a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

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I saw this just the one time as most of the day I had a poor view of her. No idea...I just don't know. Any guesses? She never almost never looks at her mother though I do know that.

Maybe the glaring is directed towards the Travis family! Because they didnt take their blur ribbons off.?
I'm gonna see if it's possible to get a thread that's courtroom observations WITH discussion and one that is exclusively the observations extracted there (you may have to wait to get them over there by the mods but it would concentrate it to just that).

And just as my opinion, when you are getting something at no expense that a person like me, PASA, etc. are doing at our own expense and have no obligation whatsoever to take a note much less share it during our own time off, people might reconsider just what there is to "complain" about. And what is even owed. I know there have been court observers that have said to me "I don't even want to share my notes" because snotty remarks have been made about the timely manner or way they've been shared.

just keepin it real.

Katie, I don't think there is one person - a "poster" or a "lurker" who don't appreciate the time and effort that you and that other courtroom observers who share your experiences have made. I know I appreciate all the time you have devoted to this case (OT - have you seen the pm I sent you yet?), and don't take it for granted.

I suspect that some of the OT stuff has been cleaned up off these threads by the time you see it. Personally, I think the people who "complain" about it aren't complaining about the discussion on what you are sharing. More than once I've seen people posting about what they are making for dinner, their weather, funny YouTube videos, etc. on the courtroom observers thread - that have absolutely nothing to do with the trial. IMHO, that kind of stuff doesn't belong here. Discussing what the courtroom observers have seen does.

You are welcome to tell me to "stuff it", but unless I'm really mistaken, I think that's the kind of stuff people are referring to. :twocents:
I have to admit that if my child...and let's face it even if grown they are still your child, were facing the D.P. nothing anyone would say or do could bring a smile to my face let alone a full out laugh! But hey different strokes for different folks I guess.

Maybe it's their coping mechanism??? Some people can't cry at funerals so instead they smile at people.... Just supposing:twocents:
Not sure if you are finished, Katie...hoping we can approach. :)

Some people were disturbed at the juror's question re: "dam breaking" emotions, which I gathered was related to a crime of passion. Lord knows the DT has tried to get this in 58 ways to Sunday.

How did you react to that question? Are you at all concerned that the DT has a potential believer?

TIA for everything you are doing. So sorry to hear about the ribbons- beyond no bueno there.

That is the one and only question that concerned me. I do think there will be jurors who, wanting to be fair, will want to examine every single angle and aspect of her defense. It happened on our case (in fact some came and apologized their 3 day deliberation went on so long for that reason). So I'm chalking that question up to that.

I'm still 100% confident that this jury will convict her of first degree premeditated murder and sentence her to death.
Juror number 2 has always been very non descript for lack of a better word. He sits there with his chin in his hand and never looks at her. Maybe they have seats in the gallery numbered and nicknames for US! :what:


Maybe because he has been non descript, that JA is pointing out that he's the one she wants Wilcott to get a reaction out of. :twocents:
My husband and I were discussing this case last night after watching HLN for 5 hours straight... We think that she is nothing more than <mod snip> and tried to come off as refined and cultured. She put on this persona to reel Travis in after she realized how successful and what a great human being he was. She wanted him, she wanted that life, she wanted all his stuff. She kept up the facade as long as she could until slowly, but surely, the facade began to chip away and he began to see the real Jodi. Once he realized he had been fooled into believing she was something she was not, he tried to break away. She wouldn't let him. SHe moved to his town. She stalked him. She got so enraged when she realized that he was definitely breaking all ties with her that she snapped and decided if she can't have him, no one else can.

But here we are.... for the good of it all... trying to bring enough light to shine on the darkness that it will cause the darkness to fade... hopefully on death row.

