2016.03.01 Discovery Documents - Batch # 5

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The transcript made more sense to me after listening to the interview. MS went to the beach with "a local woman" instead of his family, friends. IMO:moo:

Sorry - I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything. I have read CK's interview (was there just one?). Is there also a video (or audio) recording of this?
Another tidbit I found interesting was a neighbor's interview where she stated her husband noticed someone on their private access road in a vehicle talking on the phone. Husband went out to shoo the person away and noticed it was their neighbor, Mark. I kind of skimmed the neighbor's interviews, but I will have to go back and read that particular one a little more closely to see if she indicated a date or time.
This would have been the date Teresa added that information. On the 'about you' part of the profile, there's a relationship status that you either ignore or fill in. If my status was blank and I decided to change it to married right now, FB would automatically update 'Angela got Married 3/4/2016'. Same applies if I were to add other info, like for instance, about when/where I went to Uni, worked etc., they would all read that I started today. I wish..


Hi ScotAng, I just wanted to say this has not been my experience on Facebook. I actually typed in the date of my birth and it doesn't say I was born in 2009 or whatever year I typed it in there. It says 1970. Same for when I got married, and I also entered the birth of my son about a year after he was born and it states on my FB that he was born when he was born, not on the day I typed it into FB.
I got the impression, regarding whether or not MS and CWW were more than friends or whatever, that LE suspected that but wasn't sure. Kind of like us. I could be wrong, maybe they have proof, or at least talked to someone who knew for sure. The example LE gave in their interview of CK was that somebody, maybe MS (?), but definitely a man, would post a pic of himself on FB and CWW would respond "Nice azz" or something like that. And then CK said she always thought it was possible that CWW might go both ways because his family had more than a few pervs on it. Like the girl who peed on people while standing (you can't make this stuff up). She said she never thought MS would be into that.

Also, regarding BS. It really rubbed me the wrong way with the note taking. It seemed very adversarial. It made her repeated statements of how awesome TS and MS were together ring even more untrue. But at the time when we just had Batch 4 I was cutting her some slack because what mother wants to believe, especially right after it happened, that their son killed someone? But the whole thing about her not letting her own daughter stay while she let CWW and AW? I don't know, I'm hoping maybe there's more to that story we don't know.
Lmao. I'm offering 1 million dollars to the female sluether that called another female sluether A sister from another mister.


I can't find who stated that. Lol.

Anyways. It was definitely a chuckle /lyao moment.

Much obliged.
I'm the 1 that called Oregonmama a "sister from another mister" as she so often says exactly what I'm thinking.

I'll take that 1 million dollars as long as its not involved with life insurance because I personally love my life living in beautiful Bonita Springs where everyone calls it Paradise.

Thank you...and you're welcome. :loveyou:
Another instance of MS keeping the girls away from everyone else, including family. That would have been the natural time for all to spend together :( He robbed the girls of even that comfort. Didn't the family question it, I wonder?

There's a couple of different things that stick out to me about the beach that day. First of all, they live approximately 6 miles from the beach, so they could go on any day at any time. The second thing that is alarming to me is the beach would have been in July, and it is very, very hot in July here and at the beach it is scorching! I have literally burned the bottom of my feet on the sand here in the summer. When we go to the beach in the summer we leave at 7 a.m. and we're back home by 11 because it is scorching. I love the beach, so much in fact that I wanted to name myself beach, however I couldn't name myself beach after our fabulous beach that is here. I thought about those poor girls and how hot it would be that day.
I don't have time to read or re-listen to the whole interview again, so hopefully someone else will remember exactly where it is during CK's very detailed interview. :loveyou:

I can't believe I keep forgetting to mention one of the parts that pi$$ed me of the most! I remember thinking what an absolute lying evil to make up something like that about TS, and then state is as FACT. I am still furious. :mad:
It was during a conversation between the two where infidelity was mentioned. Mark told CK that Teresa's very own best friend Danielle secretly told Mark that Teresa was a ho, and she had always been a ho. :stormingmad:

That is pure bull$hit. We have all heard/read Danielle's statement, and there is NO WAY in hell she would have ever said that about her best friend Teresa behind her back :mad: He is a pure evil narcissistic psychopath, that (as SMS said) has ICE water running thru his veins.
Please no posts/discussion of Mark's family members beyond what is detailed in the discovery documents.
The CK interview was a fantastic read.
It felt like I was reading a book! I'm just floored.

I'm shocked and sad all over again but now more
Mad than anything else. Glad she spoke up, what
A brave gal. I hope the girls go to Teresa's family.
Please no posts/discussion of Mark's family members beyond what is detailed in the discovery documents.

Sorry about that but so many things are disturbing to me. If there were no moderators here there is no telling what would happen here.


I do appreciate you telling me why.
I keep jumping around because there's so much to think about and discuss.

ETA: Approximately 16 - 20 hours to drive from their home to FL, depending on traffic.

