a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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Welcome! Wow! Are they trying to say she was pro Jodi?

In reading this, I believe she was shaking her head disagreeing with anything Jodi was saying and she was NOT pro Jodi. I also think that mitigation specialist is the one who made the call. Or Donovan. Sick!
Welcome! Wow! Are they trying to say she was pro Jodi?

I have a feeling it is reverse psychology. Whoever made the call wanted to make it seem like the juror was pro defendant but in reality, wanted to throw the judge off as to who the caller actually is and their intentions.

I also have a bad feeling about that Donovan person. Very sneaky vibe comes from her. In my opinion, if I were to guess who made the call, she would be at the top of my list. I would also add her girlfriend to that list.

The call had to come from someone who can see the jurors and since most of the courtroom is pro Travis, that doesn't leave too many people to choose from.
I also believe ALV was given limited information about this case. Sometimes I wonder if she even knows how brutal the murder was. When Juan gets up there to have at her, I believe she is going to have a very rude awakening as to what and who she has actually been testifying about.
Yesterday, she made it sound like she does not lie and does not expect others to lie to her. To her surprise, hopefully, she will know she has been lied to and used by JA and her defense team. I guess we can say, she was used and abused. Hope she can break that pattern. LOL

It's ALV's responsibility to collect all the material to review needed to form her opinion. As a professional testifying on their expert opinion they have a duty to research and review all the material needed to form an opinion.

For example, before a surgeon can in his/her professional opinion determine the need to operate on an individual complaining of abdominal pain the surgeon must physically assess the patient, collect lab work, get diagnostic studies such as ultrasounds, CT's and an endoscopy.

Only after reviewing all of these studies can the surgeon determine the diagnosis AND the appropriate surgical procedure. This is the standard that ALV should be held to also. So, IMO, ALV's expert opinion is biased and inappropriate. Every time this woman spews her biased,sexist opinions she is insulting and harming the cause of those who have genuinely been the victims of domestic violence. So,IMPO, ALV doesn't deserve any slack, benefit of the doubt or excuse for her testimony.
Katie, just read all your posts. I can't thank you enough! Yesterday's testimony made me sick. And I share others views that ALV's testimony is making the jurors hate her and her client, JA. I will be glad when this is all over. Jodi will be put away in a tiny solitary cell and Juan will go to successfully prosecute another perp. And Nurmi and Wilmott will fade away. Good riddance.
Thank you isn't enough for all the ways you have helped the Alexander family! God bless you.
(just copying my notes as usual)

How does this expert get to testify how JA FELT? As if it's fact vs her report to her or her interpretation?

Trump face red, chin in hand, rocking fast in seat.

CPA swiveling, chin in hand.

Can't see Poquito Mas or Barb

She knows too much about importan details that pertain to this trial to not have been coached on what's impt or to be following it. I vote the latter.

Artist mouth in hand, swiveling. CEO looking down or forward, not at ALV when she speaks.

CEO looks down spinning pen on notebook while she speaks.

All this Travis bashing is not landing well on the male jurors.

Poquito Mas swiveling.

CEO looks, to me, bored and disgusted with this Travis bashing.

BBM - I agree with you 100% on this! She is coming across as a hired puppet who is basically saying everything the defense wants to get through to the jury. I believe she is being coached, as well. She is just another hired defense witness, like Samuels, but with more hair. She may do good work outside of the court for abused women but this isn't the place for that. Her testimony has no relevance to this case, whatsoever.

Thank you so much, to you and all of the courtroom observers! You guys take time out of your lives to be there to support the Alexander family and to be our eyes in the courtroom. Best wishes to you and your brother. I hope that you both will have peace and happiness! I have to agree with Ricki Lake, you are a bad-*advertiser censored*! :)
Thank you to your daughter! lol I'm a Scorpio and one thing I am is ferociously loyal. Ask the nurses at the hospital where my brother is. ;)

Thanks so much...makes me feel good to read that...I hope to live up to all of your perceptions of me. :seeya:

I'm a Scorpio too and I'm the same way!! :rocker:
Thank you and Welcome. :seeya:

Sounds suspicious to me. Given the reports from our Wonderful In Court WebSleuths, the contents of the transcript does not jive with what I've been reading here. Sounds like a scheme cooked up by JA and Chin Pimples in retaliation AND an effort to get Juror #5 removed. Sounds like their sick, demented, bottom feeding M O. :twocents:

ITA! And I include Jennifer Willmott in the stupid act. She's a lawyer with her own law firm (or does she just pretend to have one for the court filings?)lol--can't she figure out a way during the hours and hours she's had this witness on the stand to ASK A QUESTION IN A WAY THAT WILL FACILITATE AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER???????????????? Hey Jen--look into that. It must be online or something. And stop giggling and smiling and letting your mouth hang open in fake shock when Juan objects. It's annoying.

Love, love LOVE the M&M's!!

I think the entire DT seems unprofessional. J Willmott is in over her head. She stammers her way through questioning, she appears to lack confidence and is constantly taking nervous deep breaths. The giggling, the stomping up to the judge and the faces that she makes is not doing her any favors. It is annoying but let her keep doing it...just think how annoyed the jurors are! :)
During break I asked Jeff Gold if he thought ALV was watching the trial, he disagrees (I still think she has been).