I think you nailed it- <mod snip><mod snip> but she was very pretty and intelligent and put on the dog (so to speak) and I believe Travis was smitten with her for a while. I agree that once he realized who she really was he wanted none of it and it cost him his life.
Katie, I don't think there is one person - a "poster" or a "lurker" who don't appreciate the time and effort that you and that other courtroom observers who share your experiences have made. I know I appreciate all the time you have devoted to this case (OT - have you seen the pm I sent you yet?), and don't take it for granted.

I suspect that some of the OT stuff has been cleaned up off these threads by the time you see it. Personally, I think the people who "complain" about it aren't complaining about the discussion on what you are sharing. More than once I've seen people posting about what they are making for dinner, their weather, funny YouTube videos, etc. on the courtroom observers thread - that have absolutely nothing to do with the trial. IMHO, that kind of stuff doesn't belong here. Discussing what the courtroom observers have seen does.

You are welcome to tell me to "stuff it", but unless I'm really mistaken, I think that's the kind of stuff people are referring to. :twocents:

The only thing I'm gonna tell you to stuff is a turkey and bring it to my house with a complete Thanksgiving dinner for all of to share. I would love a Thanksgiving dinner about now. Wouldn't you?

I don't really sweat it...I do the notes as much for me as anyone..it gives me a sense of purpose. Sometimes I get mildly annoyed is all but given what I've been immersed in between this trial and my family, some OT or complaining posts on a thread are like gnats to me.

But back to the turkey....I have an amazing recipe for cranberry sauce...seriously.

And I'm serious about a thread JUST for the court observations distilled down...that would remedy a lot I think. consider this one the "raw data". (but don't leave it at home)
The only thing I'm gonna tell you to stuff is a turkey and bring it to my house with a complete Thanksgiving dinner for all of to share. I would love a Thanksgiving dinner about now. Wouldn't you?

I don't really sweat it...I do the notes as much for me as anyone..it gives me a sense of purpose. Sometimes I get mildly annoyed is all but given what I've been immersed in between this trial and my family, some OT or complaining posts on a thread are like gnats to me.

But back to the turkey....I have an amazing recipe for cranberry sauce...seriously.

And I'm serious about a thread JUST for the court observations distilled down...that would remedy a lot I think. consider this one the "raw data". (but don't leave it at home)

lol You DO deserve a big turkey dinner for all you do! :seeya:
LOL! He is "accused all the time" of being a compassionate person but he can turn it on and off courtesy of amazon.com! Crazy.

And the well ! Well Juan Martinez considers that well his boxing ring. ;)

Oh he sure does... I love all the peculiar contortions & twisting he does when he's in the zone.. Seems so very comfortable in the 'well'; when he gives an exhibit to a witness, he goes right back to the well while they read - then back up to the stand to retrieve it. Not sure I've ever seen an attorney appear so comfortable in the course of a trial.
KCL, you mentioned that you thought it was interesting that JM left the definition of "compassion" up on the screen for a long time, even after that discussion with RS passed. I noticed that, too, and I am wondering if that was meant to remind the JURORS not to be sucked in by the defendant's stories. A not-so-subliminal message to any of the 16 who might be feeling a little "sympathy for the devil." A BRILLIANT TACTIC!
Maybe it's their coping mechanism??? Some people can't cry at funerals so instead they smile at people.... Just supposing:twocents:

I know I laugh when I get nervous. I could never tell a lie growing up because I would bust out laughing before I told it and my Mom would know. As far as the #1 Mom, maybe one of her other kids thought she deserved it for sitting there everyday knowing what her child did. I am not denying the fact that I think it is very disrespectful for her and her sister to behave in the way they have sometimes. However, it must be hard to sit in court, hearing every detail of her child's sex life, stalker behavior, and the brutal murder of an innocent man.

A question to KCL or attorneys on the board:
If premeditation can be formed in an instant right before the murder and saying that JA's story of the gunshot was first(which I do not think it was), couldn't it go from self defense with the gunshot to premeditation to finish him off with the knife? I hope this makes sense.
Hey, KLC, could you share that recipe? (send it PM so I won't clutter up this thread. :floorlaugh:) I make terrible cranberry sauce. I finally gave up trying (per family's request :blushing:)
He sure does.

