a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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I just watched the video one of you posted of the hugging, back patting and foolery that went on while the camera was running after trial.

After this horse and pony show it's going to be really nice to get real EXPERTS. Certified, knowledgeable, intelligent experts who will bring this back to the murder. Who will have Jennifer stuttering on cross and Nurmi picking up and putting his pen down 100xs trying to figure out how to question true knowledge.

I am sick to death of these experts droning on about their experience and knowledge then not even putting a tippy toe into the real issue. A monster sitting at the defense table in the costume of a human being, butchered a well loved man in the most heinous way and you better explain why. This isn't about your days in college Alyce. Explain why Travis was brutally murdered in his own home, 1000 miles away from the home of the one who took his life. Travis, the victim. :furious:

I want Juan to wipe that stupid smarmy smirk OFF her face on Monday. She sold her soul to a sex offender defender and used victims of domestic violence to help save the life of a murderer. They all have Travis' blood on their hands.

I understand defense has to bring in experts but these people are over stepping their bounds and making a mockery of the justice system.

I WISH I was near Alyce when she got off her arse and got in Sam's face. She would be attending court on Monday with a black eye and that would be worth all the time in prison I would have to serve. As long as Alyce has a permanent reminder that she had better stay on HER side of the room.

Stunning Post.
It really bothers me that the THs, with all their Juan bashing, has not commented at all on the DT's unprofessionalism. JW's unprofessionalism these last couple weeks has been palpable. I am not a lawyer and have not watched many trials, but the way she behaves is amazing to me. I have never seen anything like it. And they are clearly instructing their witnesses to be combative with Juan, even their experts! What a mistake that is! Why aren't they being criticized for this? HLN seems to dislike Juan so much that nothing else bothers them.

Someone mentioned the Scott Falater case on the other thread, which Martinez prosecuted, so I decided to learn more and read about. Seems all this is nothing new for Martinez. From this article:


<snipped for space>
...Martinez is almost a foot shorter than Kimerer, and still looks like the distance runner he used to be in the high desert of rural Victorville, California. His high-pitched voice grates at times, and he has a short fuse with adverse witnesses. But he does seem to earn the grudging respect of juries."

It was interesting reading how Martinez was able to get a seemingly unlikely first degree conviction. He was been the same way he is now since probably the beginning and rarely loses. It is becoming comical now watching these less experienced attorneys night in and night out trying to tell him what to do. I know they are being forced to say that for ratings (though Eiglarsh seems genuine in his criticisms), but still. Let the man do his thing.

Juan was brilliant with the Falater case. His lawyers were pushing the sleepwalking (FOG, anyone?) defense for murder. Falater's attorney was very good--I think it was easier for people to believe that Falater HAD to be in a sleep state b/c there seemed to be no motive for the killing. He was a devout Mormon who married his sweetheart and was nonviolent.

It is telling that in the interview with the lawyer, he says something like 'we had to go with the sleepwalking defense to explain why he would attack and kill his wife." Wow.

Falater was under extreme stress at work, and there were financial problems. He attacked his wife in a rage. It reminds me of the family annihilators like John List. The man is under intense pressure, they don't usually express anger, and under the addition of financial stress and job stress, they kill their families rather than face reality.

Juan is experienced at cutting through the BS the defense puts out there as fact. Jodi was in no "fog" or "trans-gloabal amnesia." I can't wait for the rebuttal case and Juan's closing argument. It's going to be a thing of beauty!

I also dislike JW's demeanor in court. I love that however obnoxious her objections and eye-rolling and sighing, Juan never takes the bait. He's a consummate professional & she's not.
I should add that I do see JA's father not giving her a pass on this. The sense I got from his interview is that he wasn't quite as shocked as his wife. He seemed to accept where the investigation was headed and conceded to JA being involved pretty quickly. So, with the very little info available, it appears to me that JA's mother is more in denial about this than her father. To me her father looked rather disgusted his few times at the trial. I suspect she hasn't pulled the wool over his eyes.

Like I have stated before I think Sandy just like Jodie is a FAKE:what:
Wow! Never thought of ALV approaching Samantha as a planned move. Makes sense, though, the way Wendy explained it. Absolutely shameful, whatever ALV's reason.
And....now you got me crying. As a motherless daughter, that just....ok....now I'm bawling. Don't worry it's been coming, it's a good thing. This has been an incredibly rough week (my brother has not been doing well at all on top of everything else which is the most important thing in my life right now).

Aw katie, now you got me going too! We're all strong women but when it comes to needing mom and she's not around anymore, we're just puddles.

Hugs to you, and praying Alphonse gets better really soon.
Wow. Just wow--Wendy Murphy has a foundation that helps victims with travel expenses & she's going to help! Thank you WM!! And thank you KatieCoolady for being the heart and soul of advocating for Travis' family.
Don't you think that the men will not be so much titillated as disgusted? Maybe a little sex would be provocative but there was soooo much and it was so gross. I think Nurmi was obsessed with the sex.
KCL, Pasa and any other WS'ers going to court this week- I can't wait to see y'all at HH. My SIL has an appt. with her oncologist on Wed. and that is a free day for me...maybe I'll try to get into the pm session. If I can't, We will definitely see you at HH and you all must tell me all I missed.

I can't believe I've been trapped at my house in FLA watching this online for 3 months and I will be in the same city for 4 days and probably won't be able to see any of it- Boo Hoo!

Look forward to meeting you!
Wendy Murphy is gonna be in the radio show w me in 20 min and i intend to ask her about this. :rocker:

I love Wendy Murphy, she reminds me of myself.. outspoken to the core. I hope I can hear it later, as I had company at the start of it. Thank you KCL, and I too am praying for your brother. Everything will work itself out, just remember we all care, and I have broad shoulders if you need to lean, or cry on them.
Wendy Murphy's great. :)

ETA: Make that AWESOME!! And great show, fascinating!!
"I don't know what the going rate is for someone's soul" Wendy Murphy commenting on Trisha's radio about ALV.
Don't you think that the men will not be so much titillated as disgusted? Maybe a little sex would be provocative but there was soooo much and it was so gross. I think Nurmi was obsessed with the sex.

I think Jodi thinks she is sexually irresistible to men. That's why she hates Det. Flores--she is angry that she was unable to seduce him into believing her stories in the interrogations. She also thinks that she can own the men in the jury box with her feminine wiles.

She and Nurmi are 2 peas in a pod! IMOO
I'm just so blown away I'm not even able to process everything..good thing it's on the pod cast to listen again which I intend to do tonite. :D
There is no way a FB page generated from Australia has any inside info as to who will be called. None. I would be surprised if even the Family of Travis would know, KCL may be able to clear that up i.e. if Mr. Martinez informs them of who will be called. That I would have no way of knowing as I am not a victim. However................there are many things floating around on many different topics which all should be taken with a grain of salt.. it is like playing the phone tag game, and how the beginning of the story is never the ending of the story.

Really? Are you really sure of yourself? The family and friends of Travis are in DAILY contact with the admins. I know that for a fact!
I wonder how the legitimate victims of Domestic Violence who've actually been beaten up, hospitalized, ruined financially, terrorized etc feel about her testimony that Travis Alexander was the worst case of abuse she'd ever seen.

She's really gone off the deep end for this sociopath.

Why? Why? Why?

I'd love it if Juan would end his cross with one final ( admittedly objectionable) question:

Was all this worth it for you?


That's weird. The worst case of domestic abuse I'VE ever seen was when this one chick stalked her boyfriend and then shot him, stabbed him, and slit his throat, nearly decapitating him, in a premeditated fit of jealousy. But I guess ALV hasn't looked at that case too closely.
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