2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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Whether or not he has gotten rich is irrelevant. The fact he has tried to is relevant. And again, I am not talking money from the civil suit, I am talking about his trying to make money off the rights to the book OJ wrote, off the foundation he started for Ron, off the rights to OJ's right to publicity, etc.

George and Cindy lost their granddaughter, Fred Goldman lost his son. Both are victims. Do not put words in my mouth; I never said Fred was a villian, I just pointed out he did exactly the same thing the Anthony's are being villified for. Another poster brought up how he did not try to make money off Ron's death, which is factually wrong.

Oh yeah, it's big, bad FRED GOLDMAN who's the real villain here...:rolleyes:

Bet you Mr. Goldman would GLADLY relinquish any funds derived from his civil suit if he could have his murdered son back. And where is the evidence that he's gotten rich off any of these attempts to hold OJ responsible?
The ME stated that in her jurisdiction, Orange County, that it was reported 100% of the time. Any idea how many incidences that 100% of the time amounted to? Although even one accidental drowning is too many, there have been only a small small number of accidental drownings in Orange County. Any idea what that number is for 2011 to date? TWO. So according to the ME 100% of all of TWO incidences so far in 2011 911 has been called.


And obviously the ME's stat can not be correct. Caylee accidentally drowned in 2008; 911 was NOT called then, so, it can not be stated that 100%
of the time 911 was called.

Where is the proof Caylee drowned in 2008 or any other year? There isn't any. Just the word of a convicted liar.
As stated in the Verified Lawyers thread, Casey would have been in jail the entire time even if the accidental drowning story had been made public at the time of her arrest. The state was not going to say "oh, if that was the case, you might as well go home now".

May I have a link to that post please? I can't seem to find it.
Talk about YOUR opinion. Do not put other people down for their opinion. Talking about hatred in this thread is not going to cut it. Talking about a group of people you disagree with en-group is not going to cut it. IT is a TOS violation.

Put your post in words like I can't imagine what Cindy and George must be feeling. I can't imagine living like them.

Do not chastise others saying YOU have no idea how George and Cindy must be feeling. Even engroup is is talking about other posters.

Keep your opinion singular and to your thoughts not attacking the other posters for their thoughts.

I agree with what you said. Their behavior has been so odd at times that I have had to scrape way down to find a layer of support for them within me. But at the end of the day, compassion always won out over condemnation because I could not imagine myself in their shoes and I don't know how I would react. When this all occurred in '08, I had just learned my only child was pregnant, and now I have an adorable almost 17-month grandson. The thought of losing him in such a horrific way is too painful to contemplate. But I think that I would still try to save my daughter, as we saw the Anthonys do. They have to live with their choices, and the condemnations that go with it. I just can't bring myself to add to it any.

I agree with you. I think most parents will lie for their child if DP is on the table. That is why you will not see a prosecutor file perjury charges in such cases. It is kind of anticipated that they will lie to save a loved one.
Many other countries do not require parents to give testimonies against a child, just like the spousal exemption in the USA.
Parents' testimony allows the DT team to take unfair advantage of such strong family ties, and base their strategy on emotions, since that always works great on a jury as opposed to boring scientific expert testimony. Just like it occurred in this case. JMO.

And obviously the ME's stat can not be correct. Caylee accidentally drowned in 2008; 911 was NOT called then, so, it can not be stated that 100%
of the time 911 was called.[/quote]

I asked in a previous post if you could provide a source providing proof that Caylee Antony death was a result of accidental drowning in a pool.

There was no testimony presented in the trial; and no formal statements made to LE or medical personnel by any Anthony family members indicating that Caylee Anthony accidently drown. The only person who stated that Caylee Anthony drown accidently was Mr. Baez in his Opening Statement; and everyone knows - an attorney's Opening Statement IS NOT evidence.

Perhaps things might be clearer if you stated "it's your opinion that Caylee accidently drowned in 2008" unless you can provide a source.

Thank you.
Whether or not he has gotten rich is irrelevant. The fact he has tried to is relevant. And again, I am not talking money from the civil suit, I am talking about his trying to make money off the rights to the book OJ wrote, off the foundation he started for Ron, off the rights to OJ's right to publicity, etc.

George and Cindy lost their granddaughter, Fred Goldman lost his son. Both are victims. Do not put words in my mouth; I never said Fred was a villian, I just pointed out he did exactly the same thing the Anthony's are being villified for. Another poster brought up how he did not try to make money off Ron's death, which is factually wrong.

Unless a person is privy to Mr. Goldman's income tax statements and the financial records of his foundation, I don't see how he can state with certainty that FG sought to profit personally from those endeavors.

Oh wait, I'm supposed to believe Caylee drowned, too. Nevermind.
The only thing that makes a narcissist very angry is to go after their money. They love money as much as they love themselves which is very deep. Their true colors come out when their money is threatened.

If you want to get under the skin of a narcissist and get them in touch with any feeling, just attack their money source. It is the only way to make them feel any pain.

