a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

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What would be cool

If Juan came into court with a 25 semi auto handgun and said we may have some new evidence.
Tell Numri that a 25 cal handgun was found over the weekend in the desert and they believe it may be the gun that shot Travis.
Now have the cameras on Jodi's face and watch her expression.
If she looks scared as hell--The gun she used was grandpas.
If she dosen't show any reaction --The gun is at the bottom of a lake.
Even better yet do it on April 1st then after the court quiets down ( April fool )
If nothing else maybe she would have a heart attack.
:seeya: Thanks for the updates !

JMO, but sometimes when the camera flashes through the gallery -- the side JA's family sits on -- it looks like some of those spectators are having a "party" !

I can't remember which day it was -- the day the woman vomited in the courtroom -- earlier that day, I remember seeing one spectator drinking out a "liter size" soft drink bottle and the camera caught the big gulp and all ... I was like WTH ?

Again, appreciate all the updates from the court observers ... I like hearing the "inside scoop" !


BBM that's wild as there are strict rules saying you can only bring in water.

I tell you this, it's not nearly as tightly managed as the Scott Peterson trial where you could get thrown out for life for chewing gum and that Judge I swear could spot a gum chewer in the back row, in fact I saw him do it once. This one is not nearly as strict. I was surprised i could even bring in water.
What would be cool

If Juan came into court with a 25 semi auto handgun and said we may have some new evidence.
Tell Numri that a 25 cal handgun was found over the weekend in the desert and they believe it may be the gun that shot Travis.
Now have the cameras on Jodi's face and watch her expression.
If she looks scared as hell--The gun she used was grandpas.
If she dosen't show any reaction --The gun is at the bottom of a lake.
Even better yet do it on April 1st then after the court quiets down ( April fool )
If nothing else maybe she would have a heart attack.

That's such a Law and Order moment. ;)
Very good observation! Your time with Janine is well spent! Gosh I hope this jury sees him as the liar he is too.

I was wondering if anyone would catch that "Driverisim' with the convey vs. convince. I love that though. And I don't know about on TV but in the courtroom he just seemed to always be protesting too much on the "dissociative amnesia". I swear if JM was asking him about his own educational background he'd still find a way to work it in to a sentence like "when I was first starting out in my training I remember a professor telling me a story about a child of a patient of his own mentor's who had dissociative amnesia" or some such tangential BS.

He's the epitome, to me, of the convince vs. convey and on that note I"m gonna text Janine and tell her that I applied it for a nice little pat on the head. lol woofwoof
Katie (or PASA if you made it today) :seeya:

I noticed Jodi looked disgustingly proud and acting as if she was starring in her own movie today. Did you notice any change in her sick demeanor after recess/her reviewing the juror's questions? (Just trying to get a taste of what the questions may or may not have shown about what the juror's are thinking...)

Thank you!!!!!! :heartbeat:

Pulled way back for this missed question. What I noticed was that Jodi seemed extra cocky on Thursday for some reason. She had her red shirt on and of course always when the jury's gone her demeanor changes. She's been coached or coached herself to do that flat affect routine (and dammit girl can HOLD that) when they are there but as soon as they leave she smiles, she's animated, she chitchats with the MS and Willmott (of course ignoring her mother 100% that I can tell). I did notice she was extra perky on Thurs I think she was fueled by her little blue ribbon "victory".

Honestly I think this chick is sick enough that she believes she is going to be exonerated, found not guilty and leave jail once this is over. Of course her attorneys know she's not but I do think she's planning that. I for one can't wait to see her face on verdict day.

Scott Peterson showed no expression...I think it might be different with Jodi Arias.
I just found this web site when searching for the trial, had NO idea such a forum existed! Thank you, thank you to all of the court watchers, your posts are both fascinating and informative.
Any court observer: Was there any reaction or response when Dr $ said something about JM's veracity? Also, if you saw live court and tv coverage, did Dr $ seem as flustered in court as he did on tv?

