48 Hours and Paradise Lost; West Memphis Three

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Except "the worst evil on the planet" is still walking around free while three innocent young men are falsely imprisoned for his crime. So, I cry out for the release of three innocent young men and the arrest, trial and imprisonment of the real killer of the three little boys.

The real killers are already in prison.
Except "the worst evil on the planet" is still walking around free while three innocent young men are falsely imprisoned for his crime. So, I cry out for the release of three innocent young men and the arrest, trial and imprisonment of the real killer of the three little boys.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Guilty as convicted.

And they aren't going anywhere.
December will come, and, when the smoke from the hearing clears, the Three will be free. I just hope that the State of Arkansas will prosecute the real killer. I'm afraid that they will "wimp out" and say something like too much time has passed and let the real killer remain free, as he has been for the last 17+ years. That would be another travesty of justice, and the little boys deserve better.
December will come, and, when the smoke from the hearing clears, the Three will be free. I just hope that the State of Arkansas will prosecute the real killer. I'm afraid that they will "wimp out" and say something like too much time has passed and let the real killer remain free, as he has been for the last 17+ years. That would be another travesty of justice, and the little boys deserve better.

You are already covering your *advertiser censored* by saying they won't convict the "real killer" because they "won't admit they were wrong". They won't go after TH because there is NO evidence against him - physical OR circumstantial. Nothing.

So if they do get released (which they won't) - would you invite Damien over to your house? Do you have kids? Maybe he could babysit? Would you be cool with that?
I would most certainly invite Damien to my house. Of course, I would also invite his wife. My only child is about a month younger than Damien, so he doesn't require a babysitter, but, if he ever gives me a grandchild, Damien would be a welcomed babysitter. And, there is evidence against TH. Some will be revealed in December.
Everything I've seen and read (no, I did not watch 48 hours) tells me the 3 are innocent. I think Echols in his youth was like many young kids in which I mean that he listened to heavy metal music, he dressed goth, he had sex, he got in trouble and liked to brag and use the shock factor of saying stupid things. These do not prove he killed those boys. Why did Terry Hobbs lie? Neighbors saw him with the boys last and he denied it. Why would the neighbors lie? The prosecutors truly worked this case and they have all since gained political advancement. I believe the wm3 got screwed. It's disgusting how people can get hammered by little to no evidence. I watched a documentary on a kid that spent 10 years in prison for a murder hr did not commit. Wanna know what got him put in prison? A picture he drew of a person dragging a body in a body bag and that he lived on the property next to where the body was found. That's it! No other physical evidence at all. He lost 10 years! He's out because they managed to get it overturned. It's scary to think that it takes so little to be found guilty.

There are too many innocent people in prison today just because some little men wanted political advancement. Please join us at www.wm3blackboard.com to learn more about the tragic case of Damien, Jason and Jessie. I feel that the day of justice for these three (and the three murdered little boys) is closer than ever. Someone will pay for the deaths of those three angels. From what I have learned, I feel that TH is the guilty party, but only time will tell if the WMPD will have the guts to pursue him as a suspect. Hopefully, the citizens of West Memphis and its environs will rise up and demand justice.
I certainly hope so. Two of the three sets of parents for the victims believe that the 3 are not guilty. You'd think that would account for something.
I certainly hope so. Two of the three sets of parents for the victims believe that the 3 are not guilty.

Whoa, Nelly!

Of the six parents, only Mark Byers has stated unequivocally that he thinks the child killers are innocent.

Byers' motives, of course, can be summed up in two words: attention and money. Not a reliable source upon which to base an opinion.
Pam Hicks Hobbs has also questioned the guilt of the WM3. She still cannot bring herself to accuse TH, but many members of her family do. For anyone who doesn't know, she's Stevie's mother. TH, who is under suspicion by anyone with intelligence, is obviously going to maintain a belief in the guilt of the WM3. It is true that Todd Moore and his ex-wife, Dana, still believe the three to be guilty. However, that could have something to do with her treatment following the drunk driving incident shortly after the murders. Maybe they feel like they owe something to the WMPD.
It is true that Todd Moore and his ex-wife, Dana, still believe the three to be guilty. However, that could have something to do with her treatment following the drunk driving incident shortly after the murders. Maybe they feel like they owe something to the WMPD.

