A month later... where is Lisa? What is your opinion?

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DNA Solves

One month into the investigation where do your thoughts lie? What happened to Lisa?

  • I have no idea whatsoever

    Votes: 39 8.9%
  • I am on the fence (meaning I have some thoughts one way and some thoughts another)

    Votes: 95 21.7%
  • I think DB is responsible

    Votes: 176 40.2%
  • I think JI is responsible

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • I think both parents are responsible

    Votes: 67 15.3%
  • I think someone else familiar or known to the family is responsible

    Votes: 43 9.8%
  • I think a stranger is responsible

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • other

    Votes: 4 0.9%

  • Total voters
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I have my belief, and also a hope, and they're related.

I HOPE that the family is hunkered down with their attorneys trying to come up with the a version of what happened which will be the least damaging to the family. I hope that's why they have gone silent, and went away last weekend, maybe for a serious pow-wow. And maybe now they are just hammering out the specific details.

I HOPE that this week, something breaks, and the attorneys come forward to admit something. And I HOPE whatever they come forward with is true, accurate and not making anyone (e.g., the boys) a scapegoat. I envision, if this HOPE is remotely plausible, that they admit to an accident in the home, and a coverup due to fear.

It's not that I want Lisa's status to be deceased, but I can't get to any other conclusion. I don't believe a human can act in such a way as to not cooperate with LE if she truly believed the child was abducted and out there somewhere.

What I pray for is that the boys somehow get taken care of properly. This is no way for the boys to live.
Oooh nursebee, try as I might, I still go back to the HRD hit. I do think that DB should be charged w felony child neglect as her adult time is the reason that Lisa has "vanished" . Unfortunatly, hat would probably just be worse for the boys as it may lead to them being separated. I feel eqaully bad for Lisa and the boys. Their lives will never be the same. Innocents.
The point is, and obvious to many, is that DB has a drinking problem. I can say this because she has never felt her drinking affected her children, despite one of them missing when she woke up. She staunchly defends her drinking and says everyone forgets what happens when they drink....not so. She has taken zero responsibility for her behavior.

The fact remains that neither parent have wanted their children questioned even if could have resulted in finding Lisa. The clock is ticking now and all hope is almost lost as the children's minds are being programmed either intentionally or not.

In the video posted on the first day, neither parent referred to their baby as "Lisa". They both said her or she. I found that very strange as most would be screaming the name of the child to come home in those first few hours and not using the term "her".

The fact that they hired Criminal Defense Attorneys doesn't bide well. No parent needs a criminal defense attorney when their child goes missing....unless there is something the pubic doesn't know and they must protect. It doesn't hurt my ego if I am wrong but something is just not right with these two.

Whisper :seeya:
I agree! Well said!
-The parents are not giving LE full access to interview potential witnesses (the boys)

respectfully snipped

Yep, and DB and JI haven't even sat down with the boys yet THEMSELVES to ask them what they know about that night. DB said so in an interview... she didn't want to upset them more than they've already been upset. I think this was an interview with NBC's Peter Alexander.

I guess they're afraid of what the boys did see and hear.
Oooh nursebee, try as I might, I still go back to the HRD hit. I do think that DB should be charged w felony child neglect as her adult time is the reason that Lisa has "vanished" . Unfortunatly, hat would probably just be worse for the boys as it may lead to them being separated. I feel eqaully bad for Lisa and the boys. Their lives will never be the same. Innocents.
Exactly. Whether Lisa died as the result of an accident, was given too much cold medication, or an intruder entered the house through an unlocked door, the fact is DB admitted she was drunk when she should have diligently been caring for three children.

The point is, and obvious to many, is that DB has a drinking problem. I can say this because she has never felt her drinking affected her children, despite one of them missing when she woke up. She staunchly defends her drinking and says everyone forgets what happens when they drink....not so. She has taken zero responsibility for her behavior.

The fact remains that neither parent have wanted their children questioned even if could have resulted in finding Lisa. The clock is ticking now and all hope is almost lost as the children's minds are being programmed either intentionally or not.

In the video posted on the first day, neither parent referred to their baby as "Lisa". They both said her or she. I found that very strange as most would be screaming the name of the child to come home in those first few hours and not using the term "her".

The fact that they hired Criminal Defense Attorneys doesn't bide well. No parent needs a criminal defense attorney when their child goes missing....unless there is something the pubic doesn't know and they must protect. It doesn't hurt my ego if I am wrong but something is just not right with these two.

