2011.07.22-25 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Gloria Allred discussing Casey appealing her four convictions of lying to LE versus the deposition for the ZG lawsuit; other interesting complications on the interview situation.

ZG Attorney doesn't not believe there is a valid 5th Amendment issue re: the deposition.

JC bringing up the issue that Casey has always used "Fernandez" with the ZG she invented; asking attorney if ZG's (his client) middle name is Fernandez. He states "NO".

Caller from AZ: Asking about length of therapy Casey would need. Psychologist saying if Casey had been getting therapy in prison she would have a much better chance of not returning to jail; individual therapy in this situation doesn't work........

JC asking "doesn't Casey have to learn how to tell the truth?". Woody Tripp restating his belief she is sociopathic.

ZG Attorney wants to see proof she is in therapy; he believes Casey's team is just trying to delay.

JC and Ellie going over other lawsuits against Casey.......

Caller from PA: Agrees with jury; can't understand why people can't accept the jury did their job and the system works.

JC now talking with Richard Herman about the verdict and why people are having a difficult time accepting it.
Unfortunately, I watched his show too. I can't believe CM has the ba!!s to say Casey is "entitled to" ANYthing. I just re-watched that part of the show at the link someone posted in this thread, here's what I got:

CM: ....it's probably people venting their frustrations built on ignorance and lack of tolerance, not believing in the jury system or our constitution. You and I can't change them, we can't make 'em read, we can't educate them, they're just gonna have to go away.

Mr Mason, you DO understand you are talking about the majority of the public with opinions, don't you ?? And NO this majority is not going anywhere ... and NO, idiotic interviews that you use to cuss people out who don't agree with you is NOT going to change that ...

....hopefully she'll have some future, I don't know how long it's going to take.....we just have to hope for the best and keep on trying to do everything we can to benefit her, try to educate people, try to get folks to back away from their hatred and try to substitute that with understanding and compassion and maybe a little intellect.

Why do YOU, Mr Mason, keep blaming the public and making them responsible for KC having a successful future ?? She got a "Get out of Jail Free" card FPS !! (that means For Pete's Sake .. FYI) A chance to start over, a new life ... she got away with murder and it's everyone else's fault that she's not being accepted with open arms ???

GR: fear is that she's going to cash in.....NBC and ABC are in a bidding war - JB denies it

CM: ......the bottom line is this was a tragic accident, and some of your colleagues....they have fanned the flames of fear and hatred for 3 years, they oughtta pay. Casey was locked up in a little small cage for 23 hours 24 hours a day, she deserves something.....blah blah blah..........But as far as her getting rich.......the bottom line is, she's entitled to something and the more people have vilified her unjustly and unfairly and continue to get on national media and refer to her as a killer, they need to start being very close with their lawyers.

OK .. and you're wondering WHY you're getting threatening phone calls ??? She IS a killer !! Have fun trying to sue everyone who thinks so ...
She's ENTITLED ? to what ? being rich and famous ? having someone "sponsor" her so she can have the lifestyle she could only dream about ??

Actually, Mr. Mason, IMO the bottom line is this: every single person in the viewing audience is "entitled to" their own opinion. Casey is free and out of jail. IMO the only thing she's "entitled to" is.....well, nothing. She's going to have to live with other people having the constitutional right to believe she got away with murdering her daughter (probably including some of the jurors in her trial). I don't want to send her money so she can live - she can go get a job at McDonalds like anyone else that needs a job to provide for themselves. You don't need to bother trying to "educate" most of us in the public. We can read and hear the evidence and testimony from Casey's trial just fine. And there really isn't anything wrong with or lacking in our intellect......as they say, we "get it".

Now if you could do us all a favor and take a piece of your own advice: go away. TIA.

And, YA, what she said !!

My comments in blue ....
There are so many important cases that need to be covered now and to think they are wasting a whole show on Casey is totally unreal to me. I'm so disappointed tonight.

Im disgusted to. When I see any show, talking about her I turn it off now.
Is Dr. Drew about Amy Winehouse tonight?

Only news I want to hear about is CFCA Obituary.She killed Caylee and got away with it and for that she thinks she is a celebrity!Not in my book she is nothing a no one.Caylee was the only one in that family that most cared about,spent 3 years reading documents praying for justice.She is nothing but a liar,thief ,and a Murderer.No amount of time will change the hatred she has earned from millions of people.Caylee's blood will be on all who allow her to profit from killing her own daughter.The only recourse people who have Caylee in their hearts is to despise and shun CFCA and to let the networks,publisher know how we feel. I wonder how many more children will be murdered because of CFCA and her lowlife DT.This would not be allowed in any other country and I am very upset that it is still in the news.

Gloria Allred discussing Casey appealing her four convictions of lying to LE versus the deposition for the ZG lawsuit; other interesting complications on the interview situation.

ZG Attorney doesn't not believe there is a valid 5th Amendment issue re: the deposition.

JC bringing up the issue that Casey has always used "Fernandez" with the ZG she invented; asking attorney if ZG's (his client) middle name is Fernandez. He states "NO".

