2016.03.01 Discovery Documents - Batch # 5

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DNA Solves
BBM. Brilliant. BS also asks LE if they're going to call MS in again, poor guy is at the funeral home. Trying to get info and sympathy for MS during her interview.:maddening:

I think she had an idea it was an inside job and was taking notes for him so he would know what questions they asked and what her answers were. The control apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I don't believe her for a second when she speaks of their fairytale magical rainbowfarting love for each other. Respectful? What an odd word to use. They'd been married 13 years and he never whined to his mom about anything?

So according to CK, MS just had to meet up with MiP at 2:00PM to discuss her schooling. He takes longer than 2-4 hours, ditches his family, and friends in town for support? Am I hearing correctly?

Also, the sitter was supposed to watch the girls on July 2nd. She met the Sievers thru M and MiP. IIRC, She spoke about MiP going/moving? to Indiana. I didn't understand this part. The sitter used to work for the P's and met the S's at Thanksgiving if I have this right.
BBM. Brilliant. BS also asks LE if they're going to call MS in again, poor guy is at the funeral home. Trying to get info and sympathy for MS during her interview.:maddening:
Is this before or after going to the beach?

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Do we have the tutors interview? Anyone know who the tutor was or how long she had been the girls tutor?

From CK's interview we now know the girls had been enrolled in school because 'he would yank them out at the slightest thing'- how many times did she say he was radical? That was heavy.
So according to CK, MS just had to meet up with MiP at 2:00PM to discuss her schooling. He takes longer than 2-4 hours, ditches his family, and friends in town for support? Am I hearing correctly?
It was a little vague maybe but I thought I recalled MS & girls going to meet MiP on beach. Later I read that CWW & AW also went to the beach as well so I guess I sort of assumed they all got together as one large group on the beach. But maybe not as when CK called CWW asking when everyone was meeting back up at BS house CWW told CK that MS hadnt even returned yet.
I keep jumping around because there's so much to think about and discuss.

ETA: Approximately 16 - 20 hours to drive from their home to FL, depending on traffic.

CWW was exhausted so his wife drove "straight through" - she should have been a zombie by the time they arrived. Did she take something to keep awake during that drive? Isn't she already on some kind of medication for something? I can't remember exactly. "HE" was exhausted, yet she was the one who drove straight through.


And going back to LS saying that TS was taking antidepressants that were prescribed in someone else's name... that's just one item that I wonder what in the world goes through these people's minds when they discovered all of the lies that MS has been telling them for years? I can only imagine and hope they're outraged not only that he lied, but how those lies would have affected how they interacted with TS or what they would have told other people about her and perpetuating the crap.

Just like when MS was trying to steer CK by planting ideas in her head that she might (if she were not such a smart woman) take back and propagate. "He was so broken up, he cried because her last smoothie was in the fridge and he didn't want to ever throw it away" "I saw it with my own eyes: she had written a note to deliberately leave the security alarm off" "That Mark, he's such a special guy all their friends look to him for guidance. One of TS' good friends wanted to quit law school because of her murder and M actually took the time out of his grieving to go spend six hours talking her out of quitting!"


If this goes to court, I'd love to see the prosecutor put together a presentation of the MS' long time, systematic gas-lighting and manipulation of everyone surrounding TS. Frankly, I'd be a bit edgy if my husband had been telling all of our friends- MY friends- lies about me and I knew nothing about it.
Has anyone seen an interview with BS's partner? I'd be interested to hear her thoughts on MS.

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It was a little vague maybe but I thought I recalled MS & girls going to meet MiP on beach. Later I read that CWW & AW also went to the beach as well so I guess I sort of assumed they all got together as one large group on the beach. But maybe not as when CK called CWW asking when everyone was meeting back up at BS house CWW told CK that MS hadnt even returned yet.

The transcript made more sense to me after listening to the interview. MS went to the beach with "a local woman" instead of his family, friends. IMO:moo:
View attachment 90133

The transcript made more sense to me after listening to the interview. MS went to the beach with "a local woman" instead of his family, friends. IMO:moo:

Another instance of MS keeping the girls away from everyone else, including family. That would have been the natural time for all to spend together :( He robbed the girls of even that comfort. Didn't the family question it, I wonder?

