I agree with a lot of you, Casey won't be going home soon. But I really do firmly believe that within a year, there will be some news release, some show on tv where the two ladies of the house have repaired their relationship and are moving in together. The minute I heard Cindy had wanted a jail house visit, I kinda figured momma bear is already looking for a way to salvage the Christian reputation she wants the world to believe. Forgiveness is high on that list. My dh, who never even cares about this stuff, asked me the other day when Cindy was going to chose her husband and son over Casey when he heard the news. My response, never. She and Casey have a relationship that somehow gives them each something that they need. There is some payoff there that we can't possibly fathom.
I am not trying to be harsh to the parents. I see in my SO and his ex wife the same tendencies. My Sd is very like KC in many ways. There are some differences. Her mother, for all these years, does not believe she has something wrong. That she lies because her father does not give her any attention, but when he puts his foot down, mom goes crazy with the you don't understand her, its your fault she is like this etc etc until dad is so guilty he caves. A years ago, we were contacted in the middle of the night because she and her dh were in a situation and she needed us to take dd. We flew her out here and kept her for 6 months. During that time, she would not allow male members of the house ( my teenage sons) around the dd because she feared molestation, she ended up in a woman's shelter claiming abuse, only to be arrested AS the abuser. She told dad she was working and then later dad found out she was going to the beach every single day. I could go on on..its tricky and its scary to watch. My SO is in 13K worth of debt from paying bills, giving her money, etc etc etc. In the end, the mom does not allow him to stop giving her aid, she won't allow him to make any decisions. This girl is in her late 20's and really I won't allow her around my children because I am afraid they will become a victim of the lies she tells. As soon as she said molestation, I kept my teens sons far far far away from the dd. I had no trouble understanding that she forewarns you in subtle ways what her plans on if she doesn't get her way.
In the end, there is a reason why they feed off each other. I don't know if its love, I don't know if its pyschosis. I think its all boiled in to one thing I have heard her and the mother say over and over again that reminds me of these two. They are blood, blood is the most important thing.