Caller from AZ: Asking about length of therapy Casey would need. Psychologist saying if Casey had been getting therapy in prison she would have a much better chance of not returning to jail; individual therapy in this situation doesn't work........

JC asking "doesn't Casey have to learn how to tell the truth?". Woody Tripp restating his belief she is sociopathic.

ZG Attorney wants to see proof she is in therapy; he believes Casey's team is just trying to delay.

JC and Ellie going over other lawsuits against Casey.......

Caller from PA: Agrees with jury; can't understand why people can't accept the jury did their job and the system works.

JC now talking with Richard Herman about the verdict and why people are having a difficult time accepting it.


Am I hearing a preemptive excuse for any future crimes KC may commit ??? she should have had therapy is jail ? Individual therapy won't work ?
Well, finally, one thing on HLN I agree with ... KC, most definitely, should have had therapy in jail, group therapy ... in general population ...
That would have done more to straighten her azz out and make her fearful of returning to jail !! ....

IMO, she's not getting any kind of psych therapy ... retail therapy, spa therapy, makeover therapy ... enjoying all the things she hasn't been able to in the last 3 years is more like it ...

Am I hearing a preemptive excuse for any future crimes KC may commit ??? she should have had therapy is jail ? Individual therapy won't work ?
Well, finally, one thing on HLN I agree with ... KC, most definitely, should have had therapy in jail, group therapy ... in general population ...
That would have done more to straighten her azz out and make her fearful of returning to jail !! ....

IMO, she's not getting any kind of psych therapy ... retail therapy, spa therapy, makeover therapy ... enjoying all the things she hasn't been able to in the last 3 years is more like it ...

It was this same defense team that created the "princess". They enabled her and built her up - not its their problem and I love it. Let's hope they are very proud of their work.
I really, really thought KC would come out with a statement or something about how she's grieving and how upset she is she wasn't allowed to plan Caylee's memorial. I really, really thought she would have publicly demanded Caylee's ashes. I would have thought she'd feel it necessary to "play the part" of the grieving mother.

I'm surprised not one person on the DT has mentioned Caylee AT ALL since KC's release (with the exception of JB right after the verdict was read and right before he partied it up).
I agree with the need for group therapy in general population in jail, while the DT decry FCA's isolation 23 hours a day that is precisely what she wanted and preferred ... It was for her protection but just further enabled her and reinforced her issues which was confirmed by the NG verdict -- that she was right and was heard.

She has a STRONG conviction now that lying and her modus operandi is a recipe for success.

Had she received group therapy in the general population and got called out there was hope to rehab FCA but given what has transpired now she is more the monster then she ever was and ... In CONTROL!
Did I get this right? FCA needs therapy? Baez is seeking out getting her help..for free? Her type is a dime a dozen. What therapist would give her free treatment? ETA: Rot-roh...just thought the Grief Lady would..

Baez is seeking out a stylist for her to receive a celebrity make-over for free. You have got to be kidding me!!! FGS, what is wrong with people in this country?

Is he her agent? Golly, he led everyone to think he did all this for free. We know better. He sees no reason to report back to the law firm because he fashions himself as a Legal Analyst and is NY wanting the position. Did I hear that right?

Honestly, I don't see much difference in Baez and FCA. They are both narcissists, seeking fame and fortune. Both are immature and both feel entitled. Is this country really going to reward these two sickening individuals for horrid behavior and destroying the life of a baby? What Baez did and said in court should not go unnoticed and swept under the carpet. Not one analyst is willing to defile him for it either. Because his side won, he is a hero of sorts? This is so sick.

This behavior by the media who want to give money for an opportunity to speak to a baby killer and the family who supported her is beyond my comprehension. When and if this happens, I will know we have truly lost this country...:(
I agree with the need for group therapy in general population in jail, while the DT decry FCA's isolation 23 hours a day that is precisely what she wanted and preferred ... It was for her protection but just further enabled her and reinforced her issues which was confirmed by the NG verdict.

She has a STRONG conviction now that lying and her modus operandi is a recipe for success.

Had she received group therapy in the general population and got called out there was hope to rehab FCA but given what has transpired now she is more the monster then she ever was and ... In CONTROL!

Exactly ... KC has been vindicated in her own mind, she no doubt is pretty proud of her abilities at this point and the people she's been able to con ... and a jury of her piers has reinforced this ...
But she's out in the real world now, exposed for what she is ... and the best part is her lawyers are now put in a position of protecting her and trying to rehabilitate her image ... oh, and of course, trying to make the money they've been expecting to make off of her ... Good luck with that !! :rolleyes:
I am willing to take a stab at it and say that the "Grief Lady" is still a part of the scheme. All things are pointing towards it. She seems the type that would be glad to take this on.

FCA is not a candidate for therapy....not in any sense. Her seeking this out is a ploy. Keep in mind, she is following the Lindsy Lohan plan. When bad, go to therapy and people will forgive and give you credit for trying. It's a scam! She is feeling her oats of entitlement about now and thinks she also deserves special treatment. When is her house of delusions going to crumble?
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