4937 Hopespring Dr Goes into Foreclosure

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My grandchildren are nothing short of miracles to me. When I saw my first grandchild at the hospital, my heart was just overflowing with love for the little stranger. She was magic to me and I spent every moment I could with her.

Could I live in a house where my granddaughter MAY have been murdered ? I have to answer with a resounding NO. I could not and would not.

Would I let the house go into foreclosure? NO, I would not. I would have either leased it out or sold it right then. That is, IF I even thought anything had happened to my granddaughter in the house.

One thing I do know for certain is that I would never have acted like the Anthony's have. I also would have been out every day, all day long, looking for my granddaughter. Someone would have had to drag me home every night.

The decision to let their home go into foreclosure was a conscious (sp?) decision on the Anthony's part. I have no idea why they have chosen to do this, but I do not have any sympathy for them.

Another thought that comes to mind of why the house is in foreclosure even though there should have been income to pay for a mortgage (CA's disability and the money they got from "48 Hours" and who knows what other networks for videos or photos of Caylee) -- maybe GA, if he does have a gambling habit -- as per the email scam that he says he got taken by -- maybe he's gambled it away?
Another thought that comes to mind of why the house is in foreclosure even though there should have been income to pay for a mortgage (CA's disability and the money they got from "48 Hours" and who knows what other networks for videos or photos of Caylee) -- maybe GA, if he does have a gambling habit -- as per the email scam that he says he got taken by -- maybe he's gambled it away?

I somehow never believed that GA was victim to an internet scam or had a gambling problem. I believe that all of the escort sites that LE found on the computer can be attributed to GA. I think this is where the money went.
I'm just curious to know how many tax deductions they took- it they took Casey and Caylee we will know for 100% sure they knew she was not working.

IIRC, during the John Morgan Deposition of Cindy they asked Cindy if Casey filed tax returns etc., etc., and Cindy stated Casey filed her own tax returns.
IIRC, during the John Morgan Deposition of Cindy they asked Cindy if Casey filed tax returns etc., etc., and Cindy stated Casey filed her own tax returns.

Yes, but they lied about a lot of things during that depo - I'd like to see the IRS version of who claimed what :innocent:
Yes, but they lied about a lot of things during that depo - I'd like to see the IRS version of who claimed what :innocent:

If they lied, they will have perjured themselves especially when the civil case is brought to trial and Morgan asks Cindy the question again.

IMO, no one is going to see the Anthony's tax returns with regards to whether they claimed Caylee as a Dependant. It is known fact that Casey wasn't working at some point prior to Caylee's demise and the Anthony's are fully aware of it, whether they choose to believe it, well that is another story. :crazy:
I somehow never believed that GA was victim to an internet scam or had a gambling problem. I believe that all of the escort sites that LE found on the computer can be attributed to GA. I think this is where the money went.

I feel the same way as you do.

Was there ever any evidence offered up to GA and the internet scam and his so called gambling problem?

Is there a topic for this? Please flit me if needed!
I feel the same way as you do.

Was there ever any evidence offered up to GA and the internet scam and his so called gambling problem?

Is there a topic for this? Please flit me if needed!

George has never been charged with anything that would make him have to offer evidence pertaining to the gambling.
Thanks Affinity.

I don't means so much as charged as proof that he had a gambling problem and also was scammed. Poor guy can't catch a break can he?
Can't even get a job now.....:innocent:

I've often wondered if KC had her sticky hands right in the midst of this.
IIRC, during the John Morgan Deposition of Cindy they asked Cindy if Casey filed tax returns etc., etc., and Cindy stated Casey filed her own tax returns.

I have a son in college who files his own tax return. He does not claim himself as a dependent we do. So Ca avoided the question, she still could have claimed KC and Caylee as dependents.
I have a son in college who files his own tax return. He does not claim himself as a dependent we do. So Ca avoided the question, she still could have claimed KC and Caylee as dependents.
But Casey was not a student under 24 like your son. So she could not qualify that way.
IIRC, during the John Morgan Deposition of Cindy they asked Cindy if Casey filed tax returns etc., etc., and Cindy stated Casey filed her own tax returns.

