A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

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Ok, this is xtra funny because actually I am NOT a hugger and that was my first thought when I read it. I find social hugging to be a bit awkward. I will be fine, though. Now I am picturing Anita rubbing hand sanatizer all over after a barrage of social hugs in the hallway before court!

I'll have hand sanitizer in my purse, in case we need it. LOL!!
LOL well I would have mortified you and Anita cuz i hug everbody :great: I tried to clear up my work schedule to get out to Mesa before this upcoming vaycay. No luck :banghead: I would have come on the pretense of visiting my Sis. Typically i do every year. What was I thinking :waitasec: Apparently I wasn't :banghead:

Back in my younger days I wasn't comfortable with social hugging. Most of my friends are huggers and I find I like it. I'm good either way.

The trial should go on for some time, hope you can come to the trial, er... uh visit your sister. :)
Interesting theory over on the State Vs. Jodi Arias Facebook page...several of the folks commenting don't believe Travis knew she was taking pictures of him in the shower initially. And the pictures don't look posed to show his new physique to me. They just look like shots taken of someone in the shower. I am seriously wondering now if he did in fact think JA had left, he went to shower, and she sneaked back in the house after retrieving her weapons from the car.

Perhaps there is some truth to the point at which she dropped the camera. Maybe he saw the knife at this point and caused her to drop the camera when he lunged at her in his own self defense. Maybe he didn't intentionally "body slam" her, but instead knocked her down, again trying to protect himself. We know in JA's mind, she describes everything as she wants it to be.

At any rate, it's just a miracle some of the most damning evidence even exists...and makes one wonder what force was in effect to help Travis speak after he was gone...for example, the camera kept snapping pics even after being knocked to the floor and the memory card was intact even after going through the wash cycle.
Is it possible during the penalty phase, that all you court observers could show up with braids in your hair, wearing little red riding hood costumes, with a tootsie roll pop and some pop rocks in one hand and a starbucks strawberry frappe in the other (and sit behind Travis' family for support of course)......Would that be the coolest thing? I am a brunette and live too far away but I am thinking I would risk contempt of court to show Jodi what people are thinking of her.

Oh the sadness, she can never again experience that sexual pleasure with a man, never go to Starbucks, never wear costumes, but then again, she is still breathing and Travis isn't. So no one feels sorry for her!
Ok, this is xtra funny because actually I am NOT a hugger and that was my first thought when I read it. I find social hugging to be a bit awkward. I will be fine, though. Now I am picturing Anita rubbing hand sanatizer all over after a barrage of social hugs in the hallway before court!

Lol!!! I AM a hugger, but I do like clean hands, too! Lol
Is it possible during the penalty phase, that all you court observers could show up with braids in your hair, wearing little red riding hood costumes, with a tootsie roll pop and some pop rocks in one hand and a starbucks strawberry frappe in the other (and sit behind Travis' family for support of course)......Would that be the coolest thing? I am a brunette and live too far away but I am thinking I would risk contempt of court to show Jodi what people are thinking of her.

Oh the sadness, she can never again experience that sexual pleasure with a man, never go to Starbucks, never wear costumes, but then again, she is still breathing and Travis isn't. So no one feels sorry for her!

I'd almost be willing to fly from Asia to the US just to do that. :floorlaugh:
I just remembered something from court.

At the beginning of the day I saw Juan Martinez carry a brown paper wrapped package from the evidence table over to his desk. I'd say it was the size of like a large bulky sweater folded in a square and wrapped.

I'm interested to see what that is coming.
I just remembered something from court.

At the beginning of the day I saw Juan Martinez carry a brown paper wrapped package from the evidence table over to his desk. I'd say it was the size of like a large bulky sweater folded in a square and wrapped.

I'm interested to see what that is coming.

That got my attention. Do you think there could be a possibility some of her clothes were found?
That got my attention. Do you think there could be a possibility some of her clothes were found?

No I doubt that. I was just trying to describe the shape and size but I wasn't saying there was clothing in there. But he's going to pull something out during her cross that's evidence and kind of medium sized.
I just remembered something from court.

At the beginning of the day I saw Juan Martinez carry a brown paper wrapped package from the evidence table over to his desk. I'd say it was the size of like a large bulky sweater folded in a square and wrapped.

I'm interested to see what that is coming.

