2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Isn't this juror #3 that said she couldn't "judge people"? It just seems that if she is so religious that she doesn't believe in judging, why is she making this media trail to keep talking about it and changing what she says each time....doesn't make sense to me when in one interview she said, "I just want to get back to my quiet homelife".
No, that was juror #4.
A mistrial should have been declared when the jury requested to see the duct tape with the heart shape sticker residue -- what happened to heeding all the admonitions handed down by HHJBP. The case was only about one quarter way through when this occurred I think, but not a word was said. I thought Florida was a strict judicial state???


I wondered about it at the time, but I thought maybe they were allowed to say, "I'd like to see the tape," and, "So would I," to the bailiff? Perhaps without mentioning anything to each other beforehand?
Ok unless we have a verified MSM links that JA or LDB willfully and knowingly withheld evidence can we stop trying trash the only people in that Courtroom who consistently fought for justice for a murdered 2 year girl?? They never minimized Caylee and never called her child or "that child".

But we do know one counsel who repeatedly violated discovery rules and was threatened by HHJP to be held in contempt and was even was fined for doing the same previously in this case, if memory serves correctly that counsel wasn't JA or LDB.

I was not trying at any time to trash JA or LDB and stated repeatedly that I had read nowhere that they were aware that it was not true. I was simply saying that if it was, whoever down the line knew and silently allowed it to be presented at trial should be help accountable. I also said repeatedly "If it was true." Which I will state again, I do not know if it was. The article on the HM site alleges that it is true.
I would say that COMMON SENSE, which everyone loves to invoke in regards to this case, should tell anyone who uses a computer something about the 84 chloroform searches was patently absurb and had to be somehow inaccurate. As such, they should have looked much closer into it before presenting it as evidence. I won't go so far as to say they intentionally put forth false or sketchy evidence, but really, come on...

I absolutely agree and said so on this forum when the discrepancy in the two reports was first brought to light. I totally expected the DA to address it, although I'm not at all certain that they were aware of the error when the evidence was presented. I think the DA assumed that the witness knew what he was testifying to. I truly believe it was an error because looking up chloroform, even one time, was incriminating enough, there was no reason for the DA to risk their case by lying and saying it was 84 times. Regardless, the jury apparently discounted all the chloroform evidence so it doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

"I don't think you should have to talk about it," she says. "It wasn't my idea. It certainly wasn't what I wanted. I just wanted my freedom. If that is what I had to do, so be it."

Just what does she mean in this quote ? "I just wanted my freedom". does she mean the verdict ? because their verdict allowed them to leave earlier? Because "no comment" would have sufficed, no one can force anyone to do an interview. JMO
That's what I said about a page back, she wanted her freedom to celebrate the 4th of July at DisneyWorld, silly! Can't do that if they were to pronounce her Guilty, could they???:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Yes, instead, he and his friends are going to write a book about the 31 days. :rolleyes:

Do you have a link to that info? Is this something he said, or tongue in cheek?

ETA-Nevermind, I see it on the Sentinel....Will see what he has to say, but I am not sure I would be interested, even if I do feel badly for Tony. No more exploiting Caylee, please...
I will support them and buy the book!!!

They were lied to and used over and over.

I used my money instead to support a real Mother Of the Year: Jaycee Dugard!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::clap::clap::clap:
Her walk/strut reminds me of a clydedale.

I agree with you that she'll find she was happier in jail. At least she was safe there and, if there is a God, she'll never know another safe moment for the rest of her miserable, pathetic life. And in that particular respect (and ONLY that respect), I wish her a long life.

You NAILED it! The whole time I was watching her walk out of jail I kept thinking what is she doing? Why is she walking like that & what the he!! does it remind me of!!!! A clydesdale :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Oh, & AMEN to the rest of your comments......a very loooooong life!
I would say that COMMON SENSE, which everyone loves to invoke in regards to this case, should tell anyone who uses a computer something about the 84 chloroform searches was patently absurb and had to be somehow inaccurate. As such, they should have looked much closer into it before presenting it as evidence. I won't go so far as to say they intentionally put forth false or sketchy evidence, but really, come on...