CWW was exhausted so his wife drove "straight through" - she should have been a zombie by the time they arrived. Did she take something to keep awake during that drive? Isn't she already on some kind of medication for something? I can't remember exactly. "HE" was exhausted, yet she was the one who drove straight through.


And going back to LS saying that TS was taking antidepressants that were prescribed in someone else's name... that's just one item that I wonder what in the world goes through these people's minds when they discovered all of the lies that MS has been telling them for years? I can only imagine and hope they're outraged not only that he lied, but how those lies would have affected how they interacted with TS or what they would have told other people about her and perpetuating the crap.

Just like when MS was trying to steer CK by planting ideas in her head that she might (if she were not such a smart woman) take back and propagate. "He was so broken up, he cried because her last smoothie was in the fridge and he didn't want to ever throw it away" "I saw it with my own eyes: she had written a note to deliberately leave the security alarm off" "That Mark, he's such a special guy all their friends look to him for guidance. One of TS' good friends wanted to quit law school because of her murder and M actually took the time out of his grieving to go spend six hours talking her out of quitting!"


If this goes to court, I'd love to see the prosecutor put together a presentation of the MS' long time, systematic gas-lighting and manipulation of everyone surrounding TS. Frankly, I'd be a bit edgy if my husband had been telling all of our friends- MY friends- lies about me and I knew nothing about it.

First of all...I love love love your posts and insight. You've got all these folks pegged exactly how I do.
It appears he and "the friend" have been lying about things regarding TS - especially the antidepressants BS. Her toxicology was clear and all negative wasn't it? I'm hoping Investigators have interviewed Mi as well. There's a whole bunch not right about any of these characters. Poor TS - surrounded by toxins and negativity and everything else she so much didn't want a part of her being.

LOL @ myself because I always assumed that they had been intimate. Given the many instances of sexual inappropriateness going back to high school - and we only know the tiniest sliver - I just assumed it. I would actually be shocked if it weren't the case. No chance that they haven't been.

The evening before CWW's wedding is one example.

There's a whole lot of weird between those two. My opinion, of course.

Makes me feel a whole lot better about my upbringing, that's for sure.
Their buddies in prison are gonna love that info.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
He may have wanted to "wear" a sunburn for all the guests while the visitation/funeral was going on thinking that it would mask or give him an excuse when he feels and looks flushed out of guilt etc.
So according to CK, MS just had to meet up with MiP at 2:00PM to discuss her schooling. He takes longer than 2-4 hours, ditches his family, and friends in town for support? Am I hearing correctly?

I would love to see MiP's interview to see if this has any truth to it. He was sunburnt so I believe he went to the beach but with whom? Jmo
He may have wanted to "wear" a sunburn for all the guests while the visitation/funeral was going on thinking that it would mask or give him an excuse when he feels and looks flushed out of guilt etc.

Or maybe he was hoping for a nice tan to go with his expensive suit?
I love that he turned on him too. It also appears that due to the incredible investigation done on this case that they all will/have turned on one another. I also have the perfect ending in my mind with all this:
* CWW turned on MS = 25 yrs in prison for CWW and maybe Life or DP for MS
* If MS has knowledge of CWW being involved in the RB disappearance; MS makes an attempt to save his sorry azz from the DP by turning on CWW with that info.; ends up with Life w/o Parole (at least) and CWW ends up being tried in MO for the RB case and ends up in prison for life or w/DP.
* Poor wittle spineless JR who lets people use him like rug doesn't plea out or get a deal; is tried and convicted with Life or DP giving him the ability to realize the difference in MO and FL laws regarding 2nd degree murder.
I know I'm probably opening up a discussion I'd rather not open, but I have to admit that, after listening to CK, I'm questioning a lot of what Lenka said about Teresa in her interviews. Wondering where she got her information. She was very vague on details about allegations of Teresa's "risqué" behavior and made comments like I just knew and Teresa knew that I knew. So apparently these weren't things that Teresa divulged. I put no stock in Lenka's claims of intuition. So now I'm wondering if it was all stuff that Mark told her -- more of his gaslighting. I realize some of you probably think it was more nefarious and that Lenka was deliberately trying to paint an ugly picture of TS because you suspect she's involved with Mark. I'm not ready to go there yet. Still giving her the benefit of the doubt but considering all possibilities.

Hi ScotAng, I just wanted to say this has not been my experience on Facebook. I actually typed in the date of my birth and it doesn't say I was born in 2009 or whatever year I typed it in there. It says 1970. Same for when I got married, and I also entered the birth of my son about a year after he was born and it states on my FB that he was born when he was born, not on the day I typed it into FB.

I think it must be some sort of wee glitch then Maxine2U. Mine are 'normal' but didn't want to mess about as it's the butt of some (good natured) sarky banter. My dates/stats are fine. Over the past year or two though, when friends have updated relationship stats, it reads as if they're just married, child born 'n all that jazz. Then the wit flows.

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