I wonder how much the DT warned (for lack of a better word) DR $ about JM's (awesome, MOO) style.
ALV may be slightly better prepared for him since she has testified by phone w/him before.
i have no idea who she is but i have no respect for her already because she is going to trash Travis and slander Travis based on lies upon lies by the evil defendant. There is no corroborating evidence that Travis battered or abused the evil biotch and any "expert" that bases their expert testimony solely on what a defendant tells them (esp this proven lying defendant), doesn't deserve my respect. no self respecting psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker would testify for the defendant in this case.

On top of that there has never been anyone who testified that they either had seen marks from any physical abuse( which she would have taken pictures of).
There was no one that ever seen any verbal abuse other than a normal couple argument.
There was never a call to police about anything.
There has been nothing but fabricated verbal testimoney from her as to any abuse.
There is no solid evidence of any kind that would prove she acted in self defence enough to use deadly force.
Pulled way back for this missed question. What I noticed was that Jodi seemed extra cocky on Thursday for some reason. She had her red shirt on and of course always when the jury's gone her demeanor changes. She's been coached or coached herself to do that flat affect routine (and dammit girl can HOLD that) when they are there but as soon as they leave she smiles, she's animated, she chitchats with the MS and Willmott (of course ignoring her mother 100% that I can tell). I did notice she was extra perky on Thurs I think she was fueled by her little blue ribbon "victory".

Honestly I think this chick is sick enough that she believes she is going to be exonerated, found not guilty and leave jail once this is over. Of course her attorneys know she's not but I do think she's planning that. I for one can't wait to see her face on verdict day.

Scott Peterson showed no expression...I think it might be different with Jodi Arias.

I also think Jodi REAAAAAALLY liked her shirt that day.
Just a quick question for our court observers...

On the DT side of the court, are those people all JA supporters or are the spectators just given available seats regardless of who they are there to support?

The sad reality now,in our courts, is that as soon as someone is dead they cease being the victim and the killer takes over that role. :banghead:
I also think Jodi REAAAAAALLY liked her shirt that day.

I think that JA is actually enjoying this whole trial. It is all about her. She is delighted with the twisting of the truth because she believes that she is so clever that can outdebate and manipulate anyone.
I'm going to share a piece of why I sit in the courtroom with the family offering support. For those who haven't seen it, this is a Victim Impact Statement I wrote in 2009 after one of my sister's killers was released from Death Row on a mental retardation claim. So it makes more sense, this hearing for this MR issue (for both of them, not just the one who got it, it was argued for BOTH) lasted 7 years and I'm told cost taxpayers around 10 million dollars. It was decided by ONE Judge who was retiring right after this hearing..actually stayed on just to complete it. She was a known DP opponent and imo, just wanted to go out with letting one person off death row which she did. We tried to get her thrown off due to her multiple expressions of obvious bias thru the AZ Supreme Court but it didn't happen. There's so much more to it but this one part that you will see edited in, speaks to why I do what I do for the Alexander family.

By the way, I was not intending to go give this statement but my attorney contacted me the night before asking if I was going and I said no and she texted back "I think you should be there" so I was up til 2am writing this thing and drove 30 miles alone to read it. These are the reasons Ricki Lake called me a "bad *advertiser censored*".

I'm editing it here to add a little improvisation I did while reading it in court. By the way I had to see him (the killer) for the first time in 18 years and had no idea he would be there. I walked in and sat down and started uncontrollably shaking from head to toe. They kept asking me to slow down as I was reading so fast and shaking. Here it is:

Why have I chosen to take time out of my busy schedule once again to drive to Florence to give this impact statement? I ask myself the same question as I honestly don't think anything I have to say will make much difference or cause much impact toward the decision on resentencing this defendant but the question always is "can I live with myself if certain decisions are made and know I've said nothing?

So, here I am with a few things to say.

I don't intend to get in to the impact this crime itself has had on me personally or on my family. Partly because I don't think it's necessary at this stage and partly because I think it could potentially do more harm than good. I'll let you fill in the blanks on how losing your only
sister/ your oldest daughter on the day before Christmas impacts on a family. To a vicious senseless murder for money.

I will tell you the impact of this particular hearing and decision over the last several years has had and has the potential to have on me and my family.

