a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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I'm watching Nancy Grace and that video of travis' funeral :(

I see Aunt Heather there. She is a person who holds vigil at the court constantly and is a quiet presence there often not noticed. I can see her love for Travis. I don't know her exact direct connection but her love for her nephew is palpable. Shout out in love tonite for Aunt Heather. A sweet and quiet soul showing up, in pain, for justice for Travis.
I don't know really. I saw her say something snarky about Travis then immediately look at his family. I just keep going back to the man who was there to support her the first day and sat next to one of my court watcher friends and told her he was there because she was terrified to testify.

I think she was full of confidence while lecturing to the jury on the basics of Battered women and abuse 101. Now that it's gotten to this murder, she's out of her comfort zone (as she should be) and we're seeing that "terrified" emotion her friend talked about. that's what I'm wondering....

Honestly, I'm stunned evertime she bashes Travis, and so needlessly..it's like she's throwing stuff in there as an afterthought..

But as hard as it is to hear, the more she does it the less I care about Juan tearing her apart. I was really worried about that, as he can come across pretty stern even with his own witnesses. ;)

So here's this middle aged / older lady and I worried the jury might think he'd crossed a line with her ~ but no more, not after her efforts at personal attacks on Travis. Nuh-uh, not now..

At this point, I don't want her to come across as the objective or fair-minded 'expert'. Too little, too late, too close to cross. :)
Juan Martinez should her the pics and ask her for her thoughts. Autopsy pics also.
Somebody needs to show this expert the two videos of Jodie's parents saying she has mental problems.
There is a lot of hanky panky going on in this court room. Maybe if the armed guards weren't half asleep most of the time these screwballs wouldn't try their stunts. With everyone not on their game makes for a big mess. But....... This is a death case.... It is so different.... Really? What a bunch of Carp!!!!!!!!!!

Jodie's mom and aunt giggling in the court room is totaly inappropriate, Travis family have to hide their emotions while Jodie's mom. And aunt don't.
Go ask Alyce..... Well she don't know! She is an ole hippie since she fled NJ and went to Cal. in the 60's. JMO but she fits the bill . She say's the same jargen, different day, that's all. BORE!!!

That is hysterical !!! First thing I thought is she is one of the old hippies from Cali (except she's from NJ - the same place the last Defense witness was from).

See y'all tomorrow evening since we are going to be stuck with "Go Ask Alyce" all dam day tomorrow.
Somebody needs to show this expert the two videos of Jodie's parents saying she has mental problems.

As far as I'm concerned...any expert called as a witness in a DP case should have enough experience to be able to quickly identify the "mental" or personality disorders of the person they are representing!!

The fact that she seems to be clueless to the truth in this case is very concerning and speaks volumes as to her qualifications... even not knowing any of the evidential facts of the case, as a professional, she should be able to figure out something isn't quite right with Jodi!

None of us are professionals, and as lay people we had Jodi figured out in a matter of minutes!! What's ALV problem?
That is hysterical !!! First thing I thought is she is one of the old hippies from Cali (except she's from NJ - the same place the last Defense witness was from).

See y'all tomorrow evening since we are going to be stuck with "Go Ask Alyce" all dam day tomorrow.

Lol! So should we expect Snooki and Jwoww next?! :great:
I KNOW! I can't help but think she is going to feel so stupid once she realizes the TRUTH!!

I have the feeling that the repercussions of ALV selling her soul to the devil will result in more than her feeling stupid. IMHO
I too hail from the Great State of New Jersey, spending my summers growing up @ Seaside Heights, lol. We're not all like that, I assure you!
Regarding ALV, to me her testimony is just a load of garbage. How can she possibly sit there, & the defense as well, & feel ok about demeaning & debasing a murdered Travis when he isn't here for us to hear his side or defend himself? It's just a bunch of psychobabble. Not to mention, they weren't even dating too long, what, five months?
I also am beginning to see ALV becoming uncomfortable in this phase of her testimony because at times to me she is going out of her comfort zone in being asked to explain or interpret Jodi's feelings thus paving the way to defend JA's despicable actions. I bet ALV regrets her decision to testify for the defense but is too far in at this point. ALV's testimony IMO only solidifies how much of a social deviant JA is in her inability to exhibit normal coping skills. Again, I reiterate my thoughts that ALV is inadvertently describing JA as the stalker, the abuser, with her inability to accept reality, & her development into a full blown psychopath who premeditated this murder. If I were ALV, I couldn't live with myself defending JA. I hope Juan tears her apart. It only shows how desparate the defense is when out of all possible defense witnesses, they could only find these two less than stellar excuse for "professionals ", the other being Richard "I will win any caee for you" Samuels. What a waste of time, & AZ taxpayers money. On another note, I wonder how Travis' siblings are faring after sitting in chambers with the person who took their brother away. I admire them so much, & pray for them every day. I hope this ends soon for their sake.
I too hail from the Great State of New Jersey, spending my summers growing up @ Seaside Heights, lol. We're not all like that, I assure you!
Regarding ALV, to me her testimony is just a load of garbage. How can she possibly sit there, & the defense as well, & feel ok about demeaning & debasing a murdered Travis when he isn't here for us to hear his side or defend himself? It's just a bunch of psychobabble. Not to mention, they weren't even dating too long, what, five months?
I also am beginning to see ALV becoming uncomfortable in this phase of her testimony because at times to me she is going out of her comfort zone in being asked to explain or interpret Jodi's feelings thus paving the way to defend JA's despicable actions. I bet ALV regrets her decision to testify for the defense but is too far in at this point. ALV's testimony IMO only solidifies how much of a social deviant JA is in her inability to exhibit normal coping skills. Again, I reiterate my thoughts that ALV is inadvertently describing JA as the stalker, the abuser, with her inability to accept reality, & her development into a full blown psychopath who premeditated this murder. If I were ALV, I couldn't live with myself defending JA. I hope Juan tears her apart. It only shows how desparate the defense is when out of all possible defense witnesses, they could only find these two less than stellar excuse for "professionals ", the other being Richard "I will win any caee for you" Samuels. What a waste of time, & AZ taxpayers money. On another note, I wonder how Travis' siblings are faring after sitting in chambers with the person who took their brother away. I admire them so much, & pray for them every day. I hope this ends soon for their sake.

