2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

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I sincerely believe $$$ will be the demise of the relationship between KC an JB.

Just think about it. He isn't being paid by the state of FL anymore to represent her. He also has his own family and a wife I'm sure wouldn't allow all his earnings to go toward KC.

KC needs a residence, a "handler" and security. She would also need to live in some ultra exclusive community. But of course she will be kicked out of that community as soon as word of her being there spreads. ( and trust me it will spread like wildfire)

KC still has many legal battles ahead of her and it seems like JB's interviews are few and far between. Saying KC has to walk on eggshells the rest of her life would be the understatement of the century. lol. I'm sure law enforcement would be ready to throw her under the jail if she even thought about jay walking! I can rest assured that KC will not get the Bella Vita she so dreamed of.

I'm just curious to see what happens to her after her and JB split and KC is left all alone.
JB is sitting in his office wondering 'how much' his retainer from ICA should be.

Pretty soon we have to come up with another way to differentiate ICA and CA cause ICA will be struttin her stuff.

Great minds here let's get to it. Now how shall we refer to ICA and not get a TOS?:great::great:

How about TCA (Teflon Casey Anthony)?
JB is sitting in his office wondering 'how much' his retainer from ICA should be.

Pretty soon we have to come up with another way to differentiate ICA and CA cause ICA will be struttin her stuff.

Great minds here let's get to it. Now how shall we refer to ICA and not get a TOS?:great::great:

I've seen FCA mean "free"

but I much prefer it to mean "felon"
Hmm - :waitasec: didn't the news article say she didn't "leave" - she didn't go home at all? She telephoned in her job resignation, left the state and wasn't sure if she was ever coming back?

Seems to me, the media was calling her home, and the husband said she isn't here, she doesn't think it safe to return and she has left the state(to go and stay with relatives?)?

or a good (not really) excuse to leave your husband maybe?
JB is sitting in his office wondering 'how much' his retainer from ICA should be.

Pretty soon we have to come up with another way to differentiate ICA and CA cause ICA will be struttin her stuff.

Great minds here let's get to it. Now how shall we refer to ICA and not get a TOS?:great::great:

Good question Tipstaff - some posters have already been typing KC or using her full name and I tried it once and it made my skin crawl so I went back to ICA since she is still incarcerated. How about FCA since she is a felon?

Any ideas you can think of or anyone else?
Maybe he's busy looking for psychiatrists to "cure" his sociopathic client and looking for a place for her to stay................far, far ....very far away from him and his family.

I thought he was working on renting apt 210 at Sawgrass???
Yes, I think there is the real possibility of her being in danger, both from the lynch mob mentality crowd that has been stirred up by the prosecution-biased media coverage for the past 3 years (the tabloid news media CNN/HLN appeared to get all their info from their local Orlando affiliate station, just as prosecution-biased. All exculpatory evidence and circumstances were consistently omitted in their coverage.).....AND face it, she could also be in danger from whoever killed Caylee (if that person knows she knows, or thinks she does. Obviously one reason for not telling all this time could have been because she didn't want to wind up in a swamp herself.) She could even be in danger from someone who was just an accessory after the fact if they are afraid she might ever tell.
I've seen FCA mean "free"

but I much prefer it to mean "felon"

If that's the case we would have to use a C for convicted felon. CFCA is a bit long to type....:waitasec:...give me a bit of time here....
I don't think it is "threats" that are bothering them at all. I think it will be the constant disapproval, the chitchat behind hands, the constant pointing out of each of them as they go about their business that they let a child killer go free. The gossip, the looks of disgust, and being verbally challenged in public or even by their close friends. The fact that this trial was televised and watched by hundreds of thousands of people won't give these jurors much room for denying the evidence.

No point running and hiding - this kind of "disapproval" is going to go on for years and years. It will follow them, as it will follow ICA, Baez, Mason and Dorothy Simms. That stink on the bottom of their shoes that will cling to them wherever they go - there will be no getting away with it.

And every criminal defense lawyer, despite their protestations of "the bar was too high" blah blah will have this Defense, this verdict, this miscarriage of justice will cling to them also. Lawyers in general aren't a very highly regarded profession, but Defense lawyers? Now we know they will lie, cheat and do just about anything to get a guilty client off.

And Mason? According to Bill S., he was highly regarded by his peers. Too late to make the media rounds sounding respectable and subdued. Think anyone is going to forget that finger, that display of arrogance, that rant immediately after the trial? All because of a pretty young smile and batting eyelashes? Nice way to end a distinguished career Mr. Mason!

I would never agree with the threat of physical harm, but like you, I don't think this has anything to do with physical threats. Perhaps by now, most if not all of these jurors have read here, there and everywhere on the net about the case. They now know that Casey had a panic attack in jail on the day the body was found, days before Caylee was identified. They also know that she is a thief, a convicted felon and that her home is so close to neighbors, no way in hell did George come around the front of the house with a dead child screaming and blaming Casey that NOT ONE PERSON heard or was witness to anything.
Maybe the jury has now witnessed through the internet each and every single hearing before this trial. Hopefully they watched the interviews with Baez claiming that Caylee is a missing child and all the cops are not following up on leads. Maybe they have read the document that Todd M put forward to the court saying something to the effect of the child being sedated. Maybe they have watched LKB on one show saying that "a stranger was involved", George Anthony surely is not a stranger :waitasec:
And Lord I pray that each of them have watched the video with Caylee, on her last full day of life singing "You are my Sunshine"
With this juror, I sincerely hope that she has enough information now, away from the rest to understand the nature of the injustice she help to cause. Her running may have nothing to do with other people, it's more so finding a way to live with her decision. Hell, I can't live with her decision, I don't know how she will do it.
I honestly believe they make a great couple and totally deserve each other:crazy:

She will bring him down so fast his head will spin. Can't wait to see that.
I can't think of anyone in this case who has walked away unharmed in some way. JB's turn is next.:woohoo:
Yes, I think there is the real possibility of her being in danger, both from the lynch mob mentality crowd that has been stirred up by the prosecution-biased media coverage for the past 3 years (the tabloid news media CNN/HLN appeared to get all their info from their local Orlando affiliate station, just as prosecution-biased).....AND face it, she could also be in danger from whoever killed Caylee (if that person knows she knows, or thinks she does.) Obviously one reason for not telling all this time could have been because she didn't want to wind up thrown in a swamp herself.

I dont believe for a second ICA 's personal safety is at risk - she may be harrassed, mobbed by protesters, but risking her life? She's not worth it.

As far as at danger from whoever "else" killed Caylee - well IMO ...no..not even going to answer that one....Let's just say I am 150% positive there is not risk of that.
Could jurors suffer from "burn out" after sitting through all that testimony?

It's possible but not with this group IMO. I don't think they listened to anything besides the opening and closing statements. They have said nothing that indicates that they paid any attention to anything. I don't even think they listened to the jury instructions or read them.
Yes, I think there is the real possibility of her being in danger, both from the lynch mob mentality crowd that has been stirred up by the prosecution-biased media coverage for the past 3 years (the tabloid news media CNN/HLN appeared to get all their info from their local Orlando affiliate station, just as prosecution-biased. All exculpatory evidence and circumstances were consistently omitted in their coverage.).....AND face it, she could also be in danger from whoever killed Caylee (if that person knows she knows, or thinks she does. Obviously one reason for not telling all this time could have been because she didn't want to wind up in a swamp herself.) She could even be in danger from someone who was just an accessory after the fact if they are afraid she might ever tell.

I'll never understand how the media coverage can EVER be based on the prosecution... If Baez would have agreed to the Gag order from the start, ... never mind..it doesn't matter anymore :(

Casey has admitted through her attorney that Caylee drowned... the only thing she has to fear now is Caylee's ghost, and I hope she haunts her into thinking she would be better off in a swamp.
KC and Baez will be interviewed together, but they will set rules beforehand as to what questions can be asked. They will refuse to answer q's about Caylee, her death, and KC's lies. It will be worthless to watch.

a televised staring :eye::eye: :eye::eye:
contest? :runaway:

I'll pass.
I sincerely believe $$$ will be the demise of the relationship between KC an JB.

Just think about it. He isn't being paid by the state of FL anymore to represent her. He also has his own family and a wife I'm sure wouldn't allow all his earnings to go toward KC.

KC needs a residence, a "handler" and security. She would also need to live in some ultra exclusive community. But of course she will be kicked out of that community as soon as word of her being there spreads. ( and trust me it will spread like wildfire)

KC still has many legal battles ahead of her and it seems like JB's interviews are few and far between. Saying KC has to walk on eggshells the rest of her life would be the understatement of the century. lol. I'm sure law enforcement would be ready to throw her under the jail if she even thought about jay walking! I can rest assured that KC will not get the Bella Vita she so dreamed of.

I'm just curious to see what happens to her after her and JB split and KC is left all alone.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I don't know if Inside Edition is considered a reliable media source, but I just saw this report on the show and located the article. Evidently Cindy Anthony met with a financial planner, the suggestion being that she is anticipating a windfall from possible book or movie deal.


If IE is considered a reputable news source, I will start a separate thread with a mod's permission.
Good question Tipstaff - some posters have already been typing KC or using her full name and I tried it once and it made my skin crawl so I went back to ICA since she is still incarcerated. How about FCA since she is a felon?

Any ideas you can think of or anyone else?

FCA works for me. Typed Casey Anthony a couple of times and it didn't work for me either. :floorlaugh:

FCA will be visiting JB, then CA and they will go looking GA and LA. GA will be visiting RC/KH and in the meantime RC/KH is waiting for F O X news to call her.

Then CM will be at the court house talking to JP about NG and the tv coverage and NG will be on HLN talking about FCA.

Then VP and JVM will be sitting in the TV anchor chairs wondering what they are going to do when FCA is no longer news and what will become of HLN. Then they will have to kick LKB off the tv show cause they won't have enough viewers to pay her anymore M O N E Y.

Oh and yes, the OC LE will probably be getting another phone call from neighbors of CA/GA and LA when FCA gets out of J A I L and asking them to provide S E C U R I T Y.

If anybody read the above and read in the names of the actors instead of the intials - 12 step program here we come!:seeya:
Yes, I think there is the real possibility of her being in danger, both from the lynch mob mentality crowd that has been stirred up by the prosecution-biased media coverage for the past 3 years (the tabloid news media CNN/HLN appeared to get all their info from their local Orlando affiliate station, just as prosecution-biased. All exculpatory evidence and circumstances were consistently omitted in their coverage.).....AND face it, she could also be in danger from whoever killed Caylee (if that person knows she knows, or thinks she does. Obviously one reason for not telling all this time could have been because she didn't want to wind up in a swamp herself.) She could even be in danger from someone who was just an accessory after the fact if they are afraid she might ever tell.

:waitasec: I thought Caylee drowned?
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