Hmmmm. Confiscated letters or more magazines?? Can't wait for Juan's next "bombshell".
AnitaRichman: I tried to locate the post where you asked if WSers had questions for Jodi's mother but you have so many posts on this thread that I'd have to look at each one to locate it. Anyhoo, don't know if you were serious, but I have a question for Mrs. Arias (but kinda doubt that she'd answer truthfully).

Did either of Jodi's parents consider that their daughter might have a personality disorder or other behavioral issues when she was growing up? We know that Jodi didn't like being disciplined and eventually moved out of her parents' home at age 15. How did her family react to this? Were Jodi's parents glad to have her gone because she had problems and disrupted the household, or did they feel that they were to blame for her behavioral issues? Had Jodi's parents ever considered some type of counseling for their daughter, or had school personnel suggested it at any time?

OK, I have more than one question :D, but you get the gist of what I'd like to know ;)
Is it possible during the penalty phase, that all you court observers could show up with braids in your hair, wearing little red riding hood costumes, with a tootsie roll pop and some pop rocks in one hand and a starbucks strawberry frappe in the other (and sit behind Travis' family for support of course)......Would that be the coolest thing? I am a brunette and live too far away but I am thinking I would risk contempt of court to show Jodi what people are thinking of her.

Oh the sadness, she can never again experience that sexual pleasure with a man, never go to Starbucks, never wear costumes, but then again, she is still breathing and Travis isn't. So no one feels sorry for her!

Anyone wanna get thrown in the pokey for contempt of court?
Me thinks the judge would not appreciate such a stunt.

On a related note, I have a fantasy about a victim impact statement just being the worst sort of adolescent name-calling. I think that is what would actually hurt someone like JA. She doesn't give a rat's @ss about the pain and loss she caused other people. But I think if someone got up there and called her fat, ugly and stupid - pointed and laughed - that would get her blood boiling. I'm pretty sure this is not allowed, though.
Oh my oh my oh my...after the Casey Anthony debacle, I swore upside down and sideways I would never never never "get involved" in another murder case, EVER again. Ha ha. The in-house coverage y'all are providing is riveting. Can't listen to the TV peeps 'cos they make my brain ache, and I have trouble looking at JA 'cos she makes my skin crawl, so many thanks to the WSers in the trenches for providing the "play by play." It is VERY much appreciated.

No I doubt that. I was just trying to describe the shape and size but I wasn't saying there was clothing in there. But he's going to pull something out during her cross that's evidence and kind of medium sized.


Could it be the bath mat? If Jodi was crouched as she showed to Flores, and was deleting photos, the camera could not have been more than 1 - 2 feet off the ground. Falling onto the bath mat from such a short distance would most likely not have harmed the camera and no reason for Travis to get riled up.
I just remembered something from court.

At the beginning of the day I saw Juan Martinez carry a brown paper wrapped package from the evidence table over to his desk. I'd say it was the size of like a large bulky sweater folded in a square and wrapped.

I'm interested to see what that is coming.
Could it be the sheet she used to drag him?

Could it be the bath mat? If Jodi was crouched as she showed to Flores, and was deleting photos, the camera could not have been more than 1 - 2 feet off the ground. Falling onto the bath mat from such a short distance would most likely not have harmed the camera and no reason for Travis to get riled up.

Good catch! I think that is the package I saw him carry over that morning. Well done! No idea what's inside though..it didn't look super heavy as he was carrying it though.
Forensics lady also testified that bath mat was moved.blood on both sides of the mat.same with the .
Scale. Sorry so choppy I am on phone
No kidding! Monterey and PD are both small towns, and I do frequent Starbucks. Both towns have only one real mall.

I've been to purple plum, that Mimi's, that CPK, that PFchangs. Puke

I've been thinking about that off and on (pretty much whenever she mentions working at one restaurant or another), and every time I wonder if people are realizing that she may have actually served them. You never know what the people you meet in day-to-day life might actually have going on when they aren't bringing you your bacon and eggs. Can you imagine what she might have done to the food of ANYONE who complained about the food/service or who she didn't think was going to leave her a decent tip?
That's our jury,according to Anita, folks! :seeya:

BEST POST ANYWHERE since this trial started!! Thank you soooo very much for this! (I've copied and pasted into my trail folder I keep) It's so nice to be able to get a mental picture of the jury. You did a fantastic job! Thank you to you and everyone relaying the inside court things to us. Seriously can not thank you ladies enough!! (I'm still getting caught up on posts.)
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