4937 Hopespring Dr Goes into Foreclosure

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I think Lee had the good since to jump this sinking ship as soon as he knew the truth. I really do believe he might be the sain one, just a little odd.
Homes with sordid pasts: Creepy, but great bargains

Murder. Suicide. Homes with dark histories can be difficult to sell and often suffer severe drops in value. Here’s how to learn whether a home has a sketchy past and how to mitigate the stigma if you own one.
By Marilyn Lewis of MSN Real Estate


And an example of the opposite, counterpoint to your statement and article:

Bed and Breakfast

In the St. of Florida , differing from other States, you can not lose your home to pay civil damages. The most ZFG could do is file a judgement against them and a lien be placed on the home. THe money would be paid to her after the house sold BUT ONLY if there was equity. There is no equity. I doubt this is the reason for the foreclosure as their attorney would have informed them of this from the onset.
You are so right. A perfect example was OJ living in his home in FL and avoiding the civil judgment owed to Mr. Goldman. MOO
I think Lee had the good since to jump this sinking ship as soon as he knew the truth. I really do believe he might be the sain one, just a little odd.
I think you just might be right; or at least more sane than the rest of his immediate family! MOO
WELCOME Justice Seeker...
So glad you joined in. We love when lurkers join the party!!!!!!!!

Thanks! I've been obsessed with this case since day 1 or should I say 31...anyway, this forclosure is also premeditated! CA doesn't work this way, she'd absolutely die if people knew she was losing her home!!! There's a plan, you can bet on that! And, yes Lee does seem to have a little more sense than the others, at least he knows how to keep his mouth shut & out of the cameras view!
Thanks! I've been obsessed with this case since day 1 or should I say 31...anyway, this forclosure is also premeditated! CA doesn't work this way, she'd absolutely die if people knew she was losing her home!!! There's a plan, you can bet on that! And, yes Lee does seem to have a little more sense than the others, at least he knows how to keep his mouth shut & out of the cameras view!
ITA this home foreclosure is no accident. There can be several advantages for the A's if they do not own property. MOO
"In the meantime, he really needs to figure out a way to keep that roof over his head so that he can continue to go into Caylee’s room and find the emotional peace to which he has often referred to..."


JMO, but I don't feel the As deserve to go in Caylee's room. Why? Because CAYLEE can no longer go in HER room. :furious:
I'm not going to belabor this point but it appears that in Florida you can default on your mortgage and still live and argue the point for years. Texas isn't that understanding.

Look. A responsible person that has hit on hard times would be worrying about finding a place to rent while having bad credit, limited income, two dogs and a cat and possible lawsuits. The Anthonys aren't worried so it seems.

I'll not add what I want to add......
In the St. of Florida , differing from other States, you can not lose your home to pay civil damages. The most ZFG could do is file a judgement against them and a lien be placed on the home. THe money would be paid to her after the house sold BUT ONLY if there was equity. There is no equity. I doubt this is the reason for the foreclosure as their attorney would have informed them of this from the onset.
iirc zfg is suing kc not ca & ga? am i wrong about this? they couldnt lose anything in a civil suit that doesnt name them. does zfg's lawsuit name ca & ga?
ITA this home foreclosure is no accident. There can be several advantages for the A's if they do not own property. MOO


From our member Chezerie
"Most states recognize that a public policy against insuring for losses resulting from intentional or criminal acts is justified by the fact that such acts would be encouraged, or at least not dissuaded, if insurance were available to shift the financial burden of the loss from the wrongdoer to the insurer, ergo the reason such exclusions and/or definitions of "accidental," as homeowner's insurance typically covers accidents and an intentional tort is not usually deemed an accident, are legal."
I'm also wondering where CA and GA are getting money to hire a "new" attorney to handle their foreclosure.
Hello all, back from longtime lurking :)

Didn't GA & CA file for for disability benefits? I'm sure I read it here somewhere. In any case, IF they let their home go into foreclosure intentionally (and I firmly believe they did), and they are receiving disability benefits, can't the bank (or any other bill collector they owe), garnishee their wages for the payments?

I know if a person receives SSI as disability and didn't work & pay money into the system, it can't be garnished, because this in and of itself isn't enough to live on. BUT, if a person is drawing disability from where they paid into SS, the wages can be garnished.

It po's me to no end that 1st they are allowed to file for & receive disability benefits when it's clear neither are disabled, but then now let their home go into foreclosure AND Casey's team asking for the state to pay for her defense? IMO, the state is already paying by GIVING GA & CA benefits they are NOT qualified to receive. Make em go to work & earn a living. It's not the state's fault they got themselves into this mess and nobody wants to hire them. At the very least, CA could do private duty...
Snipped from article.

Headline: Anthony Family May Lose Caylee’s Home
Seems to me someone wants sympathy. However when KC decided to end Caylee's life a home no longer mattered.
The Anthonys attorney attributed the couple’s latest financial problems to the notoriety of the case and the emotional toll caused by their granddaughter’s slaying.
So this is why they didn't make the payments???
George Anthony, on the other hand, said he -- like many others in this economy -- is having difficulty finding work. But the Anthonys attorney said George Anthony has an added difficulty because he is instantly recognized and rejected by most employers either because of who he is or because companies fear he may bring unwanted media attention.
The Anthonys said they plan to do all they can to save their home, if only to preserve the place where Caylee spent her life.
But everything else they have done has been a slap in the face to Caylee in my opinion.

Sorry for my rant. But GOSH.