When the men who murdered my sister in this cold blooded plot were sentenced to death, we were told there were two options in the State of AZ -- Life with the possibility of parole in 25 years and Death which meant they would never get out of prison. Of course, no matter how we might have felt politically about the death penalty, we knew these were young men and would still be as violent and dangerous in 25 years, perhaps more so and the Death Penalty was the only sentence that insured the public's and our safety from them forever. We were
warned that in time, the tables would turn, the victim would be forgotten and the murderers would be seen as victims. Well that time has come, over 20 years after the loss of my sister. It's still hard to fathom but it's the absolute reality now.

I am here to remind the court who the true victim of this crime was, and still is. It was my sister Cindy who was my only sister, fourteen months older than me, whose life was taken for one motive: money. On the day before we were to fly home for Christmas on Christmas eve 1988. I was 29 years old and she was 30. We grew up together with each other to lean on as we lost our mother at a very young age. She was kind and truly an innocent and the defense in both trials could produce no evidence about her in a derogatory way -- there simply was none. She was like a lamb to slaughter with the men who murdered her -- Rudi and Michael Apelt.

The victim was not and still is not the man, Rudi Apelt, who is being resentenced today. The man who wielded the knife that slashed Cindy's throat from ear to ear leaving her to be discovered by a young boy in the desert on Christmas Eve.. Rudi Apelt, who has served another prison sentence for a violent rape of another woman in Germany. Rudi Apelt
who conned many women throughout the Phoenix area during the months prior to the murder of my sister for money, use of their car, a living situation in their home, procurement of goods, all of these actions performed ALONE and not in the presence of his brother or any other familiar person to him. All of these facts are clearly documented in the trial transcripts. He is a violent man, a repeat offender and took the life of my sister for money. I do not believe he demonstrates any signs of mental retardation in the commission of this crime--quite
the contrary, in fact. Sophisticated, calculated and cold-blooded homicide are not adjectives I would ascribe to the mentally retarded.

I am here also to tell you the impact that just this one hearing lasting several years has had on my family. My 78-year-old father was required to testify and cancel a prepaid trip to China because the Court would not consider a 2-week postponement of the original hearing
for this which he was required to testify at. This postponement was the one and only thing my family ever asked of this Court in the many YEARS leading up to this hearing and it was not granted. This was perhaps my father's only opportunity to go to China for the rest of his lfe.
Yet the defense in this case was granted delay after delay over a period of years causing me and my family to be inconvenienced, put plans on hold, prepare ourselves emotionally only to be told yet another delay for the defense for years upon years.

I opened my door one December day, 3 years go, ironically the same day I was planning to decorate my house for Christmas which you can imagine what a task that is for me year after year seeing my sister's bloody body was discovered in the desert on Christmas Eve morning, only to find an advocate for Rudi Apelt misrepresenting herself to me and asking for my cooperation with this very issue--the mental retardation hearing. And this advocate bald-faced lied to me in my own home assuring me that this murderer, if reversed in sentence, would be
resentenced to life WITHOUT parole. Yes of course she knew this was impossible due to sentencing guidelines yet chose to manipulate me in this way. What did I or my family ever do to deserve this kind of treatment? Laws have been changed now to disallow the abuse of victims in this manner in the State of AZ because of this heinous situation I endured.

My father and I endured sitting in a courtroom often being the only representatives on the side of the State while onlookers filled the side of the defendant
(I then looked up and saw that EXACT SCENE in this courtroom and said "just like I am seeing here right now" and swept my hand across in a little gesture) hoping obviously to glean some kind of clues for arguing their murderer clients were also mentally retarded to avoid the ultimate penalty.

I have personally learned that in addition to the tides of sympathy swinging away from the murder victim to the murderer over the years that the "worst of the worst" in our society, once on Death Row, receive the "best of the best" when it comes to legal assistance. I am
convinced that a death row inmate has a greater chance of being released from prison than a "lifer" serving a term for a nonviolent crime, simply because more people care about those on Death Row. The murderers also receive free websites which read like singles ads soliciting donations, penpals, wives and the like. When the "serial shooter" claimed to desire the death penalty in his sentencing hearing this year, I completely understood what was motivating him -- and it most certainly wasn't a possibility of execution.

