4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #81

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Could it be possible that PA authorities have received a series of tips about BK and that is the topic of the GJ?

IOW, perhaps there's a little evidence here, a little over there (of stalking, of him being in places where people disappeared). Enough to want to ask questions about Kohberger in a GJ?

As with @MassGuy and @x_files, I think there simply has to be more to this. It's also possible that tips went straight to the DA, right?

I'm pretty sure that Judge John Judge is beating himself up even more than Websleuthers, and I feel for him. I've been imagining putting myself in his position. The pressure would be on BIGTIME. It's one thing to be a Judge in an Idaho court. It's another thing entirely to be centre stage in one of the highest-profile court proceedings ever broadcast live in the free world. If that were me, I would have prepared ad nauseum to cover all bases (and I'm quite sure that Judge Judge did exactly this.) Checking points of law, ensuring that any possible issue which could arise was covered - probably even checked that the mike was working. Thankfully, for me, I don't think I can truly imagine that level of pressure. (As an aside, I have occasionally been required to speak publicly in front of large audiences. The level of pressure which I experienced was probably a zillionth of a percent of what Judge Judge was experiencing, but I was sweating bullets nevertheless.)

Of course he didn't deliberately pronounce the victims' names incorrectly. He is known to be a compassionate (and learned) man, and undoubtedly would be concerned that his miss-pronunciation has caused distress to the victims' loved ones.

Respectfully, IMHO, the Native American Plains proverb "Great Spirit, grant that I may not criticize my neighbour until I have walked a mile in his moccasins" seems particularly relevant here.

For me, the thing that matters most in the end, is that he presides over a fair court which enables justice for the victims to prevail. MOO IMHO
I totally agree that the judge presiding over a fair trial is what is of paramount importance. Certainly, in the big scheme of things, mispronouncing the names of two of the four victims was not that big a deal, except to the families of those two victims. But to those families, it was likely almost a slap in the face, albeit, an unintentional one. In a society where very many are especially conscious not to publicize the name of perps of heinous crimes, which I agree with, I think we owe it to the victims of these heinous crimes to speak their own names, and speak them correctly. Like others, I believe the errors will not be repeated, and I do think the highly respected judge will conduct his court with the utmost professionalism. JMO
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I could be wrong but I don't think grand juries are always impaneled for just one case. The jurors serve for a period of time and they can weigh in on multiple cases during that time. Someone correct me if I'm wrong because I'm not an attorney, this was just my general understanding.
Even though this only happenned yesterday, thread is moving at such a pace that I had to go back and check. So it's News Nation that has this story re BK's folks and GJ re Dana Smithers. At this point, I'm assuming any other reports are just repeating NN's story (ie Daily M). The source for the story is a "source close to the case".

"Bryan Kohberger’s parents have been called to testify before a grand jury in Pennsylvania, NewsNation has learned.
The case is related to Dana Smithers, a 45-year-old woman who went missing in May 2022 in Monroe County. That’s the same Pennsylvania county where Kohberger lived.
A source close to the case says Kohberger has a solid alibi and is likely not connected to Smither’s disappearance — but the grand jury has not concluded their proceedings and the investigation is ongoing."

EBM for accuracy (my own).

I could be wrong but I don't think grand juries are always impaneled for just one case. The jurors serve for a period of time and they can weigh in on multiple cases during that time. Someone correct me if I'm wrong because I'm not an attorney, this was just my general understanding.

That's how it is where I live. But not in Idaho. I don't know PA's rules.

However, if they did schedule a GJ hearing, the State has to give the case some kind of name. If there's such a thing as an investigative grand jury in PA, then I would assume that they would meet several times to go over whatever it is the State is bringing to them. GJ's do not choose their own cases. Where I live, the DA makes the decision to send matters to the GJ (and our rules are quite different to Idaho's and Pennsylvania's).

Someone has to be bringing the investigative material in front of the GJ - but in what matter, we don't know. I can envision a series of tips and complaints about BK arising from his new notoriety and I can imagine a secret GJ being asked to sort that. OTOH, does anyone know of any GJ (ever, anywhere) that met simply to discuss a bunch of tips/complaints about one person when there was no evidence collected locally by LE? (I'm trying to make sense of what we're hearing).

That's how it is where I live. But not in Idaho. I don't know PA's rules.

However, if they did schedule a GJ hearing, the State has to give the case some kind of name. If there's such a thing as an investigative grand jury in PA, then I would assume that they would meet several times to go over whatever it is the State is bringing to them. GJ's do not choose their own cases. Where I live, the DA makes the decision to send matters to the GJ (and our rules are quite different to Idaho's and Pennsylvania's).

Someone has to be bringing the investigative material in front of the GJ - but in what matter, we don't know. I can envision a series of tips and complaints about BK arising from his new notoriety and I can imagine a secret GJ being asked to sort that. OTOH, does anyone know of any GJ (ever, anywhere) that met simply to discuss a bunch of tips/complaints about one person when there was no evidence collected locally by LE? (I'm trying to make sense of what we're hearing).

I'm thinking along the same lines as you and I have all of the same questions re: what a GJ would be asked to weigh in on and who brought it in front of them?

Kohberger's father is expected to testify before the impaneled grand jury in a sealed proceeding in Pennsylvania Thursday, according to the source.