I am sure they would be happy to take sympathetic donations "to preserve the place where Caylee spent her life".
Two thing I want to point out, first, CA says she's disabled due to the tragedy that happened & having to deal with it....but, when JB filed those motions the other day, the part that brings up Cindy calling 911, JB states that she is of perfect health, physically & mentally.....I wondered when I read that if that statement might hurt her in the long run.

The other point is about her new forclosure lawyer. I read his profile & see that he also has experience as a criminal defense attorney! How fortunate for her & KC! I know she wanted MJ to do the "combo" thing & work for them and KC but, he refused. BC on the other hand is in it as deep as they are! Wonder what this guy will do when she suggests that he participate in KC's circus?
I am sure they would be happy to take sympathetic donations "to preserve the place where Caylee spent her life".

Sorry but I gave at the office! Besides, I'd rather pile my money up & strike a match to it before helping any of those people out! :furious:
This is pure speculation on my part but I live in Florida and have just been made aware of a mortgage modification that Obama has made available to those who qualify. My brother in-law was at our home tonight and filled us in on his latest mortgage change. His wife lost her job, he was transferred and is making half the salary that he used to and they have two small children. They have owned their home for 10 years. They were told by Wells Fargo to stop making payments on their house and credit cards. They sold a vehicle and kept the proceeds in a safe at home. Only a small number of people qualify for this loan modification through Wells Fargo but if it went through they would need money to pay. Well he found out yesterday that they were approved for this loan modification. They will have a 30 year loan. The first 5 years is at 1% interest so there house payment went from $1,200 a month to $700 a month including taxes and insurance. The interest will increase over the years, I don't remember the increments of the increase but the interest is capped at 5%. It sounded like an ARM to me but he assures me that they asked and that is not the case under this government funded program They had to pay the $700 for March and their next payment is not due until June. It is my opinion that the A's may be trying to qualify for this type of modification since I read somewhere that they are paying a high interest rate. However, since they have a bankruptcy I don't know if the A's would qualify. I am not a fan of the A's, I just like to try to figure out there scams as they go along. I also do not know on my brother in laws part if his credit is now bad since he was late on all of his payment but I would imagine the answer would be yes. But then again late is better than bankruptcy. I still can't believe the A's spent all of the money they made. I have a feeling it is hidden somewhere untraceable. JMO
I'm not going to belabor this point but it appears that in Florida you can default on your mortgage and still live and argue the point for years. Texas isn't that understanding.

Look. A responsible person that has hit on hard times would be worrying about finding a place to rent while having bad credit, limited income, two dogs and a cat and possible lawsuits. The Anthonys aren't worried so it seems.

I'll not add what I want to add......

Does interest accrue on the amount owed? Although I would think that's part of the debate and settlement, to both argue the interest rate and amount owed.
This is pure speculation on my part but I live in Florida and have just been made aware of a mortgage modification that Obama has made available to those who qualify. My brother in-law was at our home tonight and filled us in on his latest mortgage change. His wife lost her job, he was transferred and is making half the salary that he used to and they have two small children. They have owned their home for 10 years. They were told by Wells Fargo to stop making payments on their house and credit cards. They sold a vehicle and kept the proceeds in a safe at home. Only a small number of people qualify for this loan modification through Wells Fargo but if it went through they would need money to pay. Well he found out yesterday that they were approved for this loan modification. They will have a 30 year loan. The first 5 years is at 1% interest so there house payment went from $1,200 a month to $700 a month including taxes and insurance. The interest will increase over the years, I don't remember the increments of the increase but the interest is capped at 5%. It sounded like an ARM to me but he assures me that they asked and that is not the case under this government funded program They had to pay the $700 for March and their next payment is not due until June. It is my opinion that the A's may be trying to qualify for this type of modification since I read somewhere that they are paying a high interest rate. However, since they have a bankruptcy I don't know if the A's would qualify. I am not a fan of the A's, I just like to try to figure out there scams as they go along. I also do not know on my brother in laws part if his credit is now bad since he was late on all of his payment but I would imagine the answer would be yes. But then again late is better than bankruptcy. I still can't believe the A's spent all of the money they made. I have a feeling it is hidden somewhere untraceable. JMO

Please tell your brother in law to beware Sdavidson! I almost lost my home last year when I was laid off. I too have been in my home almost 10 years. Wells Fargo IMHO doesn't have a clue as to what they are doing. I was offered a similar deal from them, although my int. rate was already @ 6 % when I bought my house and that's where it would stay. (they also never told me to quit making house pmts or credit card pmts, although I HAD to quit making CC pmts) I had to come up with $2400.00, and make 3 pmts on time and then my loan would be modified. After making 2 pmts (on time of course) I was sent a letter stating that the modification had been denied, but gave no reason.. WF told me to ignore. Before I could make the 3rd pmt, I received yet another letter wanting to change my pmt amt for one year (making it = 1 1/2 pmts per month. NOT what was agreed upon 2 mths prior) AND they wanted THAT pmt 3 days after the original 3rd pmt was due! I went ahead and sent the 3rd pmt in and they sent it back because they said they needed a certified check (although the previous 2 were personal cks and I had NEVER had a check returned for any reason) So I went to the bank and got a cashiers check and mailed it, only to have it sent back because now they said it wasn't enough, meaning the larger pmt. To make a LONG story shorter, IF my son in law was not an attorney and hadn't sued for breach of contract I would have walked away, simply because I had no idea what they really wanted or what else to do! He had a hard time getting WF's attorneys to return his calls as an attorney (of course they didn't know that he was my sil) and even when he was speaking regularly with WF's attys, the attys couldn't get a straight answer from Wells Fargo! A mess I tell you, it just seemed like nobody there could get on the same page OR knew what the other was doing. OT I know, just a heads up! Good Luck to your BIL!
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