2011.07.22-25 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Have you seen her snarly look???? It would set the dogs off for months everytime there was a commercial for the program. jmo

haha - once or twice.

Even if they did it more documentary style - I think America has to see her raw, repentant and "ugly" in order to allow her back in society. Cuz no matter what you believe about her guilt....the fact that no one denies is her baby died on her watch and she failed to give her baby's body the proper respect our society demands for our deceased. She needs to show society that she feels bad about that. AND I think America would enjoy seeing her get ripped apart as she walks in a 7-11 or a Pollo Loco...then eventually the society would switch teams and actually say "ok enough is enough - let the chick live her life"
Casey is not "entitled" to anything. She somehow got a second chance and she is now "obligated" to get off her butt and get a job and pay her taxes. She also is "obligated" to show up for court and answer to all the lawsuits against her. It is funny that when she was found not-guilty it was justice but any and all lawsuits against her are a joke to them. Casey is "entitled" like every other American...get a job, pay your bills, and don't lie, steal and kill anyone while you're doing it.
Have you seen her snarly look???? It would set the dogs off for months everytime there was a commercial for the program. jmo

:floorlaugh:Oh no, please, I already have to tranquilize my dogs for the never ending fireworks.
"Casey was locked up in a little small cage for 23 hours 24 hours a day, she deserves something."

And WHY was she locked up? Maybe if she had reported her child missing OR dead then she would not have been in that position. But we all know that she couldn't afford to do that--not until the elements had done their job at fully decomposing her child.

..cheney conveniently forgets that kc COULD have been out of her "little small cage" for HOURS per week-----if she had taken video visitations...and if her lawyers (himself included) had dropped by a little more often to visit..

..also-----it was baez/kc that waived her right to a speedy trial (the 1st trial date that was set for january 5, 2009.)

..set for feb.9, 2009---------baez/kc--ask for continuance.

..set for october 12, 2010---baez/kc--ask for continuance.

..delay, delay, delay-----leaving her in her "little cage"------all baez/kc's doing b/c they weren't (ever!) ready to go to trial.

..in fact, trial may 2011-----baez asked for yet another continuance!

..seriously---and cheney thinks that she de$erve$ something for that??--from the public??

..she is getting what she "deserves"-----"free", with nowhere to go.
Casey is not "entitled" to anything. She somehow got a second chance and she is now "obligated" to get off her butt and get a job and pay her taxes. She also is "obligated" to show up for court and answer to all the lawsuits against her. It is funny that when she was found not-guilty it was justice but any and all lawsuits against her are a joke to them. Casey is "entitled" like every other American...get a job, pay your bills, and don't lie, steal and kill anyone while you're doing it.

--and while she's at it---her parents ( who appeared to be just fine physically, to come to/sit in court for days and weeks on end )----can get a JOB along with her, be contributing members of society, pay their taxes like everyone else is expected to.

--speaking of ( the dreaded "J" word---to anthony's anyway ) lee mentioned @ trial that he also was unemployed, wonder if that's changed ( i would HOPE so, since he's getting married in october...)

Nancy Grace is on now........

Jean Casares filling in for Nancy.

Per JB: Casey says she needs therapy.

Per JB: No interview deal in the works now; is getting Casey "help".

Casey wanted celebrity stylist; networks reportedly angle for first interview with "tot mom"

JB: Casey is her own person; she will decide when she wants to do interview.
Celebrity rehab? FCA goes to rehab for 'immaturity' and 'abuse' for a few weeks and then is supposed to be a new woman ... All fixed post 'sexual abuse' and ready for her camera and fans. The new FCA? Read my lips ... No new lies.

Calling BS
panthera - you forgot to add that FCA and her DT are looking for this celebrity stylist to re-do FCA BUT they want it for FREE!

Can you imagine?
panthera - you forgot to add that FCA and her DT are looking for this celebrity stylist to re-do FCA BUT they want it for FREE!

Can you imagine?

Honestly I can't believe they're discussing this tonight.

Now someone on the program has suggested she let these lawsuits accumulate, declare bankruptcy, then collect on the big interview.


Per JC, JB says no interview for six to nine months; length of therapy?

Guest discussing types of therapy she could get into.

Woody Tripp, former LE: Her past history in life exhibits itself as a sociopathic personality.
Jean Casares is way worse then Nancy! She can not even lie well. Oh well. TV off now. I am going to go work on my toe corns. For an improvement on the quality on my life. Something nobody is going to get from Jean Casares.
It was said on the show that therapy cannot help folks like FCA, especially one-on-one ... characterological liars.

Drew P, reporter discussing GA/CA vacation with JC

Alexis T, reporter, talking about GA/CA possible interview; not as much backlash if they did an interview as opposed to Casey

Gloria Allred giving her opinion of a possible JB interview; citing even Johnnie Cochran got his own show after OJ acquittal.

Caller from Utah is appalled and disgusted that people out there willing to pay Casey for interview.

Woody Tripp: There is such a backlash for Casey; she won't change, that's obvious.
Jean Cesares is biased and in tight with the Defense, CM invited her into the after verdict party so she must be disseminating the desired propaganda from the DT on future plans given the lack of $$$$$$ progress to date.

Rehab ... FCA makeover ... Exclusive interview in 6 months when things have calmed and folks are curious about the new FCA
This therapy business KC is supposedly requesting is just another ploy to add more suspense in order to negotiate more money -- it is just so sickening:maddening:


P.S. Go away KC PLEEEEZE!!!!
JB tells Jean that "they're trying to get her into therapy".........can't they find anyone to take her?? Thought CM said there were offers from all over the country from psychologist/psychiatrist offering their services for free...yada, yada, yada.

Doesn't Jean know this horse is dead by now, why is HLN still beating it. There are more important things going on that are a lot more interesting than Ms Anthony. Who cares if she's going to do an interview or who it's with......she's a confirmed liar, so who in the world would believe her to start with. And I really can't understand any of the major networks offering her mega bucks to get on the air and tell more lies, on top of the ones she's told for the last 3 years.

Caller from Ohio says only therapy Casey needs is to be honest with herself what she did to her child.

Attorney for ZG on now. Knows Casey doesn't plan to show up for depo in Oct., hold her in contempt.

Joey Jackson: ZG has been vindicated more than anyone; we know everything Casey says is a lie, so accusations against ZG just the opposite.

Richard Herman repeating previous suggestion about Casey filing bankruptcy, she has no assets, no income, get rid of these creditors now.
Therapy = new improved and even better lies. She needs to work on those lies.

Bankruptcy = clean house of debts and set foundation for future revenue in a trust.
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