8.05.10 -Sources: 2 friends gave Terri Horman cell phones

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I don't see anything conniving and diabolical in this. Stupid? Oh yeah. And monumentally childish, inappropriate, and just plain silly.

Differences of opinions make the world go round, I guess...We'll just have to respectfully agree to disagree..JMO
This would have been when the media was starting to camp out by the house, right? Could they have gone there to try to escape the media? Would that make sense, locals?

If someone was going to escape media, you could just go south on I-5, and hit Sherwood, Wilsonville, oh there are a lot of places, easier access.
We still don't know if Terri is really conniving OR diabolical. But I'll give you conniving for her friends. I'd have been totally like "WTH you want my name for? My name's betty boop." and grabbed my purchase and moved on. But then, for store clerks who demand my name, I explain to them if I'm paying cash, my name doesn't matter. It's for advertising purposes that the clerks ask the information anyway. I have never given it, and never will.

debs, you might not know if TMH is diabolical and conniving, but I'm convinced she is...JMHOOTS
Am I remembering correctly? Wasn't one of these friends (or one anyway) the one who said she had not spoken to TH since June 4th? That doesn't make sense. If she had not spoken to her since then it doesn't add up if she is in fact one of "these" friends...................just nuts this whole thing is nuts.
Yesterday I stated... I was just trying to figure out IF her friends are as diabolical and conniving as she is, gullible, or plain ole stupid.

Today, I have my answer... They have proven they are conniving and diabolical, not to mention plain ole stupid..JMO

I hope that they were just gullible and used....guilty (I hope) of only of being duped by a con (a confidence) person, someone who convinced them with lies, to go along with a plan contrived by the con; and in this case, TH was the con.

I hope that they are just good people who were conned and were just trying to help.

The kindest, nicest people who just want to help are the easiest to con. They are willing to believe any sob story, bless their hearts, and may God protect them from these predators.

I was wondering the same thing, Cypress. It makes sense to me, as well. If so, it was poor advice, IMO.

Regardless of whose idea it was, I feel it was counterproductive, especially if it turns out not to have been for nefarious reasons involving Kyron's disappearance, since LE has had to spend time & resources looking into these secret phone friends, when LE could have been following up on other leads & tips.


Only problem at this point is why would anyone do this if they weren't guilty of something. Untraceable cell phones and fake names do not suggest innocence to me. And if the reasoning behind it WAS innocent, one of these smart ladies would have given a simple explanation. This woman said she regretted it as a spur of the moment decision. Sorry -- I've never used a fake name, much less thought about doing so in an "impromptu moment."
*whoops bounced off your post by mistake =)
Well anyways, I do agree with you, and if she took Max, where would she have got on? Max does not go down to Tualatin area,
that one new train goes into P town I think???.. but what a ride..

On this link there are many AT&T stores on the way up to the H. home..

I think using the false name kinda answers it all, and why she went to an "out of the way" store..??

I didn't know the MAX doesn't go to Tualatin. Well, maybe she wanted to go skating??? :innocent:
Oh great mod Kimster...can you tell me what is the MAX and what is PDX ?
Am I remembering correctly? Wasn't one of these friends (or one anyway) the one who said she had not spoken to TH since June 4th? That doesn't make sense. If she had not spoken to her since then it doesn't add up if she is in fact one of "these" friends...................just nuts this whole thing is nuts.

Chelsea A was the one who appeared before the grand jury. She said she talked to TH on June 4th and then hasn't spoken to her since. An odd story in itself, I think. The story doesn't indicate that she is one of these "friends" though.

If you're not speaking to someone why get in on the phone buying gig?
It has also been confirmed that at least one of the phones was purchased by DeDe Spicher.

But what remaines unclear is why two additional prepaid phones were purchased at another store in downtown Portland the next day under the same fake name used at the Lloyd Center. The friend said she knows those phones were paid for in cash but she did not make the purchase.


Looocy! U got some splainin to do.

imho, these dupes will tell LE the story TH gave them in order to (con)vince them to buy the phones for her. In the light of day and after a good night's sleep, TH's excuses that she gave to them will look weak to them.

When they are reminded that a little boy may be dead and that they could be considered accomplices before or after the fact, they will spill all they know if they are innocent other than believing a murdering liar (TH, imo).

Only problem at this point is why would anyone do this if they weren't guilty of something. Untraceable cell phones and fake names do not suggest innocence to me. And if the reasoning behind it WAS innocent, one of these smart ladies would have given a simple explanation. This woman said she regretted it as a spur of the moment decision. Sorry -- I've never used a fake name anymore, much less thought about doing so in an "impromptu moment."
The reason she gave was that they needed AT&T service because their Verizon phones didn't have service at Terri's house. The throw away phones would be the cheapest and fastest way to get service if you only need it for a short time. So to me the "untraceable cell phone" could possibly be innocent. It is when they add in the fake names that sets off the hinky meter.
Admittedly I haven't read the several pages of posts on this thread after this development, so apologies if this is already explained.

I noticed this: "She insists the three of them, DeDe, Terri and her, only got the phones because they needed AT&T service which allowed them to make calls out of the Horman home at Shelter Nook Road, which is in a remote area and doesn’t service Verizon phones which is what they had."

They=all three of them? If so, why would TH have a phone provider that doesn't service her home addresss?

Ya know, every time I think that the rabbit hole we're all plunging down can't get any weirder, it...does. How many weird little cakes and funny-looking bottles are we supposed to ingest in this mess?

The White Queen may have been proud that sometimes she believed "six impossible things" before breakfast, but compared to this production, Alice's little trip in Wonderland is starting to look fairly mundane.
Chelsea A was the one who appeared before the grand jury. She said she talked to TH on June 4th and then hasn't spoken to her since. An odd story in itself, I think. The story doesn't indicate that she is one of these "friends" though.

If you're not speaking to someone why get in on the phone buying gig?

I could very well be wrong but I thought I heard on one of the news channels Chelsea A was an employee at one of the gyms Terri went to..That could explain WHy she has not spoken with TMH since the 4th..JMO
Admittedly I haven't read the several pages of posts on this thread after this development, so apologies if this is already explained.

I noticed this: "She insists the three of them, DeDe, Terri and her, only got the phones because they needed AT&T service which allowed them to make calls out of the Horman home at Shelter Nook Road, which is in a remote area and doesn’t service Verizon phones which is what they had."

They=all three of them? If so, why would TH have a phone provider that doesn't service her home addresss?

Ya know, every time I think that the rabbit hole we're all plunging down can't get any weirder, it...does. How many weird little cakes and funny-looking bottles are we supposed to ingest in this mess?

The White Queen may have been proud that sometimes she believed "six impossible things" before breakfast, but compared to this production, Alice's little trip in Wonderland is starting to look fairly mundane.
The friends had cell phones with Verizon service. Terri's home, in a remote location, did not get Verizon cell service. Therefore, the friends had to get AT&T phones and service, because that is what worked at Terri's house.
Well now that is just cool!!! Wish we had sumpin like that,lol....Free or anybody can you tell me what PDX stands for? TIA

Portland International Airport, I understand...

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