My one consolation with this preposterous ruling/resentencing is that finally Rudi Apelt will receive what he deserves. Which is to be forgotten, finally. I have no doubt that those helping so fervently over the years will drop him like a hot potato once he no longer holds the prestige of Death Row status and he will fade in to the woodwork with all the other violent common criminals in the general population. Until of course we are asked to appear at parole hearings. Then we will be forced to remember him and his violence once again. When do we ever
get to let this go? Do we?
(I looked up directly at the defense attorney when I said those last questions).

Finally, I did not come all the way down here with any delusions that my words would have any true impact whatsoever on the outcome of this hearing. Biases have been shown throughout and I hold no fantasies that my family's feelings and wishes will fall in to consideration. Yet let it be known, we all have a certain degree of terror at the thought of
Rudi Apelt ever being released from prison due to a possible switch to concurrent sentences where he could have the possibility of actually being paroled. Yes that terrifies my family and me personally. This again is the man who took my sister in to the desert, and among other
violent acts, slit her throat. Then enjoyed a celebratory meal with his co-murderer/conspirators at a restaurant using her credit card right after commiting the murder. Call it what you want, but I call that nothing but a DANGER TO SOCIETY. His sentences, at the very least,
need to remain CONSECUTIVE to protect society from his violence. Call him mentally retarded, call him an imbecile, call him an idiot savant, whatever you wish. But call his behavior what it has been: VIOLENT and DANGEROUS.

The reason I did come though is in hopes that down the road, whatever decision is reached as a result of this resentencing hearing is REVIEWED by hopefully a non biased individual who has no political agenda at stake. Then that a sound decision will be made then that will prohibit this dangerous individual Rudi Apelt from ever being released from prison again. And to allow me and my family to finally move forward without ever having to worry about him again. And to hopefully get to begin to live a life where we get to focus on remembering my sister's life and not her violent death.

After my reading this the Judge sentenced him to consecutive vs. concurrent 25 to Life sentences (see this "mentally retarded" man is also convicted of CONSPIRACY to commit first degree murder w/ it's own sentence, thank God, other wise he'd be up for parole next year). Our AG told me that he thought that was primarily because of this Impact Statement.
I just found this web site when searching for the trial, had NO idea such a forum existed! Thank you, thank you to all of the court watchers, your posts are both fascinating and informative.

I've been here for a few years although I have probably posted more this case than even dear Caylee's. You are in a warm place here for sure and will learn much while we welcome what you have to share. :welcome4:
Just a quick question for our court observers...

On the DT side of the court, are those people all JA supporters or are the spectators just given available seats regardless of who they are there to support?

The sad reality now,in our courts, is that as soon as someone is dead they cease being the victim and the killer takes over that role. :banghead:

The DT side is for her supporters and the public. The prosecution side is for TA's family and the media. The day I was there almost everyone on the DT side was wearing blue ribbons. :) She has very few supporters in court. I don't think she's ever had more than the front row.
I'm listening to Thursday's afternoon with Samuels, and I noticed that he DID tell the truth to Juan in one answer: and I quote,

Juan: "And the answer to that was, well, the answers would have been the same, right?"

Samuels: "Yes"

Juan: "and the answers would have been the same because, you said it didn't MATTER, what the triggering event was, that's what you said right?"

Samuels: "That's correct. In my opinion, in this case, it didn't matter."

Juan: "So what your'e saying is, the event whether it was HER killing, or, um, the two other individuals coming in, that didn't matter, right?"

Samuels: "For the purposes of my scoring, using the test to simply confirm my hypothesis which was made previously, uh it didn't matter to me."

In my opinion he just admitted to fabricating a diagnoses for his purposes.

I caught that statement of his, and I also thought, wow...he came up with her diagnosis before testing her, and just used tests (barely!) to justify his diagnosis. 100% backwards. Guess that's how his ego rolls, LOL............

I am very bothered that he has treated others...who is to say others haven't been misdiagnosed by this guy? Ugh.

I've been curious about why Jodi's story involving her holding it in two hands until I saw JVM tonite. She's doing a gun demo at some gun academy and using a 25 caliber. If the safety is on it would be a two step process to fire the gun...you'd have to release the safety then hit the trigger after "cocking" it. I think the twohanded technique is trying to explain how it's possible for all these mechanisms to happen simultaneously for the gun to "just go off". I hope this even makes sense.

