2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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And on cue, that big smile once she got into the vehicle that whisked her away to her new found freedom.

Honestly, I was caught offguard by that smile. Silly me.
Even a guilty person might have been somewhat flustered by the crowd, but an innocent person should have been absolutely devastated for a crowd to be yelling 'MURDERER' 'CHILD KILLER'. She should have been in tears, yet she beamed the most sinister ear to ear that could stretch across a face. Wow. Just wow.
I think she's going to hide behind weight gain-- people do stop looking at you, and it's cheap.


Might be cheap, but she'll get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I went from a 100 lbs to 150 faster than an old stick-shift Chevy in second gear when I retired and began pigging out.
Honestly, I was caught offguard by that smile. Silly me.
Even a guilty person might have been somewhat flustered by the crowd, but an innocent person should have been absolutely devastated for a crowd to be yelling 'MURDERER' 'CHILD KILLER'. She should have been in tears, yet she beamed the most sinister ear to ear that could stretch across a face. Wow. Just wow.

What is revealing about that smile is that it didn't emerge until she thought she was safely away from the eye of the camera.
Honestly, I was caught offguard by that smile. Silly me.
Even a guilty person might have been somewhat flustered by the crowd, but an innocent person should have been absolutely devastated for a crowd to be yelling 'MURDERER' 'CHILD KILLER'. She should have been in tears, yet she beamed the most sinister ear to ear that could stretch across a face. Wow. Just wow.

BTW, when I saw CM on Today show this morning I quickly changed the channel (boycotting any DT interview).
Did others here do the same?
Should I contact the Today show and tell them I will boycott anything DT related?


JB wants to handle Casey affairs in the same dignified manner he used in her trial. No doubt.:floorlaugh:
Wonder if he's negotiating some life insurance with him as the sole beneficiary ?
JB wants to handle Casey affairs in the same dignified manner he used in her trial. No doubt.:floorlaugh:

Carnival Barker were the words that came to mind every time JB had the floor during the trial. :twocents:
Who wrote those notes? I have never seen those before.

I'm not sure at this point and I don't have the energy to search for the answer, to be honest. All I know is that it's from 'investigator's notes'. Which investigator, I'm not sure. It was from one of the thousands of document dumps.

It also has the notation of ICA being upset to find out Jose's wife was pregnant.
Although my initial response to your questions was emotional (I was annoyed - sorry), these are actually valid questions when I take emotion out of it. IMO she did make and use chloroform on Caylee. I feel the evidence of the existence of high levels of chloroform in the trunk means it was there and there is only one person who was searching for how to make it on the computer. I make that connection easily in my own mind. But, apparently you and the jury want the evidence of it...I think that's what they mean by the CSI effect.
My question back at you is, do you think the chloroform searches by FCA and the high levels of chloroform in the trunk and a deceased child are all simply a coincidence?

Although I believe Casey IS responsible in some way for Caylee's death, I do NOT believe the Chloroform had anything to do with her death. I BELIEVE, but cannot prove, that the Chloroform was used to try to clean up the trunk of the car (that's why levels were so high) as Chloroform is used in dry cleaning. The stain could not be identified as human decomposition nor anything else for that matter. IT WAS AN UNIDENTIFIED STAIN. I'm not even sure I believe that the Chloroform levels were THAT high, because of the fact that it dissipates quickly and of how many times that truck had to have been opened and aired out. The last possible date Casey COULD have used Chloroform on Caylee was June 16th if the date of her death is correct. That's over a month later that they found the car at the tow yard. The trunk had to have been opened numerous times in between those dates. Once to take Caylee's body out, another time to give George the gas cans, another time for Tony's trash to be put in there, another time when George opened it at the tow yard, and yet another airing-out for hours in the garage of Cindy and George's house. I'm just saying WE DON'T KNOW that this is how Caylee died. WE DON'T KNOW if Casey made or used Chloroform on Caylee just because they proved she looked it up on a google search. I've looked up how to make Meth, but I have never made any nor used any for any purpose. Yes, I would have like for the prosecution to have had some kind of proof that Chloroform and duct tape was the murder weapon, but they did not do that...they just SAID it, just like JB SAID it was an accidental drowning....no proof of that either, so THAT is reasonable doubt of both the theories presented at trial. It doesn't matter what we BELIEVE; what matters is that neither side proved their case. IMO
JB sounding a little desperate, LMAO!

