A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

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Thats actually what they do in Canada, no camera's allowed in the courtroom so they draw caricatures of the people in court to show in the media. :great:

They used to do this in the U.S., back in the 19th and 20th centuries. JK

There are still courts in this country where cameras are verboten as well.

To wit: http://www.courtartist.com/
No kidding! Monterey and PD are both small towns, and I do frequent Starbucks. Both towns have only one real mall.

I've been to purple plum, that Mimi's, that CPK, that PFchangs. Puke

If JA served you at any of those places, you can bet that SHE remembers YOU (including what you ordered and the color of your clothing) --- unless,of course, you are a man who raised your voice to get her to come to your table.
This is prolly a dumb question...but ive only seen trials on TV...am I right in assuming that the feeling of "drama" is *less* when you are in the actual courtroom (then when you are seeing it on Tv with close-ups, dramatic music at commercial breaks, etc....)? Does that make sense? :what:

Although I would imagine when Juan was finally 'unleashed', the overall atmosphere change was palpable

Definitely less dramatic. There are no "commercial breaks" like you said, so we see the boring minutiae. Sitting there watching Jodi on the stand reading papers at her leisure is certainly not that dramatic! lol
All of this California talk reminds me... during her testimony I remember thinking "who drives to Salinas to get their nails done... if you want cheap just go to seaside, then catch the 68 over. Why risk driving all the way then not getting an appointment so late in the day.

I can't wait till juan tells us on Monday what happened in Salinas!

That would be where she had her hair dyed to brown ... JM asked if the nail place also did hair. Naturally, she couldn't recall the name of the hair place for JM, but she intended to go there.
Ah, lol. I thought you meant "decimate." Great job, btw, and thank you so much for these amazing notes.
:waitasec:Maybe I did mean decimate! It happened yesterday, I don't really recall.

:tyou: out to Anita and Katiecoo; you both have done a Fantabulous job for us!!

Anita? you had the 'eyes' on the jury for sure, luv it! just have one question..
In your opinion, first day of cross, is there any (1) one Juror you would worry about that couldn't vote for DP?

I couldn't say, not from what I saw.
One thing I'm sure is different is how lonnnnng the breaks for "Jodi Arias Reads" are because I'm sure on tv they go to commercial. Or the lonnnnng breaks her team takes to catch up on Jessica Simpsons pregnancy, Kate Middleton's morning sickness and the Oscar nominees while slowwwwly browsing page by page that Star magazine. I saw Nurmi literally running his finger over various photos and was like "really?".

It's semi maddening and hard to,sit there over and over in these long silences. I was totally frustrated like "come ON". I bet jurors were too.

:seeya: Although I really like your new profile picture, you made a liar of me. I told someone that your profile picture is OF YOU so they could find you in court next week! LOL

You made me snort out loud thinking about Team Wilnurm catching up on their celebrity gossip!:floorlaugh:
stoopid question, but wasn't the magazine from last year? Duchess wasn't pregnant then. :waitasec: At least we can get up and get a drink. Thanks for taking one for the team and for Travis and his family.

Good catch!! The Duchess has been reported to be pregnant repeatedly since 2 weeks after the wedding however in rags like Star. Everyone has a secret source that can't be named.
They used to do this in the U.S., back in the 19th and 20th centuries. JKThere are still courts in this country where cameras are verboten as well.

To wit: http://www.courtartist.com/

The truth is, the artists that draw the caricatures have to use pencil as well cause the ink in the pens freezes from the cold weather inside the igloos that house the courtrooms here, in fact its so cold the camera shutters freeze, so its just not logistically possible... :great:
Anita I heard most of this last night but totally enjoyed reading it again. Your juror list is invaluable! You crack me up. I'm still pinching myself about your question getting answered by Janine. Yesterday was like walking in some kind of altered charmed universe wasn't it? Xo

Yes, I absolutely felt like you were my fairy godsister, setting it all up for me. (I would have said fairy godmother, but as you know, neither one of us is OLD ENOUGH TO BE THE OTHER ONE'S MOTHER!!) :furious: <---Inside joke, peeps! lol

Thanks again for introducing me to all those amazing people!
The truth is, the artists that draw the caricatures have to use pencil as well cause the ink in the pens freezes from the cold weather inside the igloos that house the courtrooms here, in fact its so cold the camera shutters freeze, so its just not logistically possible... :great:

And pencils and paper take up less room and are lighter for the dogs when they are hauling the sleds to the court house. :floorlaugh:

ETA Tho today with -17* and 25 cm of snow forcast, that isn't far off.:waitasec:
The truth is, the artists that draw the caricatures have to use pencil as well cause the ink in the pens freezes from the cold weather inside the igloos that house the courtrooms here, in fact its so cold the camera shutters freeze, so its just not logistically possible... :great:

:silly: ha! Funny!
And pencils and paper take up less room and are lighter for the dogs when they are hauling the sleds to the court house. :floorlaugh:

ETA Tho today with -17* and 25 cm of snow forcast, that isn't far off.:waitasec:

Sunny and warm here on the west coast, maybe 10c or 55f... May go golfing. :rocker:
And pencils and paper take up less room and are lighter for the dogs when they are hauling the sleds to the court house. :floorlaugh:

ETA Tho today with -17* and 25 cm of snow forcast, that isn't far off.:waitasec:

Hooray :great: for us who live in these kinda places!!! Tshirt weather=30 degrees f or above!!!

Hooray :great: for us who live in these kinda places!!! Tshirt weather=30 degrees f or above!!!


Also o/t

We have 4 seasons...almost winter, winter, still winter, and 2 months of heavy sledding. :great:
Yes gorgeous west coat here too nice beautiful day

Not from the other coast! :coldcase:

ETA in an attempt to stay on topic, I do hope all the members thinking of attending the trial manage to go. These, in the courtroom, insights bring so much to trial watching.
That reminded me of a question I have had since the beginning of the trial:

Does Jodi take lunch breaks with Willmott and Nurmi? As in, is she with them during lunch to discuss strategy and upcoming buzzwords to incorporate into her testimony?

She goes into a holding area through a door inside the courtroom.

One of the gals who came to watch the trial asked if ja ever came out in the hall. I think she assumed she would be taken back to jail through the main doors and down the elevator.
I told her she is never near the public outside the courtroom.

I doubt Willmott or Nurmi have lunch with her. The only way I'd see that happening is if they had something of importance to cover concerning her testimony or the trial.
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