That would only be if there was a round in the chamber already.If there wasn't the slider of the gun would have to be pulled back to load a round into the chamber( takes even more time ).
I read that a test was done for how long it takes for an assailant to cover 20 feet when they are attacking and the time was 1.5 seconds.
My question is how would she even had time to grab the gun let alone do anything else if Travis was really chasing her.
I guess thats why she never mentioned the holster again is because that would take even more time to get it out.
Her story just does not fit a reasonable time frame.
I TOTALLY agree...from the beginning I have also thought that when JA'S mom laughs during court that she is not being disrespectful... I think that she is thinking:

Can't think of ANY excuse for laughing during a trial for a human who was murder in such a heinous way at the hands of my child. For Jodi's mom and aunt to roll their eyes and snicker at Travis's sister who was crying after viewing her brothers body on the screen, IMO, they were behaving much worse than just disrespectful. If anything these two women were behaving in a similar way that Jodi has toward Travis's family

"boy, her rebellious/hateful spirit finally caught up with her"

BBM Not the words I would use to describe Jodi's spirit, more like evil and utter contempt for another human....IMO

I really think her Mom thinks it was only a matter of time before Jodi's snotty behavior got the best of her ...at least this is what I would LIKE to think since I can't imagine (even as a mother) condoning that kind of sociopath behavior...from Jodi's testimony it sounds like she was a hard child to raise... (Can you imagine being dealt the sociopath child card?! Lol!)

Jodi's behavior is so much darker than anything snotty . As to raising a child like Jodi it would be very interesting to know how they raised her for example did they excuse or deny behaviors Jodi exhibited through out her life or did they try to reach out for professional help. As for condoning Jodi's behavior I suppose it would depend on what one considers condoning. When Jodi's mom assisted in attempting to help Jodi run from the law after Travis's murder, contacted the NE and other news agency's to pass along the forged pedophile letters and selling Jodi's pseudo artwork on ebay, IMO, she was condoning Jodi's behavior.

Her Mom is doing what any other normal mom would do... loving her child unconditionally wether they are good or bad... Actually, if she wasn't there I would think less of her..

Loving your child unconditionally doesn't involve condoning behavior that is illegal, immoral and disrespectful toward and for another person. I agree that it's important that she be there, but not front and center wearing a necklace that says "#1 MOM", head down and busily writing in a notebook rather than showing attention/respect to the witness's, attorneys and judge who are arguing/testifying/discussing/describing a murder that HER daughter committed

I can't imagine being in her shoes, I bet she's lost a lot of friends because of this...and during a time when she needs her friends most!

I can't imagine being in her shoes either BUT I do know that if that was me sitting in the courtroom I would be, as another member posted earlier, on my knees begging Travis's family for forgiveness for what my child had done to their loved one, I would be sitting in that seat with my eyes focused on those participating in the court proceedings and not only would I be respectful and considerate of what Travis's family is going through, better believe that I would be demanding the same consideration from any of my family and friends who were in the courtroom also. I also wouldn't be running up to the bailiff and tattling on others who are reacting to the horrendous crime my child committed for ANY reason.
I was wondering if anyone would catch that "Driverisim' with the convey vs. convince. I love that though. And I don't know about on TV but in the courtroom he just seemed to always be protesting too much on the "dissociative amnesia". I swear if JM was asking him about his own educational background he'd still find a way to work it in to a sentence like "when I was first starting out in my training I remember a professor telling me a story about a child of a patient of his own mentor's who had dissociative amnesia" or some such tangential BS.

He's the epitome, to me, of the convince vs. convey and on that note I"m gonna text Janine and tell her that I applied it for a nice little pat on the head. lol woofwoof

I, for one, though it was extremely obvious he was trying to CONVINCE the jury. Examples--extensive elaboration on yes/no questions, the several questions he answered "possible, but not probable" when agreeing it was possible would be helpful to the state, throwing in his diagnosis of ptsd/amnesia every chance he could (as if to reinforce it to the jury), and the most glaring example--all the excuses he made for JA and he lies, her changing stories, etc.

