A&E The Killing Season Episodes 1 and 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Hi guys I'm in Australia just some info to help it might have already be covered it is my study of your notes to believe that you are looking for a white male from a conservative or moral background like church , his MO is vulnerable white girls who are desperate for money , he usually lures them after chats on the phone , if they feel unsafe he will have a second phone that he will ring them on and change tack , he will give them some initial control like letting them choose the place of meeting and he will gain trust he has been on dating sites and would list his work as long hours , he lacks confidence and has been rejected by a few past dates so he has control of the dates in these scenarioswhere he will take them to his place where he changes , this person scouts backpage as well and has a sex or *advertiser censored* addiction which is very well covered , his crimes is not being committed at home , rather he has a second place with close proximity to the crimes scene where he dumps them , some one mentioned a boat he could have arunabout, but judging by the material he wraps them in he could have access to this material in another job so is used as it is easy to wrap up and hide when not used , such material means he is having his mode of transport lined with plastic to make sure cleaning is not leaving any trace , when the bodies are found he usually lays low for a month or two , he is most likely employed in a profession that uses computers and he could have more than one pc in his house and regularly cleans the Cache and history he is meticulous in cleaning tracks and will be reading this site.
Hi guys I'm in Australia just some info to help it might have already be covered it is my study of your notes to believe that you are looking for a white male from a conservative or moral background like church , his MO is vulnerable white girls who are desperate for money , he usually lures them after chats on the phone , if they feel unsafe he will have a second phone that he will ring them on and change tack , he will give them some initial control like letting them choose the place of meeting and he will gain trust he has been on dating sites and would list his work as long hours , he lacks confidence and has been rejected by a few past dates so he has control of the dates in these scenarioswhere he will take them to his place where he changes , this person scouts backpage as well and has a sex or *advertiser censored* addiction which is very well covered , his crimes is not being committed at home , rather he has a second place with close proximity to the crimes scene where he dumps them , some one mentioned a boat he could have arunabout, but judging by the material he wraps them in he could have access to this material in another job so is used as it is easy to wrap up and hide when not used , such material means he is having his mode of transport lined with plastic to make sure cleaning is not leaving any trace , when the bodies are found he usually lays low for a month or two , he is most likely employed in a profession that uses computers and he could have more than one pc in his house and regularly cleans the Cache and history he is meticulous in cleaning tracks and will be reading this site.
When prostitutes go missing police should see if drug dealers in the area are selling Devil's Breath (Scopolamine). It is used to rob, rape, and murder people. If there are dealers selling it in the area, they should try to find out who the repeat customers are that are buying it from the dealers. There's probably also online black market ways of getting the drug too. It's available in North America, not just South America and Central America. I would wager that a lot of law enforcement agencies don't know that this drug even exists.

This drug gives the perpetrator complete control over the conscious, but very drugged victim. However, looking at the victim you would never know cause they don't look or act drugged. The perp can make the victim do things they would never normally do like leave their phones behind, tell a driver/security they don't need them, go places they normally wouldn't, not follow security protocols, etc.. When the drug wears off the victim won't remember a thing.
Respectfully snipped by me (rsbm)


How novel, lolitta. It looks like anchovies? Thank for sharing this useful information and for joining. Did you watch "The Killing Season" last night?
Hi there. Yes I did. Very interesting serial killer case. Seems to me that the police and other "profilers" saying they think there may be more than one killer dumping bodies in the same area could be going out on a limb. For the police they may think it takes some pressure off of them by now having more than one killer to search for instead of having to solve just the once case they haven't been able to for so long. Either way they have a 50% chance of being correct about that. Either there's one killer, or more than one. Half the time they'll be correct.

Personally I think it's a pretty risky statement to make without knowing for sure. Criminals are notorious for evolving into worse criminals over time. Especially ones with psychological and/or social problems. To say a "trophy" killer can't be a "torso" killer is irresponsible and assuming IMO. Criminals are always trying to find out how much more they can get away with and how they can push the limits. Add to that a brain that isn't wired right you can get a very evil person. Then add to that a criminal that enjoys taunting police and the media...the monster can evolve. The person is obviously intelligent enough to get away with the things he has so far. So combine all those attributes together and lot's of things are possible.

Of course there is always human predictability. Profiling isn't really a hard thing to do to figure out a lot of basic things about people but there is always going to be things no one can predict when dealing with a messed up mind.
Isn't there another TV series called The Killing Season, that isn't a documentary? I'm confused.

Maybe you're thinking of THE KILLING, which ran for about 3 seasons and is currently available on Netflix and others.....

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Hi there. Yes I did. Very interesting serial killer case. Seems to me that the police and other "profilers" saying they think there may be more than one killer dumping bodies in the same area could be going out on a limb. For the police they may think it takes some pressure off of them by now having more than one killer to search for instead of having to solve just the once case they haven't been able to for so long. Either way they have a 50% chance of being correct about that. Either there's one killer, or more than one. Half the time they'll be correct.

Personally I think it's a pretty risky statement to make without knowing for sure. Criminals are notorious for evolving into worse criminals over time. Especially ones with psychological and/or social problems. To say a "trophy" killer can't be a "torso" killer is irresponsible and assuming IMO. Criminals are always trying to find out how much more they can get away with and how they can push the limits. Add to that a brain that isn't wired right you can get a very evil person. Then add to that a criminal that enjoys taunting police and the media...the monster can evolve. The person is obviously intelligent enough to get away with the things he has so far. So combine all those attributes together and lot's of things are possible.

