A question for Annasmom

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Hi Annasmom,

This maybe a ridiculous question however I must ask :innocent:

Over the years since Anna disappeared while you were still living in the house (not sure how long you stayed at the farm after Anna went missing), was there anything at all that perhaps happened that you hadn't thought of? Anything out of the ordinary?

Did anyone call you, an odd call on the telephone?
Any weird mail?
Did anyone come to your door you didn't know that well? Perhaps asking a question?

I'm wondering if the 2 G's took Anna and were away for approx. a week, New Mexico comes to mind. It's still a State in the USA. Mexico itself would mean they would have crossed the boarder... they may have not been willing to go to that extent with a small child, who could talk.....Arizona is another State I'd like to investigate. For some reason, I can't see them driving north... odd I know, just a thought.

Also, if they took Anna in the white van, how in heck ( and I don't expect an answer ) did they keep Anna from yelling out! Perhaps, just perhaps there was someone else in the van in the back area.. but who? Long Shot!

Anna may not have recognized her father at the time of abduction, or perhaps she did a little bit, he must have spoken to her with fatherly terms in order to get her into a vehicle.

Anyhoo....... off to check out Arizona and New Mexico adoption sites etc.

Love :blowkiss:

Sidekick, the only thing which comes to mind is a conversation with (then) Sergeant Maguire, who was in charge of the case. Everybody in the canyon was on a party line, and we knew what our particular rings were. I think ours was two short rings. I told Sgt. M that every time our phone rang, I could hear clicks which sounded as if someone else were listening in, and I wondered if our telephone calls were being monitored. His only answer was "It wouldn't surprise me." The implication was that LE was monitoring the calls in case there was a ransom demand, but there was no direct communication to that effect. The only other unusual thing was that the new landlord sent his secretary to say that they were raising the rent and that we could no longer use one of the barns for storage. I don't think there was anything particularly sinister about this; just hard-heartedness. The landlord's name was Lindsay Mickels.
Hi Annasmom,

This maybe a ridiculous question however I must ask :innocent:

Over the years since Anna disappeared while you were still living in the house (not sure how long you stayed at the farm after Anna went missing), was there anything at all that perhaps happened that you hadn't thought of? Anything out of the ordinary?

Did anyone call you, an odd call on the telephone?
Any weird mail?
Did anyone come to your door you didn't know that well? Perhaps asking a question?

I'm wondering if the 2 G's took Anna and were away for approx. a week, New Mexico comes to mind. It's still a State in the USA. Mexico itself would mean they would have crossed the boarder... they may have not been willing to go to that extent with a small child, who could talk.....Arizona is another State I'd like to investigate. For some reason, I can't see them driving north... odd I know, just a thought.

Also, if they took Anna in the white van, how in heck ( and I don't expect an answer ) did they keep Anna from yelling out! Perhaps, just perhaps there was someone else in the van in the back area.. but who? Long Shot!

Anna may not have recognized her father at the time of abduction, or perhaps she did a little bit, he must have spoken to her with fatherly terms in order to get her into a vehicle.

Anyhoo....... off to check out Arizona and New Mexico adoption sites etc.

Love :blowkiss:

Hi Sidekick,

You just raised an interesting question, a third person is the back of the van.

I'm now wondering if the couple in the car that tried to get Anna to go with them was actually GW and a woman accomplice and when that didn't work they went back a month later and GB went along to make sure "the job got done properly" this time (hence the older and younger men in the van). The woman accomplice could have been in the back of the van.

Hi Annasmom,

I know Anna hadn't seen GW in person since around the time she turned 1 but did Anna ever see pic's of GW and know that he was her father?