Whisperer, this is the mildest I've ever heard you! You must be ill... :floorlaugh: :seeya:
Exactly. Whether Lisa died as the result of an accident, was given too much cold medication, or an intruder entered the house through an unlocked door, the fact is DB admitted she was drunk when she should have diligently been caring for three children.


Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!! What you said!
The Ramsey child was dead! The Walshes did everything necessary to get themselves ruled out, just like Mark Klaas did. They didn't worry about themselves and their own 'discomfort' at being possibly suspected. They didn't get their egos bent out of shape at being asked pointed questions...they had a missing baby and they knew they themselves were not complicit.

And as to maneuvering the murky waters of child abduction, the FBI was there, trying to work with the family to extract information to find the baby. An innocent person with nothing to hide would forge right through that process with insistence that they get past the parents and onto the abductor.
United States law

The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects witnesses from being forced to incriminate themselves. To "plead the Fifth" is a refusal to answer a question because the response could form self incriminating evidence. Historically, the legal protection against self-incrimination is directly related to the question of torture for extracting information and confessions.

In Miranda v. Arizona (1966) the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination requires law enforcement officials to advise a suspect interrogated in custody of his rights to remain silent and to obtain an attorney. Justice Robert H. Jackson further notes that "any lawyer worth his salt will tell the suspect in no uncertain terms to make no statement to police under any circumstances."[1]


It is a known fact that there are people on Death Row who have then been found innocent. People have made false confessions because of interrogations. While there are some who may want these parents to 'go and turn themselves in', there are others who see them as innocent.

The Ramsey's had a deceased daughter but still they chose to not speak with police. Hindsight shows us that that investigation was horribly botched by LE.
Oh..my..I could so comment on that post above...about the LAW. *biting lip*
United States law

The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects witnesses from being forced to incriminate themselves. To "plead the Fifth" is a refusal to answer a question because the response could form self incriminating evidence. Historically, the legal protection against self-incrimination is directly related to the question of torture for extracting information and confessions.

In Miranda v. Arizona (1966) the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination requires law enforcement officials to advise a suspect interrogated in custody of his rights to remain silent and to obtain an attorney. Justice Robert H. Jackson further notes that "any lawyer worth his salt will tell the suspect in no uncertain terms to make no statement to police under any circumstances."[1]


It is a known fact that there are people on Death Row who have then been found innocent. People have made false confessions because of interrogations. While there are some who may want these parents to 'go and turn themselves in', there are others who see them as innocent.

The Ramsey's had a deceased daughter but still they chose to not speak with police. Hindsight shows us that that investigation was horribly botched by LE.

Well I guess it all depends on one's priorities. Do I cover my *advertiser censored*, or do I help the police find my baby? If I know my baby is dead and they can correctly blame me, I will cover my *advertiser censored*, get a defense attorney and not talk. If not, I will cooperate.

Honestly, with a missing abducted baby, I am not gonna worry that I might give a false confession. What do you say to your kid if she is recovered from a captor's torture chamber, 20 years later? "Sorry about that hon, I would have cooperated, but they were going to torture me into making a false confession that I was responsible. That didn't work out so well for you though, did it?"

Thanks for the mini course on the 5th amendment. But somehow, I don't think there was waterboarding going on at the KCPD HQ. This is real life, not a TV movie.
All along I have believed DB was the cause of Lisa to be missing and JI went along with the story she told him. As time has passed, JI's story on who he checked on first and his conversations with Deborah on arriving home have continued to change.

We were told DB was in the floor crying while LE was there, but we have been told she & JI walked to the front yard to wait on LE?

One son was in bed with her, no two sons, no one son. But JI did not notice a son missing from his bunk bed?

DB says she was passed out drunk, yet she could tell a story to LE, go to police station for hours for interviews, and LE did not detect the state she was in?

DB has pulled off such an elaborate plan of making her child disappear that the FBI cannot even solve it?

Plus, the more people involved, the more likely someone will talk. If LE thought Jersey could lead them to the culprit, he would be out of jail.