Fred Goldman knew this and that is why he went after the only thing that would get under the skin of OJ which was his point. He wanted OJ to suffer. This was about revenge not greed. OJ moved to Florida and hid all of his assets for many years.
The civil suit has absolutely nothing to do with why OJ is sitting in jail today. OJ is sitting in jail today because he was arrogant and thought he was above the law.

Count 1: Conspiracy to Commit a Crime (1 year, concurrent)
Count 2: Conspiracy to Commit Kidnapping (12–48 months, concurrent)
Count 3: Conspiracy to Commit Robbery (12-48, concurrent)
Count 4: Burglary while in Possession of a Deadly Weapon (26–120 months, concurrent)
Count 5: 1st Degree Kidnapping with Use of a Deadly Weapon (Bruce Fromong) (15 years, possibility of parole in 5, concurrent, with 12–72 months consecutively)
Count 6: 1st Degree Kidnapping with Use of a Deadly Weapon (Alfred Beardsley) (15 years, possibility of parole in 5, concurrent, with 12–72 months consecutively)
Count 7: Robbery with Use of a Deadly Weapon (Bruce Fromong) (60–180 months concurrent with 12–72 months consecutive)
Count 8: Robbery with Use of a Deadly Weapon (Alfred Beardsley) (60–180 months concurrent with 12–72 months consecutive)
Count 9: Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Bruce Fromong) (18–72 months consecutive with count 8)
Count 10: Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Alfred Beardsley) (18–72 months consecutive with count 9)
* O.J. Simpson was found guilty of all ten charges.*

I agree that he is arrogant and stupid but he committed that crime because the Goldmans were on his money trail constantly. He was reduced to stealing memorabilia with his rag tag team of misfits in a rat hole hotel in Las Vegas. Thanks to Mr. Goldman, a killer who butchered two people will most likely spend the rest of his life in prison. He did the public a great service.

I really don't think CA is on any disability. I think she's being paid for her book and turning it over to the publisher in bits and pieces. Let's hope they stick to the script and not edit too much. We've seen CA when she gets mad....lol jmo

You could be right. May be she was earlier on but there is really no evidence she still is. Neither for George. It is just speculation at this point in time..
As far as leaving the Anthony family alone. The public will forget all about the Anthony family when the money train stops, when their lawyers keep their faces off of the TV, when the deals are all brokered and the money given, the interviews over.

These public statements are just the prelude to what will come in the coming weeks . The deals. They have to keep this story out there to keep people riled up, or anxious to read/watch and to buy. When it is over it will be over. The trips will stop the free vacations, the need to talk about this family. The public sentiment to help this family or dislike this family. This right now is the time for the deals. Months from now will be too late. Did you ever have company for a weekend and realize that the people in your home are not exactly the type of people you can relate to? Time heals all wounds.

You will see this stop, but only after the money train has been exhausted. And right now the egos of those involved cannot stop themselves from going on and talking and talking, while in the next breath telling people to move on.

If the Anthony family wanted to fade away for the weekend why did their attorney feel the need to talk about this trip. This is Newton's Law of Motion. "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction". That equals MONEY.

I must have missed CA and GA's appearance on television in the past month. Their lawyer is explaining where they are going so that the public who is through with them does not have to endlessly speculate about it. They are not criminals, they are grieving parents and grandparents, they are free to come and go as they please, that is not MOO, that is the truth. They don't owe anyone anything, their daughter is 100% responsible for everything they have been through and everything they have said and done to try and figure it all out.

They went on television because they were invited to go on television and tell their side of the story - to try and stop the lynch mob outside of their house. I would like very much to see proof of future book deals - source?

How are they trying to keep this story in the news? One instance of their trying to do that since Casey's acquittal? They got up and walked out of the court room when the verdict was announced and I have not heard a word out of them since. I'm pretty sure they've been offered big money for an interview - enough to afford their own way to the Bahamas.

Let's face it, they couldn't stay out of the limelight or, inadvertantly, off HLN if they tried....and it seems to me they have tried.
The difference with Fred Goldman is that another member of his family was not accused of murdering his child. The difference is that he tried to get justice through the civil process for the murder of his daughter.

It wasn't Nicole's sister that was accused of the murder. A member of the immediate family. The Goldmans did not try to obstruct justice.

In the case of the accused Casey Anthony IMO her family attempted to save her butt from justice being served. In this case George and Cindy have profited by selling pictures off of the murder of their granddaughter with their own flesh and blood being the one that was accused of the murder.
Yea, and it's kinda hard to say Caylee drowned with all that duct tape wrapped around her face. Better to wait until there is nothing left to test but bones so you can't determine how she died, then go with the drowning. Yep, that makes perfect sense. jmo

Speakin for me too Lamb.
This will be the last thing I say about FG but I lost respect for him when he began blaming the Browns for Rons death. A lot of people do think he took blood money. The media parked in front of the Anthony home with lights blasting in their windows and unruly neighbors yelling all day and all night. That would drive anyone to odd behavior. Casey was in jail and nobody left.


