4937 Hopespring Dr Goes into Foreclosure

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http://myclerk.myorangeclerk.com/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseID=7113423 Civil case, type in CA.

Interesting that BC is not her lawyer. CA has retained Mark Lippman, where is the money coming from? Also interesting that the summons was returned unserved, was CA hiding out in the house when they came to deliver it? :)

Mark Lippman profile:


Do you think it's possible the CMA foundation is footing the bill for this lawyer? :eek: Their head office is based there afterall. :banghead:

George and Cindy Anthony have failed to pay their mortgage for nine straight months, according to records. The couple claims Bank of America failed to notify them of their delinquency as required by federal regulation.
They cannot be serious. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.:furious: That they make up lies that are so easily disprovable gives us a glimpse of where Casey developed this insane behavior. If this is what was modeled for her at her parents knee as a kid...no wonder she is so very lacking in a moral compass and or reality. You just can't make this stuff up. This is as preposterous as them claiming Casey stealing Amy's checks was just a little misunderstanding between friends. Casey is Cindy Jr. in stripper boots and a mini skirt, imo.
These people always blame someone else for their misdeeds/misfortunes.

You would know since you have deliberately stopped paying on your mortgage! How do you let 9 months pass without paying your mortgage and then blame BOA for not notifying them! Typical Anthony behavior and thinking..

Yes, TWA, the apple didn't fall far from that tree...:waitasec:

George and Cindy Anthony have failed to pay their mortgage for nine straight months, according to records. The couple claims Bank of America failed to notify them of their delinquency as required by federal regulation.They cannot be serious. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.:furious: That they make up lies that are so easily disprovable gives us a glimpse of where Casey developed this insane behavior. If this is what was modeled for her at her parents knee as a kid...no wonder she is so very lacking in a moral compass and or reality. You just can't make this stuff up. This is as preposterous as them claiming Casey stealing Amy's checks was just a little misunderstanding between friends. Casey is Cindy Jr. in stripper boots and a mini skirt, imo.

Good grief. What can a person say about these people? My Mom always used to say "if you don't have anything nice to say about someone than don't say anythng" I think I shall follow that advice for now.
These people always blame someone else for their misdeeds/misfortunes.

You would know since you have deliberately stopped paying on your mortgage! How do you let 9 months pass without paying your mortgage and then blame BOA for not notifying them! Typical Anthony behavior and thinking..

Yes, TWA, the apple didn't fall far from that tree...:waitasec:

So would you not think that instead of getting ANOTHER attorney under their belt that they would use the money they will have to pay this attorney to pay their mortgage up to date. What I think they are doing is trying to get some public sympathy and then they will do their book deal....to save the home of course!!!! JMO
So would you not think that instead of getting ANOTHER attorney under their belt that they would use the money they will have to pay this attorney to pay their mortgage up to date. What I think they are doing is trying to get some public sympathy and then they will do their book deal....to save the home of course!!!! JMO

You know, I could believe that in a time of havoc, such as the first month - and I'll even stretch it to 2 months - when Caylee was reported missing, that someone could simply forget to send in their mortgage payment. I could certainly understand that. Or maybe the month Caylee's remains were found, certainly, you could be so distraught that writing your mortgage check just isn't a priority on your mind.

But... there is no way anyone can forget to pay their mortgage for nine months - and this long after the initial havoc occurred. It simply can not happen. It is a deliberate choice, and a series of deliberate actions - nine choices and nine actions - month after month after month - not to pay the mortgage you are obligated to pay.

Their new attorney is going to have to try a whole lot harder to drum up sympathy for this one.

George and Cindy Anthony have failed to pay their mortgage for nine straight months, according to records. The couple claims Bank of America failed to notify them of their delinquency as required by federal regulation.
They cannot be serious. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.:furious: That they make up lies that are so easily disprovable gives us a glimpse of where Casey developed this insane behavior. If this is what was modeled for her at her parents knee as a kid...no wonder she is so very lacking in a moral compass and or reality. You just can't make this stuff up. This is as preposterous as them claiming Casey stealing Amy's checks was just a little misunderstanding between friends. Casey is Cindy Jr. in stripper boots and a mini skirt, imo.

ITA! So was it on legal advise from BC not to pay their debts until the Bank of America notified them or is this a technicality they learned from the new lawyer they apparently can't afford? Like they knew this all by themselves. :banghead:
I hope they continue to reap exactly what they sow in this lifetime. IMO, there's no chance any of them will be meeting up with Caylee in the afterlife so save your pills GA. There's isn't even an icon to express how nauseated I am.
Sooooo, they remembered to pay the mortgage during the time Caylee was first reported missing, all during the time they were claiming Caylee was alive, during the time period that Caylee's body was found, during the time that Casey went to jail, BUT all of a sudden around July 2009 AFTER all the previous things were already over they start forgetting to pay their mortgage, YEAH RIGHT!:furious:

I guess relaxing on the cruise, getting their tattoos, eating in fancy restuarants, going to the tanning bed, etc. was just way TOO stressful for them and therefore made them forget to pay their bills.