Of course there is always human predictability. Profiling isn't really a hard thing to do to figure out a lot of basic things about people but there is always going to be things no one can predict when dealing with a messed up mind.

lolitta, I so appreciate your thoughts on this. That's such an intelligent and informative post. Thank you for taking the time and please continue sluething with us.
Maybe you're thinking of THE KILLING, which ran for about 3 seasons and is currently available on Netflix and others.....

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To Websleuths LadyFey. Thanks for pitching in.
I wasn't sure until he said that he had never heard that word before and he had to google it. That would make that fact stand out in ones memory. And what would he gain by fabricating stories?

Agreed! His explanation of not knowing "burlap" rang true, and seems a little too embarrassing to make up. He could be confusing the facts though, otherwise the PD have mis-represented the facts. Were they asked to clarify?

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Great show! What caught my attention was the mention of the killer possibly posting here. Surely he watches every news story and this show would feed his ego too much to ignore. The show highlighted this site, so what if he's following this conversation? That is a chilling thought.

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When dismemberment had occurred, do we know if these are later murders? Were the earliest intact? In a case I am familiar with, we have no body yet. The possibility of dismemberment arose when considering a person of interest did not have his own vehicle. For him to remove the body from her home, he might have needed smaller loads to disperse in more than one trip (on his bicycle). That is one aspect that crossed my mind in LISK, that if traffic were in the area, he might not want to be seen toting anything the size of a human. Also, could the LISK perpetrator not be able to physically lift or drag 100 pounds for any significant distance. In my area, it would be more practical to drop off a tributary bridge with little effort . . . but going through shore grass or woods would require more physical effort.
I thought the show was marvelous! Great job Rachel and Josh and Alex and Tricia and Peter Brendt! Sorry I couldn't post last night, we had neighbors over for chili and a watching party! :D
Maybe one demoted to prison guard? As enticing, confining, tormenting, and killing wasn't enough for him, he had to go the extra steps of dismembering them and placing around like trophies,to be found? Grossly grandiose of him to do that, seems extremely pathetic to me, in the need for attention, besides freakishly gruesome and precise. His demeanor would change after tonight, would be my guess?
The Sheriff's department is in charge of corrections. LI has a jail not a prison out in Riverhead. Prison is Upstate. : )

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Great show! What caught my attention was the mention of the killer possibly posting here. Surely he watches every news story and this show would feed his ego too much to ignore. The show highlighted this site, so what if he's following this conversation? That is a chilling thought.

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That caught my attention as well...

NamUs #8724 and Jane Doe #6
18 Year Old
5' 1" 100 lbs
Missing Sept 2000
Plantation FL

If you look this young lady up on NamUs she's missing from the time period, matches the description, and has ankle tattoo. Please excuse if she's already been looked at, as a possible match.

That's a very possible match. On Colleen's page DNA tab it says
Sample submitted - Tests complete

But this can be misleading because comparisons are not automated. That means they put the DNA on the database but comparisons are manually done.

Here's a quote I got from a Namus officer
"All comparisons request has to go through the agency that's investigating the specific case."

If I were you, I would try to contact the LE Agency and push hard. Ready to give a hand if you need help.
I watched both episodes last night with my usual critical eye in terms of accuracy. I'm VERY happy to report that I didn't throw a single thing at my TV out of frustration. Thanks. Josh and Rachel.
I have not followed this case at all, but I watched the first hour of The Killing Season last night (I had to switch to the Kohlhepp 48 hours), but I am very impressed with how this was done. I'm looking forward to learning more, and watching the rest of the series. And I have to admit, it was pretty neat seeing WS get the love it did!!

My heart broke for Ambers sister. I hope she is able to get some assistance and get her life on track.
About the male victim, is there any chance he could have been a driver for one of the girls? Killed Bc he could identify the killer?
I have never followed LISK previously at WS.

I watched the show last night and it had me riveted. Great show and kudos to the producers for finding all the people that were on the show.

I cringe sometimes as to having innocent names put out there during their investigation and how the legal people approved all that. Just curious.

Question- who is this Peter person and what is his background and how did the producers find him? He was highlighted so very much during the show but I have never heard of him before.

I did not switch the channel to the Kohlhepp show that I was planning to as I was captivated by this show.I'm looking forward to the next 6 installments!

Thanks to those that brought this tragic chain to mainstream!
I have never followed LISK previously at WS.

I watched the show last night and it had me riveted. Great show and kudos to the producers for finding all the people that were on the show.

I cringe sometimes as to having innocent names put out there during their investigation and how the legal people approved all that. Just curious.

Question- who is this Peter person and what is his background and how did the producers find him? He was highlighted so very much during the show but I have never heard of him before.

I did not switch the channel to the Kohlhepp show that I was planning to as I was captivated by this show.I'm looking forward to the next 6 installments!

Thanks to those that brought this tragic chain to mainstream!

I haven't seen the show yet so I am not certain of the Peter you're asking about but if it's Peter Brendt you can look up his name on WS and learn about him. He used to post prominently in this section of WS. I miss Peter we had interesting conversations when he was around.
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