I wish we at least knew what the woman in the car looked like, it might help to eliminate or confirm who she may be.
Sidekick, the only thing which comes to mind is a conversation with (then) Sergeant Maguire, who was in charge of the case. Everybody in the canyon was on a party line, and we knew what our particular rings were. I think ours was two short rings. I told Sgt. M that every time our phone rang, I could hear clicks which sounded as if someone else were listening in, and I wondered if our telephone calls were being monitored. His only answer was "It wouldn't surprise me." The implication was that LE was monitoring the calls in case there was a ransom demand, but there was no direct communication to that effect. The only other unusual thing was that the new landlord sent his secretary to say that they were raising the rent and that we could no longer use one of the barns for storage. I don't think there was anything particularly sinister about this; just hard-heartedness. The landlord's name was Lindsay Mickels.

Thanks Annasmom, this helps. I recall you stating the party lines clicked on and off for awhile, could be other folks in the area curious, or LE monitoring? The Landlord raising the rent at this time could be coincidental however, it was pretty insensitive time to raise the rent! Glad to hear nothing out of the ordinary tho, I still think the G's took Anna but really wonder on how they did this, Anna wasn't a baby. Brody I can't see, struggling with her to take her into a car/van.. Waters perhaps, but honestly cannot see him as the one who would risk doing this outside the house esp with company that day. I do think someone else is out there who knows the complete story, if only they would call the hotline, call the Detectives, enough time as gone by that if someone out there... hi! ... knows anything, feel free to call now.

The woman in the car bugs me in that if she had intentions of taking Anna as per the G's request, why do this in front of Anna's step brothers? Doesn't make sense to me....

Annasmom, do you happen to have the date Anna's birth certificate was amended to add the Eifee name? If this has been posted previously, please forgive me. I'm having a hard time finding answers to my questions searching this forum this evening.

thank you.

ETA: I am curious to know how close this happened to Feb 1968, or if the conversation regarding changing Annas first began about that time.
Annasmom, do you happen to have the date Anna's birth certificate was amended to add the Eifee name? If this has been posted previously, please forgive me. I'm having a hard time finding answers to my questions searching this forum this evening.

thank you.

ETA: I am curious to know how close this happened to Feb 1968, or if the conversation regarding changing Annas first began about that time.

I can find this tomorrow, but the birth certificate was amended no more than two weeks after she was born, probably the first week of October, 1967. I'll try to atttach "the plan", which you asked for in the other thread.


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Thank you Annasmom. I thought maybe it was dated, but I see it isn't.... thanks though, it is nice to have that linked to a current thread for those newer to the case.
Thank you Annasmom. I thought maybe it was dated, but I see it isn't.... thanks though, it is nice to have that linked to a current thread for those newer to the case.
I need some help here. If that note was in the Squibb books, we do have a date on those, but even though Sherlock posted all of those (this was GW's notebook), I am not seeing the date.
I need some help here. If that note was in the Squibb books, we do have a date on those, but even though Sherlock posted all of those (this was GW's notebook), I am not seeing the date.

give me til' later this afternoon. Getting ready to go get J from school. From what I recall, I don't think it was in the squibs, I think it was a seperate individual pc. of paper unless there were additional notes regarding the plan in the squibs.
give me til' later this afternoon. Getting ready to go get J from school. From what I recall, I don't think it was in the squibs, I think it was a seperate individual pc. of paper unless there were additional notes regarding the plan in the squibs.

I forgot to answer this previously, but since then Doogie has answered and we added the appx date to the GB timeline stickied at the top of this forum.

I noticed you had posted in another thread GW was claiming Anna on his tax returns. This is the first I recall reading or seeing anything about this. I'm a little perplexed as to why GW would be claiming Anna as he was not the custodial parent. Federal tax laws are now such that the custodial parent claims the child unless the custodial parent gives written permission for the non custodial parent to do so or the divorce decree is written that each parent claims the child every other year.

This kind of stood out to me because as you know I am a single custodial parent and for the last 7-8 years or so I've seen this topic brought up on single parent forums each year about tax time. Sometimes even to the point where a member of an online SP support group will actually link the current tax guidelines regarding who is entitled to claim the child.

Do you recall why GW was allowed to claim Anna and not yourself? I'm asking because I'm trying to think of possibilities on how this might have tied in with Anna's disappearance.