George and Cindy Anthony have failed to pay their mortgage for nine straight months, according to records. The couple claims Bank of America failed to notify them of their delinquency as required by federal regulation.
They cannot be serious. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.:furious: That they make up lies that are so easily disprovable gives us a glimpse of where Casey developed this insane behavior. If this is what was modeled for her at her parents knee as a kid...no wonder she is so very lacking in a moral compass and or reality. You just can't make this stuff up. This is as preposterous as them claiming Casey stealing Amy's checks was just a little misunderstanding between friends. Casey is Cindy Jr. in stripper boots and a mini skirt, imo.

Respectfully Quoted The World According :)

Well, now I know how I am going to be getting out paying all my bills from now on! Does this really work? :hypno:

As far as Cindy and George go, at this point I am just waiting to see where their choices are going to lead them. Every single thing they do is the opposite of what I would do. They are alien to me. Truly alien. :alien:

They could have set up their mortgage payments -- and all their bills, for that matter -- on automatic payments. Simple, no fuss, no muss. Nothing to think about.

This isn't their first time at the foreclosure rodeo (lost their house in Ohio). They know exactly what they are doing.:furious:
I guess I'd have probably sold the boat with the side arm radar, since well......it's not really getting any use.
Not paying their mortgage has been nothing but a CHOICE...the Anthony's have CHOSEN NOT TO PAY their mortgage! For whatever twisted reason, believe me, there is something hinky going on and the A's will benefit from it. :banghead:

The mortgage was NEVER their top priority, going on a cruise was at the top of their list!

It is all about PRIORITIES people! Justice for Caylee FIRST!!! Maintaining their home, SECOND!!! Letting justice take care of Casey, THIRD!!!!

George and Cindy Anthony have failed to pay their mortgage for nine straight months, according to records. The couple claims Bank of America failed to notify them of their delinquency as required by federal regulation.
They cannot be serious. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.:furious: That they make up lies that are so easily disprovable gives us a glimpse of where Casey developed this insane behavior. If this is what was modeled for her at her parents knee as a kid...no wonder she is so very lacking in a moral compass and or reality. You just can't make this stuff up. This is as preposterous as them claiming Casey stealing Amy's checks was just a little misunderstanding between friends. Casey is Cindy Jr. in stripper boots and a mini skirt, imo.

Just when you think that these people can't get any lower! Are you fricking serious?! There are hundreds of thousands of people out here that are enduring stressful/financially trying times. Some with children that have committed crimes and that are incarcerated, but they pay their bills!

How do you forget to put pen to your checkbook for 9 months??!! You don't. You know what bills you have that regularly occur EVERY MONTH! Your sorry behinds can REMEMBER how to SUE someone for not reminding you to pay your bills. They need to be locked up on the spot. I can not believe the gall of these people. Maybe you are forgetful for the first payment, but trust me, the mortgage people are calling and writing you to let you know you owe them!

Maybe if you kept your @$$es off of the "TV media tour", most potential employers wouldn't get to see how despicable and low that you both are and hire you! Can you blame them for not wanting anyone with your character, morals and antics to work for their company?

Walmart and Target both hire stockers that work at night or after store hours where people wouldn't really see them. These bottom feeders DON'T want to work! You had money to go on a cruise and get tatoos, didn't you?

You received some money from the media tours, picture rights, etc. The very first thing that you do is make sure that you have a roof over your heads!

I think that they deserve to have every possession of theirs put on the curb outside of their home and put out. How many times do they think that the rules don't apply to them and they can keep giving anyone involved in LE or someone that they owe money the finger?!

Can you tell that I am absolutely infuriated with these ___________!? (Fill in wth your "choice" words for them). :furious::furious::banghead::banghead:
OT but the Foundation thread is locked. Was just at their website 2 minutes ago and was visitor 826. Considering I`ve been there at least 10 times, that`s sad.
Guys they are just making the claim that B of A didn't notify them of their delinquency in the proper manner. I don't think anywhere have they made a claim that they were unaware that they were delinquent or that they were unaware that they had not made their payments.

You may very well know someone is suing or is going to sue you. But until you are properly served, you really don't know in a practical or legal sense KWIM?
I think their statements have been that they did not know that the foreclosure paperwork had been filed and in reality who would know unless they are checking court records daily or are notified?

I think their statements are accurate but are being interpreted too literally. JMHO of course.
I agree JBean. You file with the court and notify the mortgage holder. Given the high alert status on their courthouse records and the likelihood that media checks daily.....it is entirely plausible that the docs were filed before they got their official copy from BOA. They would have known they were in default but not that the papers were filed.
Jbean I understand what you are saying..but geez..If you haven't paid in 9 months..aren't u expecting a foreclosure??? Do they think they are so special..
Sorry not buying this. People know when they don't pay it will come back on you..an they can afford a new Attorney GEEZ.. Just their past shows they think they are above the Law..an go on a cruise instead of paying your Mortgage..Don't think so.
They can throw all the excuses they want, The public won't buy it..They have shown their true colors..an it isn't a Rainbow..:banghead:
Sitting here scratching my head and wondering....how does one with no money to pay their monthly mortgage have money to hire yet ANOTHER lawyer? Why did they need a new lawyer why not use Conway?
Is it a normal or common practice to hire an attorney when your house is being foreclosed on by the bank? It seems odd to me that someone may not be able to pay their mortgage but is able to pay an attorney, but I know nothing about foreclosures so thought I would ask.
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