Deborah Bradley does not seem to be grieving or have any cares in the world. Compare her appearance to the mother of Lauren Spierer who one can see has aged monthly in grief and worry.
I think if a total stranger took baby Lisa, her little body would be found by now.
They wouldn't be bothered to hide, conceal or bury, JMO
I think if a total stranger took baby Lisa, her little body would be found by now.
They wouldn't be bothered to hide, conceal or bury, JMO

Here's the thing about that theory though. If DB had accidently or on purpose caused the death of Lisa, where feasibly would she have hidden her body? She, by her own admission, was drinking that night, which, even though we havent seen a statement from LE confirming this, I do believe. In this drunken state she would have had to have found some place to conceal Lisa, which couldnt be that far away I don't think given the time frame. DB also had no drivers license. Which doesnt mean she couldnt drive obviously, but still I just don't see it. A drunk, upset, freaked out DB, unlicensed, driving somewhere with her baby daughters dead body and concealing in a place so good that no one has found her yet. Including trained searchers.
Well I guess it all depends on one's priorities. Do I cover my *advertiser censored*, or do I help the police find my baby? If I know my baby is dead and they can correctly blame me, I will cover my *advertiser censored*, get a defense attorney and not talk. If not, I will cooperate.

Honestly, with a missing abducted baby, I am not gonna worry that I might give a false confession. What do you say to your kid if she is recovered from a captor's torture chamber, 20 years later? "Sorry about that hon, I would have cooperated, but they were going to torture me into making a false confession that I was responsible. That didn't work out so well for you though, did it?"

Thanks for the mini course on the 5th amendment. But somehow, I don't think there was waterboarding going on at the KCPD HQ. This is real life, not a TV movie.


Some people seemed to have forgotten it. :) Waterboarding is a 'part' of the description but not all of it. :)

Speaking hypothetically: Honestly, with a missing abducted baby, I am not gonna worry that I might give a false confession. This is their baby missing not anyone else's. What you or any one else may do is not what the parents would do. I guess until any of us are put in their situation we can only speak hypothetically about what we would do.

There is nothing that the parents can do, they did speak to the police. John Walsh has spoken to the LDT done by DB in this case; he speaks to it not being valid because of her or anyone's emotional state, as well as the fact that a psychopath can pass an LDT.

Then there are those pesky :rolleyes: 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th amendments and of course the ever popular Bill of Rights. <lesson over>

There are those who have DB convicted and ready to stick the needle in her arm. I am not one of them.

As for TV movies, I don't watch TV.

Some people seemed to have forgotten it. :) Waterboarding is a 'part' of the description but not all of it. :)

Speaking hypothetically: Honestly, with a missing abducted baby, I am not gonna worry that I might give a false confession. This is their baby missing not anyone else's. What you or any one else may do is not what the parents would do. I guess until any of us are put in their situation we can only speak hypothetically about what we would do.

There is nothing that the parents can do, they did speak to the police. John Walsh has spoken to the LDT done by DB in this case; he speaks to it not being valid because of her or anyone's emotional state, as well as the fact that a psychopath can pass an LDT.

Then there are those pesky :rolleyes: 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th amendments and of course the ever popular Bill of Rights. <lesson over>

There are those who have DB convicted and ready to stick the needle in her arm. I am not one of them.

As for TV movies, I don't watch TV.

Thank you Jacie for your post. It makes me sad to think of all of the people who have given their lives to protect the constitutional rights that we have in the United States, and then have people so willing to give them up.
I hope LE goes to the grand jury like Nancy Grace said they could and get a court order to inteview the children. LE has no choice IMHO at this point. DB and JI are not going to give them access and they are not agreeing to any interviews themselves!! This is so sad. If this were MY child, I'd be living at the rigging police station and helping find my child.
The only major case I followed her in Ontario was Victoria Stafford. Her mother, Tara McDonald had the EXACT same issues as DB seems to have had with LE - however, Tara had a police liaison that kept her informed of what was happening. Wonder why the B/I's don't???
The only major case I followed her in Ontario was Victoria Stafford. Her mother, Tara McDonald had the EXACT same issues as DB seems to have had with LE - however, Tara had a police liaison that kept her informed of what was happening. Wonder why the B/I's don't???

Could it be the laws/rules in Canada are more lax? Do you have any insight into that angle? I have no idea, not from Canada.

Alot of missing child cases I have followed in the US the main complaint from the family is LE won't tell them anything going on with the investigation.
The only major case I followed her in Ontario was Victoria Stafford. Her mother, Tara McDonald had the EXACT same issues as DB seems to have had with LE - however, Tara had a police liaison that kept her informed of what was happening. Wonder why the B/I's don't???

Hi Sparklin. I see that your in Ontario. My Dad lived in Windsor until he was 14 and the family moved to California. I'm not sure if a police liaison would happen if your an "undeclared" suspect. But it may have helped to keep the lines of communications open if a person was assigned as liaison at the beginning. JMO.
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