These are all details shared with CK by Mark during their private conversation in her car late in the evening on 7/5/15:
--Teresa was struck 17 times in back of head.
--There would be no DNA because she was struck from behind and couldn't fight back.
--The funeral director told him she probably died after 2nd blow.
--There were no fingerprints found at the crime scene.
--Teresa was wearing the dress she flew home in and her wedding ring and her mother's ring.
--He claims Dr. Petrites called him from the scene after discovering the body, screaming "Where are the girls?" and "She's dead!"
--He has an attorney.
--There was evidence of his involvement with other women on his phone.
--Investigators showed him pictures of a hammer and asked questions about his hammers.
--Investigators showed him pictures of her luggage. Mark says the scene might have been staged because Teresa would not put her purse on the floor.
--BS feels bad about the alarm, but he feels responsible because he's the one who showed her how to set it.
--He was asked if Teresa was having an affair; he responded: No, she'd have no reason to.

Here are some facts:

--The autopsy report had not been issued yet.
--The funeral director would not be able to make a determination as to the sequence of the blows and which one killed her.
--Investigators did not tell Mark there were no fingerprints found in the house.
--Dr. Petrites says he spoke with Mark only once and that was before going to the scene.
The crime scene tape went up again the morning of the visitation and mass because Mark went to the office and threw a bunch of computer stuff into the dumpster. Per the interview with his long-time friend, Mark went to the beach with the girls and presumably CWW and AW after that until around 8 p.m. or so. Then, after that, per her interview, they along with the girls went back to the house to "swim." How did Mark know the crime scene tape was taken down prior to getting there? CWW and his "asthma attack." They never returned to the mass according to the interviews.

The beach trip is the day of the family meeting, the day CK arrived in FL and her room wasn't ready. Before the funeral.

Finally caught up, for now. Haven't seen this posted yet. VERY interesting question by the detective. He went further to explain why he asked if MS and CWW had been physically intimate.

View attachment 90045

Yes, That question/inference is one of the points I remember the most from the entire interview. And I wondered why (still do) the WS crew had not mentioned it after listening and/or reading the docs. It was such an ewwww moment for me when I heard it but also something that had repeatedly occurred to me as a distinct possibility as I've followed this case. Question from LE was (paraphrased): Did you know or are you aware if CWW and MS had more than just a friendship? IMO they definitely did. LE seemed to imply the same with his words. (conversation toward very end of interview)
My thoughts are along the same line as yours here Dmacky. In thinking about the timing of CK's arrival. it seemed the family was in the midst of telling the girls about their Mommy, in which case BS was likely incredibly anxious at that moment. On the other hand, CK clearly reads people very well, and doesn't appear to be judgemental. Therefore, I find myself giving a lot of weight to her feelings/instincts regarding BS.

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This was when CK was getting ready to leave, then she and MS went to her car to talk. She seemed quite cut about it, as BS did know her from the past. Just thinking, maybe BS held a grudge against her from back when she and CWW dated as teens, some parents can be strange that way.

However, I hope it is OK to mention that on TS' FB page, she added to her time line that she was married on Sept. 14, 2012.
I was under the assumption she & MS were married for at least 10 yrs.
Could anybody enlighten me. Thank you!

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I had read that too. Odd?

This would have been the date Teresa added that information. On the 'about you' part of the profile, there's a relationship status that you either ignore or fill in. If my status was blank and I decided to change it to married right now, FB would automatically update 'Angela got Married 3/4/2016'. Same applies if I were to add other info, like for instance, about when/where I went to Uni, worked etc., they would all read that I started today. I wish..
Another instance of MS keeping the girls away from everyone else, including family. That would have been the natural time for all to spend together :( He robbed the girls of even that comfort. Didn't the family question it, I wonder?

I've been thinking about that day they went to the beach. CK arrived at BS's house, I think it was around 1:00. She had to wait outside because they were having a family meeting inside in which they were telling the girls their Mom had been killed. There are some bad people in this world that do bad things. Then, the girls are off to the beach for sun and laughter at 2:00? I guess some people might think it's a good idea, but I wonder if Teresa's family did. Family could've been with the girls.

