a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

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Great observations and comments KCL....I know I'd get my butt kicked out of that courtroom because I do not have a poker face. I'd be rolling my eyes, shaking my head, throwing up my arms and generally making a fool of myself listening to this fool.
Question re; the book again!

I believe very little of what he reports as fact. He's full of stories himself.

Flat affect like her onn the stand with a scripted story..JA's testimony.

YES!!! If so if JA is making a story currently , wouldn't it be consistent? All jurors sit up for that one.

Some note taking after "earlier defense team" (may be the first time they've heard she had a different team at some point).

he is just full of "buts".

Not suicidal? You testifed in court she was suicidal so you sent her a book.

JM alert, much note taking on a white pad.
I too wondered why he was talking about the crime scene. He implied that a pre-meditated murder would result in an "organized" crime scene. Expert my A$$

he seems to be acting like he is substituting the words " pre-meditated" with "professional hit" he thinks his mistakes can be forgiven with his misuse of the language, Juan is on to him with the dictionary definition of "compassion"
My husband and I were discussing this case last night after watching HLN for 5 hours straight... We think that she is nothing more than <mod snip> and tried to come off as refined and cultured. She put on this persona to reel Travis in after she realized how successful and what a great human being he was. She wanted him, she wanted that life, she wanted all his stuff. She kept up the facade as long as she could until slowly, but surely, the facade began to chip away and he began to see the real Jodi. Once he realized he had been fooled into believing she was something she was not, he tried to break away. She wouldn't let him. SHe moved to his town. She stalked him. She got so enraged when she realized that he was definitely breaking all ties with her that she snapped and decided if she can't have him, no one else can.

But here we are.... for the good of it all... trying to bring enough light to shine on the darkness that it will cause the darkness to fade... hopefully on death row.
Thanks for the updates KCL - hope you get some down time to relax this weekend.
Only note taking front row is HW and Nancy here.

Versed will erase memory and is used for that purpose for surgery. dumbdumb (was he asked if meds erase memory or something?)

Paul R. places another question.

"inconsistency re: anal sex" snap!

They are paying attention to his inconsistency and wanting to have it both ways (so to speak)

"always raises a red flag....but...." he uses a lot of "but...."

"First story" was SECOND story.

This is the THIRD story (please clean that up JM)

He considered disassociative identity disorder but it didn't fit the defense. Note how he says he was going down that road then discussed it with the defense team and abandoned it? wouldn't he more likely confer with other PEERS to decide whether this fit and not LAWYERS?

He is a hired gun to render an opinion that excuses this premeditated homicide.


Did you happen to notice how the jurors reacted to that - especially when he admitted IIRC that she probably DOES have a personality disorder - since that would seem more plausible as to why she killed Travis rather than self-defense, folowed by PTSD.
Barb looks out to gallery again. Poquito Mas stretching, rotating neck.

I'm watching for Wrestler--I think his was haircut question.

Ponytail has on a sparkly top, sparkly jeans and sky high stilletos today. She is doing a lot of nail inspection today.

His hair fuzz poking out the back is distracting even from here.

He's saying premeditation and acute anxiety is "unlikely". So a person who's never commited a murder, yet premeditates it and it ends up being a seriously aggressive attack and flees in fear of discovery wouldn't have acute anxiety. Ok.

Police officers/soldiers fair comparison? Snap!

CEO writes that answer.

Would you be willilng to eval someone being dishonest with you? DUH, he did it HERE!


Exactly. Hopefully JM will point out that his answer that a premeditated killing wouldn't cause acute stress assumed that the killing went as planned. JM should ask what the result would be if it were the person's first killing, the gun jammed, the victim attacked in self-defense, and then the killer was forced to resort to a horrible, messy, bloody, personal method of killing instead of a nice, clean, quick shower shooting.
Stories told to him--emphasis STORIES.

On to lunch break--Wrestler thumbs and pinkies out of his pockets (that just speaks to a Janine Driver observation).

After lunch.............

This Dr. defines the term "psychobabble".

Poquito Mas studying his feet,sunglasses on his head.

No note taking in this juror segment.

(sidebar! Hey! Just saw KatieDDJ on HLN this morning...awesome! She has her finger on the pulse of this jury/case...she's awesome and so smart)

Other people have their own jury nicknames which is kinda funny while we are discussing observations. Tri color is "two tone" for example. The Wrestler is the "coach". Our CPA is "engineer". ha!

Nancy, CEO, note taking re: filling out forms himself.

Lots of questions on the fictitious intruder story.

He is too busy convincing vs. conveying. Again he protests too much.

Close a place to run through vs. be trapped then how about her saying she went in there to grab that "gun"?

So much excuse making for this demon. He stumbles and fumbles over his attempts to seamlessly excuse this monster.

BOMBSHELL question on next page.............(teaser)

Did you happen to notice how the jurors reacted to that - especially when he admitted IIRC that she probably DOES have a personality disorder - since that would seem more plausible as to why she killed Travis rather than self-defense, folowed by PTSD.

One of the psychiatrists on DD actually said that the test he administered was specifically intended for those already diagnosed with personality disorders.

When asked if JA was having these "physiologic reactions to stress" (the shaking like a chihuahua and hands sweating he's talked about) PRIOR to the murder, he answers "highly unlikely".