Pathetic excuse for an "impartial" expert, IMO. :furious:
I'm going to share a piece of why I sit in the courtroom with the family offering support. For those who haven't seen it, this is a Victim Impact Statement I wrote in 2009 after one of my sister's killers was released from Death Row on a mental retardation claim. So it makes more sense, this hearing for this MR issue (for both of them, not just the one who got it, it was argued for BOTH) lasted 7 years and I'm told cost taxpayers around 10 million dollars. It was decided by ONE Judge who was retiring right after this hearing..actually stayed on just to complete it. She was a known DP opponent and imo, just wanted to go out with letting one person off death row which she did. We tried to get her thrown off due to her multiple expressions of obvious bias thru the AZ Supreme Court but it didn't happen. There's so much more to it but this one part that you will see edited in, speaks to why I do what I do for the Alexander family.

By the way, I was not intending to go give this statement but my attorney contacted me the night before asking if I was going and I said no and she texted back "I think you should be there" so I was up til 2am writing this thing and drove 30 miles alone to read it. These are the reasons Ricki Lake called me a "bad *advertiser censored*".

I'm editing it here to add a little improvisation I did while reading it in court. By the way I had to see him (the killer) for the first time in 18 years and had no idea he would be there. I walked in and sat down and started uncontrollably shaking from head to toe. They kept asking me to slow down as I was reading so fast and shaking. Here it is:

Why have I chosen to take time out of my busy schedule once again to drive to Florence to give this impact statement? I ask myself the same question as I honestly don't think anything I have to say will make much difference or cause much impact toward the decision on resentencing this defendant but the question always is "can I live with myself if certain decisions are made and know I've said nothing?

So, here I am with a few things to say.

I don't intend to get in to the impact this crime itself has had on me personally or on my family. Partly because I don't think it's necessary at this stage and partly because I think it could potentially do more harm than good. I'll let you fill in the blanks on how losing your only
sister/ your oldest daughter on the day before Christmas impacts on a family. To a vicious senseless murder for money.

I will tell you the impact of this particular hearing and decision over the last several years has had and has the potential to have on me and my family.

When the men who murdered my sister in this cold blooded plot were sentenced to death, we were told there were two options in the State of AZ -- Life with the possibility of parole in 25 years and Death which meant they would never get out of prison. Of course, no matter how we might have felt politically about the death penalty, we knew these were young men and would still be as violent and dangerous in 25 years, perhaps more so and the Death Penalty was the only sentence that insured the public's and our safety from them forever. We were
warned that in time, the tables would turn, the victim would be forgotten and the murderers would be seen as victims. Well that time has come, over 20 years after the loss of my sister. It's still hard to fathom but it's the absolute reality now.

I am here to remind the court who the true victim of this crime was, and still is. It was my sister Cindy who was my only sister, fourteen months older than me, whose life was taken for one motive: money. On the day before we were to fly home for Christmas on Christmas eve 1988. I was 29 years old and she was 30. We grew up together with each other to lean on as we lost our mother at a very young age. She was kind and truly an innocent and the defense in both trials could produce no evidence about her in a derogatory way -- there simply was none. She was like a lamb to slaughter with the men who murdered her -- Rudi and Michael Apelt.

The victim was not and still is not the man, Rudi Apelt, who is being resentenced today. The man who wielded the knife that slashed Cindy's throat from ear to ear leaving her to be discovered by a young boy in the desert on Christmas Eve.. Rudi Apelt, who has served another prison sentence for a violent rape of another woman in Germany. Rudi Apelt
who conned many women throughout the Phoenix area during the months prior to the murder of my sister for money, use of their car, a living situation in their home, procurement of goods, all of these actions performed ALONE and not in the presence of his brother or any other familiar person to him. All of these facts are clearly documented in the trial transcripts. He is a violent man, a repeat offender and took the life of my sister for money. I do not believe he demonstrates any signs of mental retardation in the commission of this crime--quite
the contrary, in fact. Sophisticated, calculated and cold-blooded homicide are not adjectives I would ascribe to the mentally retarded.

I am here also to tell you the impact that just this one hearing lasting several years has had on my family. My 78-year-old father was required to testify and cancel a prepaid trip to China because the Court would not consider a 2-week postponement of the original hearing
for this which he was required to testify at. This postponement was the one and only thing my family ever asked of this Court in the many YEARS leading up to this hearing and it was not granted. This was perhaps my father's only opportunity to go to China for the rest of his lfe.
Yet the defense in this case was granted delay after delay over a period of years causing me and my family to be inconvenienced, put plans on hold, prepare ourselves emotionally only to be told yet another delay for the defense for years upon years.

