven't slept all night! :crazy:
I care about caylee, but i'm late to the party. My worry is the ugly, ugly precident this sets for courts all over the country. I love the law. I dont always agree with it, but thats the system we have and you have to work within it. However, those that agree with the jury I pray to god you are not sitting next or behind a prosecutor and justice is in the hands of 12 people who may crack or fold depending on how much they are pressured.

Forget the TH or nancy grace, of JVM or whomever is in the media. This is about murdering a child and about the other cases out there. I promise there will be copy cats of this crime. Abusive parents and serial killers are taking notes. So this is more than just about Caylee and the anthony's. Thats what people dont see. A high profile case like this will echo. So did the OJ case. It changed how people saw the law and notice the uptick in murdered spouses. OJ proved that you can get away with it.

Exactly. You have nailed it.
Does anyone think she wore BLUE today as a connection to the BLUE DRESS in the Fusion pics? Yep, just the start of the lovely 'bird flips' from Ms. Anthony.

Wow if she gets 10 days off per month for the first 3 years and then 10 days of per month for the new sentence, minus time served...it is possible it will only be a few months...if I am figuring right.
But...is it ok that I wish for her to develop alopecia ariata? I wish for her to go bald and that she become ugly and nasty looking. That she is continually haunted by the memory of Caylee and her death.
I hope I can wish this for her. It is the least I can do.

Well, she doesn't look so great anymore, so there's that!
IMO, they comprehended the charges and instructions just fine - which is why they were (according to #3) sick to their stomachs - personally, at the verdict they had to render given the charges, instructions and evidence.

They did not allow anger or sympathy to come into the deliberations, but as human beings this was obviously torturous.

Re-read the jury instructions: where evidence conflicts = reasonable doubt, where evidence lacks = reasonable doubt.

I think the biggest sticking point was overcoming these points based on the evidence/testimony: manner of death was a homicide...(and if you get past that)...defendent was the one who commited it.

It's obvious to me and many who view the evidence and testimony in an objective manner that those points were difficult to overcome.

Dr. G did not give a medical opinion that it was a homicide. This was made clear. Dr. WS gave a medical opinion that the manner of death could not be determined. Conflicting testimony/lack of evidence = reasonable doubt.

Presence of chloroform was contested at the scientific level. Conflicting testimony = reasonable doubt (as to chloroform as a weapon).

Duct tape had DNA markers which excluded casey and caylee, and there is no evidence it covered her mouth and nose, and if if so that it was pre-motem. The was testimony to the contrary, and the animated presentation was admitted as a "possible" scenario.

A body in the trunk is not evidence of a homicide.

I am bringing all of this up, not because I believe the defense case and not the State's case...but to remind everyone that evidence was contested/missing and testimony conflicted. Jury instructions address this.

Pretty sure I read this on Reddit an hour or so ago, too. Or a post so similar it makes no difference

Come on. Get real. The child was dead. Her remains were skeletonised. Whether or not the manner of death could be determined from a skeleton -- the child was dead. Prior to death, she was in her mother's care

Her mother lied and claimed her child was alive for a month - during which she went thieving, shopping, screwing and partying

The mother's car had decomp odour so strong that the grandmother called the police to say, ' I haven't seen my grandchild for a month and my daughter's car smells like a dead body's been in there' or words to that effect

The mother of the child claimed to her family, friends and investigators that a nanny existed. There was no nanny, ever

The mother had been researching chloroform, neck breaking, household weapons, etc. Her car, in addition to stinking of human decomposition ALSO contained chloroform

Then the family joined in and claimed the child was 'missing', 'kidnapped' etc. for months

Cadaver dogs pointed to decomposition within the family's garden

Oh .... you know all this. WE know all this. The JURY knew all this

and they gave the dead child's mother a pass

So don't try to convert me, please. People who post for pay on the internet don't fare well with me. I despise them and their script-writers and paymasters
she was sentenced $1000 and a year in jail for each of the 4 counts. Figuring out release date now (time served etc)
by cfnews13casey via twitter 4:12 PM
They certainly do! At least to me they look excited and happy and keep staring over at Casey.

They are thrilled beyond words. They got their princess free. And don't forget the money they know coming their way.
You're so right Rahllihanna. They are united. They can't wait to get her home. Sorry peeps but I can see thru them.

I totally agree with you. George is included in that as well. I can see their little roooooooooooooooooooooooooouse.
I am sure this had been mentioned but the time she got which is basically in a week or two with good behavior time.. it is nothing more than time to give some of the hatred to her to wear off a little. It would not be wise to release her today no matter if she has security or not. This is too fresh in the minds of everyone.

The judge I feel did this for reasons just to let it settle in a little for the public.

I am still sick over this. I feel as if I will no longer follow missing child cases, public interest cases.. I just cant take the heartach.. I keep wondering about all the other semi high profile cases.. I just cant take the chance to get so emotional involved.

I am in mourning.. i went from shock, to anger, to denial, now depression.. the next step is i need to accept and just hope that karma will come to her soon.
See that's just the damn freaking problem. The jury was not instructed to deliberate the penalty. the penalty was none of their concern at the point of deciding guilt. This proves to me the jurors did not listen to HHJP and didn't listen to the evidence at all.

I hope Caylee pays a visit to those 12 jurors in their sleep.

I agree. It also proves to me that they were trying to get what charge would not have them sit through the penalty phase for another 2 weeks or more. So........NOT GUILTY got them out of that process.
Could people please quit telling others it is time to move on. No one has the right to tell another person when it is time for them to move on. How in the world could anyone tell another person what is best for them in this situation? Each person is capable of making that decision for themselves. That is the same as telling other people what they should think.

I agree. People will and should move on at their own pace.
It's a shame that the same sentiment and understanding wasn't given to the other victims of ICA- her family.

Also, just want to say that when emotions are getting out of control it's really helpful to jump onto a dumb giggle site.
Here's the one I always jump on that guarantees a good laugh to lighten your mood.


And if that doesn't work, then use the serenity prayer as your mantra.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Namaste :grouphug:
Does anyone think she wore BLUE today as a connection to the BLUE DRESS in the Fusion pics? Yep, just the start of the lovely 'bird flips' from Ms. Anthony.


You know, I am seriously surprised she didn't show up with hair cut very short and that darn blue dress on, ready to walk out of court and party. I was shocked to see long hair and a lilac sweater. I wonder if she even knows that Fusion is closed now.
That's time served, though, it doesn't include the "gain time" which they will receive from the jail. If she were to get 12 per 30, then she could be out today, but I thought I heard 10 per 30.

HOWEVER, the "gain time" allegedly may not apply d/t she didn't "work" and will only get the % off for "good behavior"
OMG and here I thought well at least I'll get some work done now that the trial is over and I'm still waiting. Now why did they shut the courtroom door?
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