Not only that but she is being asked to analyse people like Lisa when she has had no contact with the woman.
It has to go to the probation office if she is on probation. Even better than that, it should be reported to victims advocate office jn the courthouse.

PERFECT. Let's all make a report today. I feel better already.:rocker:

I'm going to make a phone call. Anyone else?
As long as ALV doesn't dye her hair black.

To all of you who are freaking out about Juan's hair. First off, who cares?! Second, it's the type of dye that gradually washes out--you can see that he's always used it since pics and videos of him are at various stages.

He's super good-looking, a sharp dresser, and he's fighting for Travis & his family. If I was single and Juan was single--well, maybe I'd relocate to Phoenix IMMEDIATELY.:floorlaugh:

Let's leave Juan's grooming to him, since he does a great job of it. I wouldn't change a thing.

I felt like saying this since people seem to be saying he just all of a sudden dyed his hair in the middle of trial--I disagree, since I have males in my family who use this stuff. I just don't think it's a big deal, esp. since he's going to put Jodi Arias on death row.

And if you want to talk hair...Willmott's mop is atrocious and fried. She's straight-ironed the heck out of it for too long, and it's too thick for the length and hairstyle she's attempting. (See how stupid fixating on a lawyer's hair sounds?):floorlaugh:

Sacrablue: THIS POST IS NOT AIMED AT YOU PERSONALLY!!!:seeya: I just used it to jump off.
I'm watching Nancy Grace and that video of travis' funeral :(

I see Aunt Heather there. She is a person who holds vigil at the court constantly and is a quiet presence there often not noticed. I can see her love for Travis. I don't know her exact direct connection but her love for her nephew is palpable. Shout out in love tonite for Aunt Heather. A sweet and quiet soul showing up, in pain, for justice for Travis.

Is she the blonde lady who sits behind the siblings?
I also believe ALV was given limited information about this case. Sometimes I wonder if she even knows how brutal the murder was. When Juan gets up there to have at her, I believe she is going to have a very rude awakening as to what and who she has actually been testifying about.
Yesterday, she made it sound like she does not lie and does not expect others to lie to her. To her surprise, hopefully, she will know she has been lied to and used by JA and her defense team. I guess we can say, she was used and abused. Hope she can break that pattern. LOL
Thank you Ms. Katie the coolest lady on the block!

I sat through all the testiphony today and found myself bored beyond words. I listened to every teensy fact and the long elaboration by Ms. LV as to how it was abuse. I started thinking about my lovely DH of nearly 33 years and analyze our relationship and how her words apply. OMG! Here, I thought we had a great thing going and it turns out we are both abusive by Ms. LV's analysis!

She takes ONE instance of behavior and says it's abusive. Then she takes another, and another, and another. What I haven't seen is a strong over-view of the relationship from an impartial POV. Of course, she can't be impartial because she's never interviewed anyone who knew Travis.

I look forward to cross. While I'm sure JM will shred her, I hope she has the good sense to listen to the same events as told from Travis' POV and admit she hadn't considered them. That would make her credible, if useless, to the defense in the end.

If she goes the road Samuels did, she's total toast anyway.

Keep yourself well, healing vibes to your brother, and hopes that there will be testimony on Thursday.
I also believe ALV was given limited information about this case. Sometimes I wonder if she even knows how brutal the murder was. When Juan gets up there to have at her, I believe she is going to have a very rude awakening as to what and who she has actually been testifying about.
Yesterday, she made it sound like she does not lie and does not expect others to lie for her. To her surprise, hopefully, she will know she has been lied to and used by JA and her defense team. I guess we can say, she was used and abused. Hope she can break that pattern. LOL

I would think ALV expects JM will be tough on her but I don't think he will. She testifies as if she believes everything Jodi has told her. It really won't be hard for JM to outline everything she has said about domestic abuse and relate that to Travis, maybe without even telling her what he is doing. But ALV is testifying as if everything Jodi has told her is the truth. ALV never says "if what she told me is correct." Not going to take much to knock that ball of lies out of the park. In the end ALV will just say she felt Jodi was telling her the truth and that she is yet another one of Jodi's victims. jmo
Jodi's family and Donovan are going to do anything they can to cause a mistrial.

If they do indeed cause a mistrial, the State of Arizona should hold them responsible for the cost of defending their sick, dememted spawn. Now, there's a whole lot of dishwashing that'll need to happen in order to pay off this bill!
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