Has he changed hats now? Given up the attorney gig and is now a full time PR/agent? Snort. Loser. JMO, of course!

It's starting to appear that way. Right now KC is JB's "BIG ticket" item. He's trying to hold out for the largest bid. If he holds out for too long while playing "hide and seek" with KC he may end up with the lowest bid. I'm not too sure how this will work out for him. It's kind of like storage wars where bidders bid on unseen items in a storage units. You may pay top dollar and end up with a unit full of trash. Being that everyone has already seen and studied JB's wares ie KC the bidders are trying to decide if it's really worth bidding on. It's like they looked into his unit and glimpsed a Rolex, bought it, only to find out that it was a fake. KWIM :angel:
I'm not sure at this point and I don't have the energy to search for the answer, to be honest. All I know is that it's from 'investigator's notes'. Which investigator, I'm not sure. It was from one of the thousands of document dumps.

It also has the notation of ICA being upset to find out Jose's wife was pregnant.

If Casey told an investigator she would knock Caylee out with chloroform, why are people not outraged at the State for not using this in trial?

Oh, this has made my day!!!

I friend of mine that works as a High up at the leading integrated media, publishing, merchandising and distribution company,

said that they have sent out there regular routes to store to distribute the latest stuff and stores are turning away anything with FKC, JB or CM on them. :giggle:

They stated some people are seeing them and dropping everything on the counter, walking out and saying they will not shop at a place that has anything to do with that Case.

In addition, other customers are turning the stuff around or taking it off the shelves and hiding it somewhere else in the store…
From the Orlando Sentinel -

producer Al Taylor, told Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro that he had an agreement with Baez. “We have a verbal agreement,” Taylor said. Taylor said the interview was going to be as soon as possible and that Anthony would be hooked up to a lie-detector. Taylor said he was looking at several TV personalities to interview Anthony.

“It’s a done deal,” Taylor said. “We’re bringing the money down this week. We have an agreement.”

But Baez announced he was changing his mind. “This is not the way we want to handle Casey’s affairs,” Baez said. Baez said they wanted to handle offers “in a dignified manner.”

Uhmmmm define dignified -pretty sure this means - 1) no hardball questions and 2) No Lie Detector located anywhere near Casey.


Why start now?

Let's see ... CFCA has been out of jail for about a day and a half now ... and I just cannot believe there have been NO "sightings" !

The "Elvis sightings" were quicker than this, and there were no cell phones ... twitter ... facebook ... internet ... way back then ! :floorlaugh:

I still think she is "CLOSE" ... real "CLOSE" !

If Casey told an investigator she would knock Caylee out with chloroform, why are people not outraged at the State for not using this in trial?

Hearsay? Maybe the notes were from one of the DT's investigators and they didn't want to open that door. Like say, that reputable Jerry Lyons guy. :rolleyes: I dunno...

Let's see ... CFCA has been out of jail for about a day and a half now ... and I just cannot believe there have been NO "sightings" !

The "Elvis sightings" were quicker than this, and there were no cell phones ... twitter ... facebook ... internet ... way back then ! :floorlaugh:

I still think she is "CLOSE" ... real "CLOSE" !


Shoot! People are still spotting Elvis :great:
Is JB FCA's conservator? She could use one, that's for sure.
He sure is acting like....well anything but how an attorney should act, IMO.

Does JB even know what dignified means?

There is an outside chance he may know what "dignified" means however there is NO WAY IN H*LL he knows how to spell it.....he can't even spell iron for God's sake!

Oh, this has made my day!!!

I friend of mine that works as a High up at the leading integrated media, publishing, merchandising and distribution company,

said that they have sent out there regular routes to store to distribute the latest stuff and stores are turning away anything with FKC, JB or CM on them. :giggle:

They stated some people are seeing them and dropping everything on the counter, walking out and saying they will not shop at a place that has anything to do with that Case.

In addition, other customers are turning the stuff around or taking it off the shelves and hiding it somewhere else in the store…


I hope this continues ...

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