One thing I noticed is that, at least from the portions of the trial I've seen, it doesn't appear that the attorneys ask permission to cross the "well" to the witness. They do ask before approaching the bench, but I was taught to say, e.g., "your honor, may I approach the witness?" before handing the witness an exhibit. Or the bailiff might act as intermediary between the podium and the witness.

I guess that would slow things down, though....

I noticed that Juan Martinez & JW asked in the beginning of trial--now only sometimes do I hear them ask. Is it something the judge could tell them is OK to do w/o asking?
I'm gonna see if it's possible to get a thread that's courtroom observations WITH discussion and one that is exclusively the observations extracted there (you may have to wait to get them over there by the mods but it would concentrate it to just that).

And just as my opinion, when you are getting something at no expense that a person like me, PASA, etc. are doing at our own expense and have no obligation whatsoever to take a note much less share it during our own time off, people might reconsider just what there is to "complain" about. And what is even owed. I know there have been court observers that have said to me "I don't even want to share my notes" because snotty remarks have been made about the timely manner or way they've been shared.

just keepin it real.

I just want to say Katie that you are wonderful and so appreciated here; there are always people who find the need to complain. please know that 99.999 percent of the people here love, admire and appreciate your efforts. I couldn't do it because if i had to listen to that twit Samuels for more than five minutes they would have to pull me out of the courtroom in posey jacket, screaming nasty things. Take care and be well.
So sick of this self important paid $quawker.

I wish Juan would come out of the gate with "Have you been watching this trial Sir?".

Oh poor Jodi with her low self esteem. Zero note taking during this excuse making BS on her low SE.

Here we go with the book AGAIN! CEO started taking notes here, also HW.

Shut up Wilmott! Please shut up!!

Another juror question comes up from the back.

I'm tuning him out.

How is it possible he knows all of these key elements of the case, etc. during TESTING. (am I beating this dead horse or what? I keep writing about this!).

Repressed memories--no note taking, wrestler yawning.

So basically JA is one of 3-5 out of 100,000 with this kind of amnesia. Ok.

Nancy tapping her foot.

Hashing and rehashing her entire direct.

"Very strong probability dissociative amnesia" is worked in to a sentence in almost every question (he's been coached to do this imo).

Really, he's going in to the geography crater lecture again???

and how conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeniet it happened at just the right moment for her.
Someone said yesterday thought they saw JA mouthing "juror #2" to Wilcott. Don't know if that is true or not.

On the live feed day before yesterday, after the jury was excused...I could swear JA said to JW "He's flirting!" then JW glanced back and they both grinned real big. Not at all sure who she would have been talking about.
On the live feed day before yesterday, after the jury was excused...I could swear JA said to JW "He's flirting!" then JW glanced back and they both grinned real big. Not at all sure who she would have been talking about.

How would she know when someone's flirting, she's got low self-esteem.. Please... Unbelievable that someone with low self-esteem would actually take a trip to Mexico with 3 guys, then plan to go camping with a bunch more - no women for miles around, just the dudes...She's got more 'esteem' than 10 people combined.
I disagree. This isn't an OT thread. It's for a specific purpose and those of us who have a limited time are trying to follow the courtroom proceedings, not OT stuff. I gave up on KCL's notes earlier in the week because I couldn't find them. Coming out of lurkdom to complain is fair considering the lurkers aren't filling the threads with OT.

Not trying to be snarky, but all you have to do is click on Katiecoolady's name and find all posts by her. you can then read them one after the other. I do that a lot when I am short on time.
On the live feed day before yesterday, after the jury was excused...I could swear JA said to JW "He's flirting!" then JW glanced back and they both grinned real big. Not at all sure who she would have been talking about.

Maybe she thinks he's playing coy with her, if he's not watching her. :floorlaugh:
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