I opened my door one December day, 3 years go, ironically the same day I was planning to decorate my house for Christmas which you can imagine what a task that is for me year after year seeing my sister's bloody body was discovered in the desert on Christmas Eve morning, only to find an advocate for Rudi Apelt misrepresenting herself to me and asking for my cooperation with this very issue--the mental retardation hearing. And this advocate bald-faced lied to me in my own home assuring me that this murderer, if reversed in sentence, would be
resentenced to life WITHOUT parole. Yes of course she knew this was impossible due to sentencing guidelines yet chose to manipulate me in this way. What did I or my family ever do to deserve this kind of treatment? Laws have been changed now to disallow the abuse of victims in this manner in the State of AZ because of this heinous situation I endured.

My father and I endured sitting in a courtroom often being the only representatives on the side of the State while onlookers filled the side of the defendant
(I then looked up and saw that EXACT SCENE in this courtroom and said "just like I am seeing here right now" and swept my hand across in a little gesture) hoping obviously to glean some kind of clues for arguing their murderer clients were also mentally retarded to avoid the ultimate penalty.

I have personally learned that in addition to the tides of sympathy swinging away from the murder victim to the murderer over the years that the "worst of the worst" in our society, once on Death Row, receive the "best of the best" when it comes to legal assistance. I am
convinced that a death row inmate has a greater chance of being released from prison than a "lifer" serving a term for a nonviolent crime, simply because more people care about those on Death Row. The murderers also receive free websites which read like singles ads soliciting donations, penpals, wives and the like. When the "serial shooter" claimed to desire the death penalty in his sentencing hearing this year, I completely understood what was motivating him -- and it most certainly wasn't a possibility of execution.

My one consolation with this preposterous ruling/resentencing is that finally Rudi Apelt will receive what he deserves. Which is to be forgotten, finally. I have no doubt that those helping so fervently over the years will drop him like a hot potato once he no longer holds the prestige of Death Row status and he will fade in to the woodwork with all the other violent common criminals in the general population. Until of course we are asked to appear at parole hearings. Then we will be forced to remember him and his violence once again. When do we ever
get to let this go? Do we?
(I looked up directly at the defense attorney when I said those last questions).

Finally, I did not come all the way down here with any delusions that my words would have any true impact whatsoever on the outcome of this hearing. Biases have been shown throughout and I hold no fantasies that my family's feelings and wishes will fall in to consideration. Yet let it be known, we all have a certain degree of terror at the thought of
Rudi Apelt ever being released from prison due to a possible switch to concurrent sentences where he could have the possibility of actually being paroled. Yes that terrifies my family and me personally. This again is the man who took my sister in to the desert, and among other
violent acts, slit her throat. Then enjoyed a celebratory meal with his co-murderer/conspirators at a restaurant using her credit card right after commiting the murder. Call it what you want, but I call that nothing but a DANGER TO SOCIETY. His sentences, at the very least,
need to remain CONSECUTIVE to protect society from his violence. Call him mentally retarded, call him an imbecile, call him an idiot savant, whatever you wish. But call his behavior what it has been: VIOLENT and DANGEROUS.

The reason I did come though is in hopes that down the road, whatever decision is reached as a result of this resentencing hearing is REVIEWED by hopefully a non biased individual who has no political agenda at stake. Then that a sound decision will be made then that will prohibit this dangerous individual Rudi Apelt from ever being released from prison again. And to allow me and my family to finally move forward without ever having to worry about him again. And to hopefully get to begin to live a life where we get to focus on remembering my sister's life and not her violent death.

After my reading this the Judge sentenced him to consecutive vs. concurrent 25 to Life sentences (see this "mentally retarded" man is also convicted of CONSPIRACY to commit first degree murder w/ it's own sentence, thank God, other wise he'd be up for parole next year). Our AG told me that he thought that was primarily because of this Impact Statement.

Kathy, I can feel your pain in each word that you said. :hug:
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