Yeah, that must be it.

After all, it's only been 18 years :floorlaugh:
Pam Hicks Hobbs has also questioned the guilt of the WM3. She still cannot bring herself to accuse TH, but many members of her family do. For anyone who doesn't know, she's Stevie's mother. TH, who is under suspicion by anyone with intelligence, is obviously going to maintain a belief in the guilt of the WM3. It is true that Todd Moore and his ex-wife, Dana, still believe the three to be guilty. However, that could have something to do with her treatment following the drunk driving incident shortly after the murders. Maybe they feel like they owe something to the WMPD.

Pamela Hicks would agree with you if you told her a goat killed those boys. Hardly a reliable source of anything.
Her family also believes that Terry was involved. And, for my money, Pam is much more reliable than Jessie. Right now IMO she's having trouble accepting the truth because it means that, after Stevie's death, she lived for several years with his murderer. She can't bring herself to accuse Terry right now, but she is convinced that the WM3 at least deserve a new trial.
And maybe that's only what she tells the supporters who are paying her. What she really thinks in private might be different.

The money? Is it big hearted or does it have more to do with the defense of 3 punks?

It's not like that money is coming from a source without an agenda!
The money in the defense fund is used to achieve the release of three unjustly incarcerated young men and, in part, to work for justice for the three little boys who were killed. Any funds Pam or any other parent receives is not from supporters but from other sources. She has the right to sell her story, as anyone in a similar situation does.

Let me ask you this, would any amount of money make you want to see your son's murderers freed? I know that no amount of money would sway me into telling a lie that might lead to the freedom of my son's murderers. I don't think that Pam could be "bought off" as you are implying. I think that she now realizes that the WMPD fed her a line of BS. In fact, during the investigation, she tried to tell Gitchell something (about Terry I think), but he told her not to "mess up my case." She just wants justice for Stevie.
Here is a quote from you, CR, taken from the thread, "My View Has Done A Complete 180" page 5, post #108
"I, too, support the families of the three murdered little boys. In fact, I have given money to a fund established to help the families, as I have given money to the defense fund."

Would you mind telling us who runs the fund for the families, what organization?
Some money was collected around Christmas time. This is not a major effort, it's just a few of us who wanted to help out some indigent families during these hard times. I believe, IIRC, I contributed by buying a product on Zazzle.com. Some special T-shirts were designed and sold for that purpose.

ETA: Please note that this is separate from the defense fund. The money was to have been equally distributed among all three families. However, I believe the Moores refused to accept any funds. That doesn't make me change my mind about the innocence of the WM3, it just makes me sad for the Moores.
If they have Evidence that TH killed those three boys, they would not wait until the hearings to bring that up. They would have arrested him 4 years ago when they found supposedly his hair. Not four years later.

TH is not and has never been considered a suspect and he will never be considered a suspect.

Why would they wait until the hearings are beginning to bring up evidence against TH?
I certainly hope so. Two of the three sets of parents for the victims believe that the 3 are not guilty. You'd think that would account for something.

The only reason JMB is saying they are not guilty is because of $$$$.
CR, do not come on here, and tell us family members aren't receiving money from supporters, and then turn around, and have to admit they are.

You're darn right, Todd and Dana don't want supporter money. They know exactly what the purpose is.

There is not a darn thing that supporters do concerning this case that doesn't ultimately have to do with the defense of Damien Echols.

If compassion for the victims' families was the root of the money, then Terry would be receiving funds as well, but no, since supporters are on a crusade to crucify him, his own victim status has been left in the dust.

Supporters unrelentingly victimized JMB, and now the same is happening to Terry, and with less evidence than convicted DJJ.

IMO, this money only came about as of late in hopes that JMB, Pam and her daughter would testify against Terry in the evidentiary hearing.

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