Weird guy from last week who followed us to lunch sitting right next to Katie over there. I see her get up during break to move 2 seats over and he leaves (still weird). She started telling me about it at HH but we got distracted..will ask her tomorrow what happened there.

On break JA showing JW something in her notebook. She's holding it up and pointing at something.

Back to testimony....

Headphones/CPA both hand over mouth.

ALV seems less confident today. When she exited the stand to hit the ladies room I assume, she sustains kind of plaintive eye contact w/ someone on the public side..as she walks right past T's family. She seems more vulnerable today. Maybe gearing up for being shredded in credibility by Juan Martinez? I think this jury will be ok if he addresses her aggressively. I think she's earned it.


I think it's that gentleman that I sat by in court last week...she was looking over at him an awful lot, even from the witness stand...
needs them to craft new backdated "journal entries" and "letters" as needed?

I think during the CA trial, her journal was tested. They had found out what date that journal was manufactured. I am not sure if they tested the ink to see if how old or new it was. I wonder if that could of been done here.
I think the entire DT seems unprofessional. J Willmott is in over her head. She stammers her way through questioning, she appears to lack confidence and is constantly taking nervous deep breaths. The giggling, the stomping up to the judge and the faces that she makes is not doing her any favors. It is annoying but let her keep doing it...just think how annoyed the jurors are! :)

I agree with you on Wilmont. When she stomps to the judge after and objection and then goes back to resuming question with a giggle, that is her dig to Juan. She IMO is hoping the stomping and giggling is saying to the jurors "See, the judge gave me my way. Don't pay attention to the prosecutor."
Is she the blonde lady who sits behind the siblings?

No she has a grey bob and sits behind the siblings usually on the aisle seat. Yesterday she was sitting on the front row with them.
I also believe ALV was given limited information about this case. Sometimes I wonder if she even knows how brutal the murder was. When Juan gets up there to have at her, I believe she is going to have a very rude awakening as to what and who she has actually been testifying about.
Yesterday, she made it sound like she does not lie and does not expect others to lie to her. To her surprise, hopefully, she will know she has been lied to and used by JA and her defense team. I guess we can say, she was used and abused. Hope she can break that pattern. LOL

Oh I think she knows everything about this case. And I think, on some level,she thinks Travis deserved to die at the hands of this "vulnerable woman" who had been "manipulated" and was "trying to defend herself".

I wonder how her abusing men's group will feel about her after this. I mean she's actually speaking against them, public humiliating them (symbolically) and indicating that they'd deserve to be stabbed 29 times, throats slashed and shot in the face for their "abusive" actions. Which I guarantee were 100000 times worse than anything she's even inaccurately portrayed about Travis

I foresee a mutiny in her future>
where did you get the info on her DR's?

It was quickly up on HLN (I think?) where they were able to obtain part of her D-reports. I hit record so I could back up and type them all out. I am interested in knowing any others she may have so I have my eyes open and ears perked.

Makes that folder under the butt activity more suspect, now doesn't it!?!

*nods* Yes ma'am. After watching those interrogation videos as well (to me) I see her as a kleptomaniac. I would bet she has taken things from every place she has stayed no matter if it's family or friends. Probably things that didn't mean much in value but meant something to each person. Everything that belonged to Travis she seemed to feel belonged to her too.

Remember in the interrogation video she picked things out of the trash, rifled through everything in the room possible, wrote on things that did not belong to her, ripped two pages out of a legal pad, folded them up and stuck them in her panties? It just went to show me how horrible she is with that. She was allowed to have the pages but Jodi just has to be a sneaky, snoopy jerk about it and hide them in her underwear.

I wonder if there is a place somewhere that she has stashed everything she has squirreled away. There is probably a tape or memory card with the video of the murder in there if a place like that exists.

Sorry if my thoughts went off track. :blushing:

Yes, thank you! That was my exact reaction to that testimony. What purpose would it serve, in her (cough) professional expert evaluation, to memorize the names of any woman Travis ever dated or communicated with? GMAFB! That will not play well for her, IMO.

Loved that part. Nothing like destroying the little-boy pedo theme by convincing the jury Travis was a ladies man.
To me Alyse speaks for no one outside of this trial. She is advocating for one person only and that's the murderer. ALV is not setting anything back, she doesn't have that kind of power, and I don't think this jury is going to buy the "Jodi was a weak abused woman" schtick regardless of what ALV tries to claim. I wouldn't be worried about her affecting anyone's perceptions about domestic violence or intimate partner violence. She is not an official spokesperson, the things she's describing actually have nothing to do with the truth in this case, she talks in hypotheticals >50% of the time, and other than those watching trial testimony (and hers specifically), she is a complete nonentity. Juan will impeach her and she'll be history.
Do we know yet if there will be court on Thursday? I know I keep telling myself that these schedules can not get any worse but I've learned to shut up about that and just hope for the best each day.
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