I thought she only looked once or twice until trial, JWG posted tons about it here and never mentioned 84 anything. If she only looked at it once, it is still semi-valuable evidence of premeditation.
I always believed she was looking up those terms to harm Cindy, not Caylee, anyway. To me, the premeditation lie in cutting 4 pieces of duct tape and placing them over her child's face (and maybe wrists). And to find out that perhaps she meant to quiet Caylee or was putting her to sleep with chloroform and Caylee died as a result, to me, still merits (and carries in Florida) the death penalty.
Common sense is about much more than one search or 84. It is the entirety of the case. It can be argued that the state did not present enough or bind everything together with a nice bow, but when some of us mention common sense and disagreeing with the jury, I think we are speaking about our perspectives having studied this case over the years.
Many of us would probably tell you that if we were the prosecutors, there is much we would do differently, even as we applaud what the state did do. Many of us would have focused in on other areas; And how many times KC looked up chloroform would not have taken up the time it took in the actual case presented.
Here is the common sense we preach-If KC looked up chloroform 8,000 times, and no other evidence/testimony could be tied to her, okay, we can see a not-guilty. If a tow yard guy alone smelled death in her car and no other evidence/testimony could be tied to her, okay, we can see a not-guilty. If KC lied about where Caylee was so she could party on one occasion and no other evidence could be tied to her, well, you get it.
But, when you put all the little pieces together, though weak on their own, they become, when common sense prevails, a strong circumstantial case against KC and KC alone. The jury looked at each individual tree and failed to see that they were, at the end, viewing an entire forest.
How many of those da*n clip art things did KC download during that time??? The girl was compulsive on that computer. 84 times seems plausible to me, knowing what we know about her tech habits. jmo
You NAILED it! The whole time I was watching her walk out of jail I kept thinking what is she doing? Why is she walking like that & what the he!! does it remind me of!!!! A clydesdale :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Oh, & AMEN to the rest of your comments......a very loooooong life!

I think she would qualify as a miniature horse....clydesdale, in our family, is reserved for Bouncy Knowles. Sorry, Bouncy fans.
I think she would qualify as a miniature horse....clydesdale, in our family, is reserved for Bouncy Knowles. Sorry, Bouncy fans.
Hey, now that's an insult to horses!
To which "SP" do you refer?

The one that comes to my mind is Scott Peterson. In that case:

--Guilt phase deliberations started 3 November 2004
--Verdict returned 12 November 2004
--Penalty phase deliberations started 9 December 2004
--Penalty recommendation returned 13 December 2004

so I'm sure you're thinking of another one - which one is that?

Nope. My error. I was confusing the sentencing deliberation for the verdict one. Nonetheless, let's do a comparison.

SP's trial lasted for 20 weeks, and the deliberations for 7 days (44 hours?);

3 times less than Casey Anthony's trial, which took 6 weeks with a deliberation time of 11 hours;

Then there is Darlie Routier's trial, which lasted only 3 weeks, and of which, the jury took only 7 hours to deliberate.

When you compare length of trial with length of deliberations then Casey's doesn't seem that out there--in my opinion at least.

Casey’s World? Are these the only words Baez can come up with to describe/spin Casey’s pathological lying? (lol) Up from Baez's subconscious came something quite revealing:

Casey's World! Casey's World! Party time! Excellent! Party on, Wayne. Party on, Garth.
A mistrial should have been declared when the jury requested to see the duct tape with the heart shape sticker residue -- what happened to heeding all the admonitions handed down by HHJBP. The case was only about one quarter way through when this occurred I think, but not a word was said. I thought Florida was a strict judicial state???


I thought a mistrial should have been declared when CA was on the stand and made a statement about FCA's previous arrests. And also when the jury was handed the garbage/trash (which ever) :floorlaugh: and one of them brought the cheese container? up to her nose and smelled it. If the jury wasn't going to be allowed to smell the decomp in a can without being declared a 'witness' then how come that didn't happen with the cheese container?
I thought a mistrial should have been declared when CA was on the stand and made a statement about FCA's previous arrests.

You mean an objection was overruled?

And also when the jury was handed the garbage/trash (which ever) :floorlaugh: and one of them brought the cheese container? up to her nose and smelled it. If the jury wasn't going to be allowed to smell the decomp in a can without being declared a 'witness' then how come that didn't happen with the cheese container?

That was inconsistent.
You mean an objection was overruled?

That was inconsistent.

I think to actually grant a mistrial, the juror would have had to yelled out something like "OMG, this smells like a dead body"...and as far as CA bringing up Casey's check charges...well, the defense let it go and anyway, it would have been just one of a dozen requests for a mistrial that the judge was not going to honor. Something truly drastic was going to have to happen for there to have been a mistrial.
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