Would Casey even need to file with no income?
I have a son in college who files his own tax return. He does not claim himself as a dependent we do. So Ca avoided the question, she still could have claimed KC and Caylee as dependents.

See, when I was in college, my parents claimed me a as a dependant and did my taxes, at least until I was twenty five. And I still had to be accountable to them, as in turning in W-2's. So if I wasn't working, they knew about it solely because of taxes. I couldn't lie about that and get away with it unless I decided to do my own taxes, and being a poor college kid ensured I couldn't do that until I had to at twenty five.

If CA wasn't doing this but claiming her as a dependant, and this is someone who had no money for anything, how the heck did CA think Casey was paying someone else to do her taxes? There are FEES for that either if CA's tax people were doing Casey's taxes or someone else was doing Casey's taxes (believe me, I know, because my dad used to grumble about the cost of having to do my taxes too). Plus, wouldn't she had thought it odd if Casey only never owed anything, but never got a refund check? Or maybe this was something else Casey lied about. Who knows.

I'm also wondering if tax records could be pulled to show definitively that Casey wasn't working for two years? The government is great at taking hard earned money and documenting every job anyone has ever had. Because of this, I KNOW GA and CA are liars. There is NO WAY they didn't know Casey wasn't working. Of course, there could be confidentiality issues here, but I'm thinking if they were claiming her as a dependant, then they would be privy to her work history and the like. If I'm wrong, then please let me know.

Huh, then it's no wonder they never paid their foreclosure. They don't pay for anything they don't care about, and that's including the welfare of their innocent and helpless grandchild (they may have paid for material things to make them look like good grandparents, but that's NOT making sure she's okay and being raised by a loving mother. They totally failed on that front).
Rspectfully snipped from Aedrys

"If CA wasn't doing this but claiming her as a dependant, and this is someone who had no money for anything, how the heck did CA think Casey was paying someone else to do her taxes? There are FEES for that either if CA's tax people were doing Casey's taxes or someone else was doing Casey's taxes (believe me, I know, because my dad used to grumble about the cost of having to do my taxes too). Plus, wouldn't she had thought it odd if Casey only never owed anything, but never got a refund check? Or maybe this was something else Casey lied about. Who knows."

We all do our taxes on my pc with turbotax. I usually help my sons do theirs. KC could easily have told CA that she did hers online. CA chose to believe what she wanted. This was probably small compared to the other whoppers KC told and was allowed to get away with. CA said in her depo that her children were good and never needed to be punished growing up. How do you learn boundaries if you are never corrected?
I know that I'm in the minority here but I'll say it anyway. From the beginning of this lawsuit, I have thought it frivolous. The fact that KC did not identify a picture of this ZG coupled with the reality that this woman is not Fernandez-Gonzalez, that the name is apparently much more common than I had ever imagined, indicate to me that this woman, egged on by what I consider an unethical lawyer, sought to gain monetarily by a coincidence.

The deposition of the Anthonys was nothing short of a publicity stunt in which the lawyers sought to disgrace the entire family, for professing belief in their daughter's tall tale and for not wanting to expose family matters that involved only them and her. Can anyone, in their sorry positions at that time, say that they would have done otherwise? Most of us who are parents and gps, would have grasped at any straw in order to hang on to a shred of hope, first that the baby was still alive, and second, that our own flesh and blood had not harmed her.

As many of you have previously done, I now have an almost contemptuous view of the Anthonys' actions, particularly in their public appearances. However, that doesn't mean that they deserved to be punished by a money hungry, attention seeking person who was not a wage earner to begin with, when this whole sad story began to unravel.

I think it is very possible that the Anthonys were advised to lose their home, because the odds are great, given the antipathy aginst them, they would lose it to this person in a trial. And lose it only because of the poor public opinion of them and the public's apetite for revenge against a baby killer. The glaring problem is that they did not kill little Caylee, they loved her. They're being punished because they apparently still love their daughter, despite her heinous actions.

