A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

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My daughter just got her acceptance to wayne state university law school

Congratulations!!! Wayne State is a great university.

I use to live in that area and loved going down to Wayne State library to study and just hang out during the day. It was so pretty.
I've been thinking about going too, but am not sure yet. I work from home so my wardrobe isn't exactly court appropriate Lol. I may try to put something together if I can get my mom or sister to pick my son up from school.

if I heard right a juror is wearing sweats, throw a blazer over a pair of jeans and dont worry about it, chance of a lifetime
Ok, so I am going on Monday. Katiecoolady and Pasa- will you be there? Is it ok to approach you if I spot you? I will change my avatar so that you know me.


Anybody else going? AzLawyer? I will buy you a frappacino!

Awesome!!!! Give Katie,Anita and Pasa a hug from me. I'm a hugger :seeya:
Have you or anyone else drove by ta home and if you did did you get a chill,,i think i would,,i saw his home useing google maps along with other sites mentioned and it brings it home a little more for me

No, I never have. My Inlaws have a house near that area, but I have never looked closely enough at the map to determine exactly where it is. Maybe I will look it up so I can throw a little nod of homage to TA in that dirwction every time I pass on the freeway

It occurs to me how strange this is for me... normally when I "websleuth" a case I am all over Google maps. Guess because there is NO question of who/what/where it hasn't been important to me this time.
As I was watching IS today, I was brought back to how defiant she was; her chin was tilted up towards him as if to say, "Hit me with your best shot!" She did hold her own as far as not falling apart into a whimpering, sobbing mess (like I would) on the stand; but her lies crumble when he presents the cold, hard, facts in evidence.

One of the moments I enjoyed recreating at cocktail hour was when she said, "Every home I've lived in has had land lines." And JM said, "I am not asking about every home you've lived in, ma'am. I am asking about where you lived on the day that you received these texts and phone calls. Was there a land line there?" "No."


I think the talking heads sometimes are contrary, because it brings ratings. Like the addage goes, "Dog bites man" doesn't sell, but "Man bites dog" does.

BBM. All scripted for a lively debate. It's no wonder that the folks who glean their information from the HLN lineups have a distorted view of the facts.

I have a question for you or Katie - it's been noted that the court room is very large. From your observations, can the jury see the little nuances in Arias' expressions, and her smirks?
I am way behind in this thread...

so forgive me if this lands at an awkward place...

But I want to give a BIG Thank You! to our WSers who have been attending, and continue to attend, the JA Trial... And for taking the time to report back to us!


I cannot help but think that being in the court room ... Observing JA in person... Is much like viewing another species in a zoo!

However... The species in the zoo are much more lovable...

She is such a creeper.

I don't know where Lisa was living at that time. Would be interesting to see the layout of the area.

I'll go with you Anita..and PASA. The foliage is likely different but I also wonder what bush she was peepin from. Sick!
No, I never have. My Inlaws have a house near that area, but I have never looked closely enough at the map to determine exactly where it is. Maybe I will look it up so I can throw a little nod of homage to TA in that dirwction every time I pass on the freeway

It occurs to me how strange this is for me... normally when I "websleuth" a case I am all over Google maps. Guess because there is NO question of who/what/where it hasn't been important to me this time.

Ok this is funny...I see Bravo's post to you asking you to give us hugs saying "I'm a hugger" then go straight to the next post with you saying "no, I never have". :what:

You know that's funny.

Aw girl, I'll give you your first hug....:floorlaugh:
BBM. All scripted for a lively debate. It's no wonder that the folks who glean their information from the HLN lineups have a distorted view of the facts.

I have a question for you or Katie - it's been noted that the court room is very large. From your observations, can the jury see the little nuances in Arias' expressions, and her smirks?

Some are very far from her so I doubt they see the subtle expressions. The ones closest barely ever look at her. But I'm sure many are picking it up.

Actually the lady in the back row closest to her does watch her. She's picking it up.
Ok this is funny...I see Bravo's post to you asking you to give us hugs saying "I'm a hugger" then go straight to the next post with you saying "no, I never have". :what:

You know that's funny.