His mother previously testified before the secretive panel, the source said.

The parents of the man indicted for the killings of four University of Idaho students were subpoenaed in the Pennsylvania jurisdiction where they live and where Bryan Kohberger was arrested last December.

Their compelled testimony under oath may be shared with prosecutors in Idaho, according to the source. Pennsylvania law allows judges to release transcripts of witness testimony before grand juries to other investigative agencies after a court hearing.

An attorney representing Kohberger's parents tried unsuccessfully to have the subpoenas quashed, the source said.

The attorney retained by Michael and Maryann Kohberger declined to comment to CNN about the grand jury proceedings.
On Thursday, the Stroud Area Regional Police Department said it is aware of some media outlets reporting connections between Kohberger and the investigation into the disappearance of Dana Smithers, a woman whose remains were found in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania last month.

Police said there's no evidence to support those claims.

"The SARPD has no evidence that Dana Smither's disappearance, is in any way tied to Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger," said Jennifer Lyon, chief of police.
So unlike the News Nation report, this report (from CNN wire) does not directly mention Dana Smithers case in connection with the GJ where BK's parents are testifying. It also has updated details. Seems like it may be the result of separate journalism and not just a repeat of NN's story. MOO
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Why subpeona parents then? MOO that's an extreme intrusuon for zero evidence.
The FBI may have hinted for PA to move ahead with this in order to further the Idaho case (psychological and monetary strain on parents, can see how good/bad they are at testimony, perhaps even trying to get some sort of hearsay exception admitted)
Pretty shady imho but all is fair in love and war as they say.
The FBI may have hinted for PA to move ahead with this in order to further the Idaho case (psychological and monetary strain on parents, can see how good/bad they are at testimony, perhaps even trying to get some sort of hearsay exception admitted)
Pretty shady imho but all is fair in love and war as they say.
MOO there will be legal reason for the subpeona.Ot might be a two-fer if police believe BKs parents are withholding.
Info,but for the GJ to call.thwre is a reason related to justice for Dana Smithers.
Investigating grand jury act 1978: PA




4541. Short title of subchapter.

4542. Definitions.

4543. Convening county investigating grand jury.

4544. Convening multicounty investigating grand jury.

4545. Composition of investigating grand jury.

4546. Term of investigating grand jury.

4547. Additional investigating grand juries.

4548. Powers of investigating grand jury.

4549. Investigating grand jury proceedings.

4550. Submission of investigations by attorney for the Commonwealth to investigating grand jury.

4551. Investigating grand jury presentments.

4552. Investigating grand jury reports.

4553. Expenses of investigating grand juries and trials resulting therefrom.

1980 ACT 164: PA section 206

(b) Investigating grand juries.--The Attorney General shall convene and conduct investigating grand juries as provided in the act of November 22, 1978 (P.L.1148, No.271), known as the "Investigating Grand Jury Act."

There is more info at the links. MOO
ETC grammar
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Even though this only happenned yesterday, thread is moving at such a pace that I had to go back and check. So it's News Nation that has this story re BK's folks and GJ re Dana Smithers. At this point, I'm assuming any other reports are just repeating NN's story (ie Daily M). The source for the story is a "source close to the case".

"Bryan Kohberger’s parents have been called to testify before a grand jury in Pennsylvania, NewsNation has learned.
The case is related to Dana Smithers, a 45-year-old woman who went missing in May 2022 in Monroe County. That’s the same Pennsylvania county where Kohberger lived.
A source close to the case says Kohberger has a solid alibi and is likely not connected to Smither’s disappearance — but the grand jury has not concluded their proceedings and the investigation is ongoing."

EBM for accuracy (my own).

The victim doesn’t fit the profile of the Idaho 4, but who knows? JMO
Task force link

In 2017 there was a task force that looked into investigative grand juries who issued a report in 2019: This link talks about it: and the changes that resulted

Fortieth statewide investigative grand jury in 2019

Title 42:

If BK’s parents are being subpoenaed, and it’s not the missing woman’s case, then I wonder if it is about the Idaho case? That would make more sense to me. JMO

And I wonder if it is the missing woman's case, if they're subpoenaing family members of every person called into a tip line? Would a PA investigating GJ do that?

It seems Brian Entin is reporting one thing (doesn't state a source) and CNN is reporting something else about whether this is about DS or not.

I’m behind as per usual, but the above bolded by me is my inclination especially with respect to Latah County. As a 35 year resident, the vast majority of people I know keep up with local news through reputable local outlets (not via social media), which have been pretty darn restrained. And even then, many aren’t keeping necessarily current.

I pretty firmly believe an impartial jury could definitely be seated in Latah County, and that it might be the easiest place in the entire state to seat an impartial jury because this community from the beginning has been aware of the potential of being called for jury duty for this case specifically.

MOO, as always.

I would agree and I also believe that sitting on an actual jury, listening to evidence presented is much different than listening to gossip and speculative rumours.
This is a very interesting developement.

Many of us thought that Kohberger had previous experience as a serial kiler.

There are those other cases in Washington and Portland(?)
that had many similarities.

We shall soon find out, depending on what, if any, evidence was found with the Pennsylvania girl's body.
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