In any case, they have lost everything they once held dear except their son. They will never have normal lives again and will always be recipients of public scorn. While I don't see them as any kind of great examples of parental demeanor in tragedy, I think their basic personalities (mainly CA's) directed their behaviour reflexibly. From what we know of them, they (mainly CA) were hardworking parents with a tendency to overlook or minimize their daughter's troubling traits, with total ignorance of her true disorder. While I feel saddest for little Caylee, I can only imagine the depths of despair CA must feel in her soul in the stillness of night, as she remembers and reflects. I wouldn't trade places with her for all the tea in China. Her life will be a daily misery to live, even on a cruise ship in the sun.

Respectfully Quoted Paula
(only responding to the bolded part.)

Being able to see Cindy and George as victims went out the window when they started accusing innocent people of the murder of their granddaughter. I think that shows their basic personalities, and shows how they raised their daughter: to lie.

I think if Cindy ever bothered to reflect on or remember anything ever, Caylee might still be alive. I do not believe Cindy loved Caylee in any deeper manner than Casey did, she refused to believe Casey was even pregnant. How much could she have cared about Caylee(and Casey), as to not get her mother prenatal care?
I understand that your twenty something daughter getting pregnant while still living at your home is not ideal so I will give leeway that the word "mistake" was ever used to describe a baby. But, Cindy continued to say that Caylee was Casey's "best mistake." Nice Grandma.

If Cindy even cared about Casey, she would not have run her mouth like she has. LE flat out told George to tell Cindy that if she wanted to help her daughter and granddaughter she needed to shut up. But she never did...

Her life will be a daily misery to live, even on a cruise ship in the sun.
I think Cindy and George acted the same way Casey did after she "got rid" of Caylee. George and Cindy have been on a cruise, gotten tattoos, wine and dined themselves...it is Cindy living "la bella vita." I have not seen any evidence to show George and Cindy are/were any more upset about Caylee than Casey.

Have the Anthonys been "ugly coping" also?

This is my first post, I've lurked for a good while. Someone made mention about Lee moving in with CA & GA. I read that he did indeed move in about a year ago to "help them with expenses" but Kathi Belich reported that she had heard he had since moved out.

Also, according to the timetable, shortly after he moved in is when they stopped paying the mortgage payments! Seems to me that again when Lee found out things were getting deep, he bailed, just as he left the investigation business alone very quickly! :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead
This is my first post, I've lurked for a good while. Someone made mention about Lee moving in with CA & GA. I read that he did indeed move in about a year ago to "help them with expenses" but Kathi Belich reported that she had heard he had since moved out.

Also, according to the timetable, shortly after he moved in is when they stopped paying the mortgage payments! Seems to me that again when Lee found out things were getting deep, he bailed, just as he left the investigation business alone very quickly! :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead

WELCOME Justice Seeker...
So glad you joined in. We love when lurkers join the party!!!!!!!!
This is my first post, I've lurked for a good while. Someone made mention about Lee moving in with CA & GA. I read that he did indeed move in about a year ago to "help them with expenses" but Kathi Belich reported that she had heard he had since moved out.

Also, according to the timetable, shortly after he moved in is when they stopped paying the mortgage payments! Seems to me that again when Lee found out things were getting deep, he bailed, just as he left the investigation business alone very quickly! :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead

Welcome to WS!!! Glad you decided to come out of lurkdom. :)
This is my first post, I've lurked for a good while. Someone made mention about Lee moving in with CA & GA. I read that he did indeed move in about a year ago to "help them with expenses" but Kathi Belich reported that she had heard he had since moved out.

Also, according to the timetable, shortly after he moved in is when they stopped paying the mortgage payments! Seems to me that again when Lee found out things were getting deep, he bailed, just as he left the investigation business alone very quickly! :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead
Welcome! :) Yes, he does seem to be distancing himself from their problems.
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