It sounds better to go to the beach as if he was thinking of the girls, but I suspect he had another agenda in who he talked to there or did in that time period. Plus he escaped that crowd at BS's that expected him to stay in somewhat of a grieving role when he had alibis and damage control to think about.
I've been thinking about that day they went to the beach. CK arrived at BS's house, I think it was around 1:00. She had to wait outside because they were having a family meeting inside in which they were telling the girls their Mom had been killed. There are some bad people in this world that do bad things. Then, the girls are off to the beach for sun and laughter at 2:00? I guess some people might think it's a good idea, but I wonder if Teresa's family did. Family could've been with the girls.

It sounds better to go to the beach as if he was thinking of the girls, but I suspect he had another agenda in who he talked to there or did in that time period. Plus he escaped that crowd at BS's that expected him to stay in somewhat of a grieving role when he had alibis and damage control to think about.

All of CK's testimony is very disturbing to me. But this. I can't stop thinking about this. That is a whole HOUSE full of folks that apparently have zero empathy. Not just one or two. How could ANYONE drop that kind of info on a kid and then just carry on like a normal day? Why would you not want to coddle your precious granddaughters after dropping that on them? Or your daughters...your niece.... Dang, your neighbors kid?!
Yes, That question/inference is one of the points I remember the most from the entire interview. And I wondered why (still do) the WS crew had not mentioned it after listening and/or reading the docs. It was such an ewwww moment for me when I heard it but also something that had repeatedly occurred to me as a distinct possibility as I've followed this case. Question from LE was (paraphrased): Did you know or are you aware if CWW and MS had more than just a friendship? IMO they definitely did. LE seemed to imply the same with his words. (conversation toward very end of interview)


LOL @ myself because I always assumed that they had been intimate. Given the many instances of sexual inappropriateness going back to high school - and we only know the tiniest sliver - I just assumed it. I would actually be shocked if it weren't the case. No chance that they haven't been.

The evening before CWW's wedding is one example.

There's a whole lot of weird between those two. My opinion, of course.

Makes me feel a whole lot better about my upbringing, that's for sure.
CK interview on NDN soundcloud:



Miscellaneous things from CK's interview that I wrote down. Thank You, CK!

-On the phone with Mark she questions something about the alarm system. He immediately gets quiet and cuts off the conversation.

-CWW kept saying his wife couldn't wait to meet CK and then as soon as they meet it seems AW acts indifferent or cold. Jealous?

*If the police don't give Mark's van back, then they have to record it as evidence, and his lawyer says then they'll know what LE has.

-CWW brought up the Bolin family, but CK didn't get to explain how or what was brought up, as far as I heard.

-She voiced her impressions that Mark isn't broken, and that his tears at the funeral service are fake, and they're not wet tears.

-Mark got a sunburn at the beach while the out of town people waited to offer him comfort. :summer:

-She said he was forgetting he's in mourning. He seems to want to get back to the house to celebrate. Pool party!
LOL @ myself because I always assumed that they had been intimate. Given the many instances of sexual inappropriateness going back to high school - and we only know the tiniest sliver - I just assumed it. I would actually be shocked if it weren't the case. No chance that they haven't been.

The evening before CWW's wedding is one example.

There's a whole lot of weird between those two. My opinion, of course.

Makes me feel a whole lot better about my upbringing, that's for sure.


..and even though i despise CWW, (and we know he only took the plea to maybe get out of prison if he doesn't die 1st) i do love it that he turned on his BFF / loverboy-----pretty sure MS was confident that he would take it to the grave.

..and witless JR, pretty sure we'll hear of him trying for a plea down the road too.

..sucks to be MS, fabricating ( what he thought was) "the perfect plan" . which of course was wrought with error after error-----and then to be ratted out in the end after all. (ha!)

..may you rot MS, forever and a day, always thinking about what you've done, and the beautiful spirit that could've/should've/would've gone on to change lives.

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