Annasmom, I have a couple questions:

1) I recall a mention of a letter sent from GW to GB (Mr. Brodie) where he had signed your name in 1969. Did this letter have a mailing address on it?

2) How was it found that MK called GB Bobby? Was this in a document, or did GB tell you that?


I noticed you had posted in another thread GW was claiming Anna on his tax returns. This is the first I recall reading or seeing anything about this. I'm a little perplexed as to why GW would be claiming Anna as he was not the custodial parent. Federal tax laws are now such that the custodial parent claims the child unless the custodial parent gives written permission for the non custodial parent to do so or the divorce decree is written that each parent claims the child every other year.

This kind of stood out to me because as you know I am a single custodial parent and for the last 7-8 years or so I've seen this topic brought up on single parent forums each year about tax time. Sometimes even to the point where a member of an online SP support group will actually link the current tax guidelines regarding who is entitled to claim the child.

Do you recall why GW was allowed to claim Anna and not yourself? I'm asking because I'm trying to think of possibilities on how this might have tied in with Anna's disappearance.


I only remember getting an inquiry from the IRS for the 1972 tax year asking how much I had contributed to Anna's support for that year because George had claimed her as a dependent. I waved my claim, partly because I was still in a state of shock and as far as I was concerned it had not cost me anything at all to support her. As to previous years, I do not remember and no longer have the documents.
Annasmom, I have a couple questions:

1) I recall a mention of a letter sent from GW to GB (Mr. Brodie) where he had signed your name in 1969. Did this letter have a mailing address on it?

2) How was it found that MK called GB Bobby? Was this in a document, or did GB tell you that?

I don't believe this letter was ever sent. I think it was one of several documents which George tried to get me to sign. He left it with his papers which had been heavily edited (judging from the empty file folders and the conspicuously missing material such as his passport). Regarding the "Bobby", I must have heard GB saying that Margaret called him Bobby, since I never met her and have no papers using that name.
Hi Annasmom,

The searchingforann.com site. The newest sites for the missing include those little buttons to click to share on various blogs including facebook. I know little about setting up websites but have utilized the share buttons available.

I would love to see those options added to the searchingforanna.com site. How can we get that done?
Hi Annasmom,

The searchingforann.com site. The newest sites for the missing include those little buttons to click to share on various blogs including facebook. I know little about setting up websites but have utilized the share buttons available.

I would love to see those options added to the searchingforanna.com site. How can we get that done?
Anna's uncle is the webmaster for this page and I think there is a link for contacting him on the page. It also works the other way around; Facebook member can put up a link to the website, etc.
Thanks... I was hoping to add it via a link. I am newer to FB so still trying to figure out how it works.

Thanks... I was hoping to add it via a link. I am newer to FB so still trying to figure out how it works.

If you go to your FB Profile, you'll see four little icons right under the place you post; the one to the right is where you can add links.

From the squibbs 28 and 29 GW notes the WILL to be made out to Anna in the amt of a dollar. Did you ever receive such a WILL? Contact BMW?? looks like. I'd like to know if anyone recognizes what institution BMW was and if they would still have a file on GW?

Thank you!


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Squibbs 31B, GW writes; Call BMW? re ? of (arrow up) CS (child support) 9/73.

Firstly, this stuck out today that this Squibb written in 71ish, he has on his mind the child support going up and needs to check this by contacting BMW. The date 9/73 would be Anna's birth month, she would be turning 6.

The institutions GW writes about, are they all gone now in San Francisco?
Miss Hughs - Bowthe?? Insurance - 155 Sansome, Ste 800

There is alot to be missed while reading the Squibbs, too much mystery..


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From the squibbs 28 and 29 GW notes the WILL to be made out to Anna in the amt of a dollar. Did you ever receive such a WILL? Contact BMW?? looks like. I'd like to know if anyone recognizes what institution BMW was and if they would still have a file on GW?

Thank you!
BMW was, I believe, GW's lawyer at some point, and I think Sherlock phoned him and he doesn't recall anything about the case. I never received such a will and have nothing which says child support was supposed to increase at any point.

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