i don't mind if you mention FG more than once if you feel it helps your point of view. although this is not an OJ thread its hard for people not to compare the cases since in both scenarios it is widely believe that the murderer walked free and the verdict rocked the nation. I find other people's points of view thought provoking as long as they are not hurtful or inflammatory. everyone see's different things in each situation. i just dont agree on this one.
for me, if im able to give the anthony's a pass on some of their behavior i certaintly can give FG a pass. i think it's natural at some point to blame others or yourself during the greiving process. it dosen't make it "right" but i can see how it can happen. at least FG can say he tried to get justice for his son. i dont think he took blood money. he did not participate in the crime, cover it up or lie to defend the killer. i dont think he wanted to become a millionaire off of his son's murder. i think it was just the only way to try to make OJ accountable somehow, someway since the verdict left him so tormentented. i think he needed to hear in court OJ was guilty. even if it was civil court. i think his fight was more about making sure OJ's life was miserable and that he wouldn't have the funds to enjoy a wonderful life after the verdict. i think he truly wanted to make OJ suffer and unfortunately for some people loss of money is how you hurt them. some people really do value money above all else.

tragedy changes people. it would be hard to be in the public eye during something so awful. no matter what you say or do it will offend somebody.

as far as the anthony media, i hate to say it but a lot of the people remained parked outside because they knew they would get a reaction from the anthony's. the anthonys always gave "good tv" . stalking is horrible and i dont think its ok but at times but they inflamed situations with their behavior. ( I think stalking anyone outside their home should be banned. i abhor seeing the media thrust a microphone unwanted into a greiving person's face and i wish there were better laws protecting the rights of parties uninterested in being in the spolight.)
on that note, i did notice however when the anthonys stopped being so outspoken we stopped hearing about them. it shows me that it is possible to maintain some sembelance of privacy if you want it bad enough. not at first when a story hits, but attention does die down if it is not fed.

i find both situations tragic. it hurt the familes so much and it even hurt how the nation views the justice system. i try really hard not to judge either family but i admit being human it's hard at times. i just feel in FG's case at least he really wanted the killer sent to jail so people find him more of a sympathetic figure. with the anthony's no one knows what to think.
My hope is that the Anthony's are writing a book and that they set up the foundation, in advance, as a place to send the profits. I would read their book in that case. I'd probably read it anyway because I'd like to know how they were really feeling during the trial. There was no way to tell - they couldn't even flinch without the fear they would be thrown out of court. No interviews during the trial - I'm curious, and because they didn't bring ANY of this onto themselves, I could care less if they make money off of a book. Casey, of course is a different story.

The Anthony's are not guilty of anything but a few bad choices made in an effort to salvage the life, not the freedom, of their daughter.

The only thing that makes a narcissist very angry is to go after their money. They love money as much as they love themselves which is very deep. Their true colors come out when their money is threatened.

If you want to get under the skin of a narcissist and get them in touch with any feeling, just attack their money source. It is the only way to make them feel any pain.

Fred Goldman knew this and that is why he went after the only thing that would get under the skin of OJ.

WOW! I thought about CFA as a narcissist ! The problem is she never has had & now does not have any money! She doesn't want to work in order to have a well stocked bank balance. Stealing from family and friends are her only source of income. Do you think her attorneys wanting to do interviews & making money off this case will be seen as "attacking her money source"?Should Baez & Mason watch their backs ? Oh Oh! the IRS should be very aware!!!!!Vigilant!!
I must have missed CA and GA's appearance on television in the past month. Their lawyer is explaining where they are going so that the public who is through with them does not have to endlessly speculate about it. They are not criminals, they are grieving parents and grandparents, they are free to come and go as they please, that is not MOO, that is the truth. They don't owe anyone anything, their daughter is 100% responsible for everything they have been through and everything they have said and done to try and figure it all out.

They went on television because they were invited to go on television and tell their side of the story - to try and stop the lynch mob outside of their house. I would like very much to see proof of future book deals - source?

How are they trying to keep this story in the news? One instance of their trying to do that since Casey's acquittal? They got up and walked out of the court room when the verdict was announced and I have not heard a word out of them since. I'm pretty sure they've been offered big money for an interview - enough to afford their own way to the Bahamas.

Let's face it, they couldn't stay out of the limelight or, inadvertantly, off HLN if they tried....and it seems to me they have tried.

Actually perjury is a crime so Cindy is a criminal
My hope is that the Anthony's are writing a book and that they set up the foundation, in advance, as a place to send the profits. I would read their book in that case. I'd probably read it anyway because I'd like to know how they were really feeling during the trial. There was no way to tell - they couldn't even flinch without the fear they would be thrown out of court. No interviews during the trial - I'm curious, and because they didn't bring ANY of this onto themselves, I could care less if they make money off of a book. Casey, of course is a different story.

The Anthony's are not guilty of anything but a few bad choices made in an effort to salvage the life, not the freedom, of their daughter.


i agree about ten thousand percent.
After the civil suit, Mr Goldman worked tirelessly to make money for him self.

No, he worked tirelessly to make OJ pay for what he die to Ron and Nicole. The justice system chose not to make their beloved hero pay. Forcing OJ to work hard running and his hiding his assets and money was the only way to make him feel pain.
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