Do you realize what he just did?

He just INVALIDATED the next expert who's entire job is to explain why she reacted with such OVER reaction is because she was a "battered woman" and she will try and sell how she'd been having this build up of trauma/anxiety/chihuaha shaking etc. up to the murder. HE JUST INVALIDATED that with that one answer. She tried to mitigate that damage but he sure did say it.

I can't wait for Juan to point that out :please: i hope he caught it.

When asked if JA was having these "physiologic reactions to stress" (the shaking like a chihuahua and hands sweating he's talked about) PRIOR to the murder, he answers "highly unlikely".

Do you realize what he just did?

He just INVALIDATED the next expert who's entire job is to explain why she reacted with such OVER reaction is because she was a "battered woman" and she will try and sell how she'd been having this build up of trauma/anxiety/chihuaha shaking etc. up to the murder. HE JUST INVALIDATED that with that one answer. She tried to mitigate that damage but he sure did say it.

I can't wait for Juan to point that out :please: i hope he caught it.


Hopefully he or his staff read websleuths! ;)
One of the psychiatrists on DD actually said that the test he administered was specifically intended for those already diagnosed with personality disorders.

I caught that, too. Maybe that was why he chose that test to give her.

Exactly. Hopefully JM will point out that his answer that a premeditated killing wouldn't cause acute stress assumed that the killing went as planned. JM should ask what the result would be if it were the person's first killing, the gun jammed, the victim attacked in self-defense, and then the killer was forced to resort to a horrible, messy, bloody, personal method of killing instead of a nice, clean, quick shower shooting.

Jodi emphasized while on the stand, she never murdered anyone before. Samuels said it was her first killing. Is it?? These statements the way they were spoken, make me think that something happened before, maybe not a human, but possibly a brutal attack on an animal (s).
I did research unsolved deaths in Yreka, but they were way before her time.
Isn't it possible there was nothing negative to write? (re: her journal). I hear someone say "mmmmmm" behind me. I had a small tearing up moment on that question.

Explain dragging, clean up, etc. Surprised JM not objecting to this answer.

YES! Confronted on the retest issue again--blames it on Juan's style of questioning just like JA did (birds of a feather).

His initial hypothesis was based on what the defense team asked him to support...this is so obvious to me.

"How do you know she didn't kill T out of jealousy?" YES Willie note taking after that one (he almost never takes notes).


We are supposed to believe small details say about Bianca came up in his psychological evaluation of her? NO, he's been watching I'm sure of it.
OldCarGirl...My sister and I have wondered why JA had to phrase that this was her first killing? Odd way of putting it?? Just odd... :facepalm:
Isn't it possible there was nothing negative to write? (re: her journal). I hear someone say "mmmmmm" behind me. I had a small tearing up moment on that question.

Explain dragging, clean up, etc. Surprised JM not objecting to this answer.

YES! Confronted on the retest issue again--blames it on Juan's style of questioning just like JA did (birds of a feather).

His initial hypothesis was based on what the defense team asked him to support...this is so obvious to me.

"How do you know she didn't kill T out of jealousy?" YES Willie note taking after that one (he almost never takes notes).


We are supposed to believe small details say about Bianca came up in his psychological evaluation of her? NO, he's been watching I'm sure of it.

Yes! I actually teared up at that too! Someone on this jury gets it perfectly well.
Followup JW--she'll take the rest of the day I fear and he'll hold court. Ugh.

Please JM point out how her new story was the THIRD.

CPA fast swiveling in his chair hand over mouth.

Real story even worse--worse for TRAVIS.

No note taking Poquito Mas swiveling.

Initial hypothesis guided by what this DT asked you to find--$$$

Nurmi although at the sidebar is almost a non entity in the courtroom now.

Put a distance from the attack--just like Travis was trying to do getting away from this Psycho Killer.
The mother-aunt sitting in court faithfully each day signals the jury that Jodi's chronic fear of abandonment, per Samuels, did not originate with them. She abandoned the family, moving in w/Bobby, but even before then she was thwarting the rules by staying out all night. I missed details about the supposed 13 yo knife-to-throat encounter, but, if true, it probably involved a low-life she'd taken up that her parents knew nothing about. Evidence has made plain there's no love lost on either side between Jodi and her family, which will help the jury discount the parents' grief as a mitigating factor at sentencing.


Would someone please tell me which of the twins is the mother? Is she the one with the longer or shorter hair?

This thread does get blurry when court is not in session. Sorry. I do think conversations spin off the courtroom conversations and I'm ok with that. I am heading over to do my notes in about 10 min. Hang in there.

:fence: I have no problem with OT.
These threads are not produced for any one person,
but for us all, and topics within a thread will circle back to thread origin.
Sure, a few pages of OT chit-chat may be frustration to those who only have 15 minutes in a busy day to peruse WS. I understand.
Just don't think it's worth the time to come out of lurkdom to complain.
Don't let OT chastisment get ya down, anyone..
In the big scheme of things....
Specially after dark and week-ends....

Back on topic:
I can't wait for the wonderful endorphine rush I will feel as Mr. Martinez gives his closing. Might even shave my legs for the occasion. :great:
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