Aw girl, I'll give you your first hug....:floorlaugh:

I made reference to it being a complete sensory experience. There was an unclean odor that accompanied the dirty finger-nails and other visual clues that made me feel the way I felt. I stand by my earlier post, btw.

Okay, now I can't get this image out of my head of of the icky nails, the girlfriend, and the unpleasant smells...
Not a judgement in any way - just keep getting an imagined visual of how it would actually happen - you know - the physicality of it all - hand placement, odors fully enhanced,...yeesh!

On a much more pleasant note, I just saw the Dr. Drew segment (thank you, News Junkie!), it was great, and you are tiny, looked wonderful, and asked excellent questions!
Thanks again to you, KatieCL, and Pasa (and anyone else, if I missed) for sharing all of your inside observations. Love them all, even the smells!
Ok this is funny...I see Bravo's post to you asking you to give us hugs saying "I'm a hugger" then go straight to the next post with you saying "no, I never have". :what:

You know that's funny.

Aw girl, I'll give you your first hug....:floorlaugh:

Ok, this is xtra funny because actually I am NOT a hugger and that was my first thought when I read it. I find social hugging to be a bit awkward. I will be fine, though. Now I am picturing Anita rubbing hand sanatizer all over after a barrage of social hugs in the hallway before court!
Ok, this is xtra funny because actually I am NOT a hugger and that was my first thought when I read it. I find social hugging to be a bit awkward. I will be fine, though. Now I am picturing Anita rubbing hand sanatizer all over after a barrage of social hugs in the hallway before court!

Ok then, I'll give you your first hand shake. Lol You must hook up with Katie immediately and get in a deep focused conversation and avoid the people she suggests you avoid! And pasa that goes for you too and anyone else. It's a bit of a nut factory over there.
Okay, now I can't get this image out of my head of of the icky nails, the girlfriend, and the unpleasant smells...
Not a judgement in any way - just keep getting an imagined visual of how it would actually happen - you know - the physicality of it all - hand placement, odors fully enhanced,...yeesh!

On a much more pleasant note, I just saw the Dr. Drew segment (thank you, News Junkie!), it was great, and you are tiny, looked wonderful, and asked excellent questions!
Thanks again to you, KatieCL, and Pasa (and anyone else, if I missed) for sharing all of your inside observations. Love them all, even the smells!

Ok, anybody who is having problems with Anita's description of this Woman that she sat next to only needs to google her and read her Facebook posts. You will smell the stink!
Some are very far from her so I doubt they see the subtle expressions. The ones closest barely ever look at her. But I'm sure many are picking it up.

Actually the lady in the back row closest to her does watch her. She's picking it up.

Thank you Katie, Anita, and PASA for taking the time to post your amusing and insightful findings. I do hope the lady in the back row shares her observations in deliberations, because I think its one of the most damning pieces of evidence. :please:

In my comment about HLN, that didn't come across quite how I meant to sound. I meant to say folks that only glean their information from the talking heads receive a distorted view. If IS was not an expensive add-on to my cable, I would watch Beth K. She is a great legal analyst IMO.
Ok, anybody who is having problems with Anita's description of this Woman that she sat next to only needs to google her and read her Facebook posts. You will smell the stink!

How do I google her FB posts? Help!
Ok, this is xtra funny because actually I am NOT a hugger and that was my first thought when I read it. I find social hugging to be a bit awkward. I will be fine, though. Now I am picturing Anita rubbing hand sanatizer all over after a barrage of social hugs in the hallway before court!

LOL well I would have mortified you and Anita cuz i hug everbody :great: I tried to clear up my work schedule to get out to Mesa before this upcoming vaycay. No luck :banghead: I would have come on the pretense of visiting my Sis. Typically i do every year. What was I thinking :waitasec: Apparently I wasn't :banghead:
Ok then, I'll give you your first hand shake. Lol You must hook up with Katie immediately and get in a deep focused conversation and avoid the people she suggests you avoid! And pasa that goes for you too and anyone else. It's a bit of a nut factory over there.

I'll do my best to avoid GW and Donovan. :) Truth is stranger than fiction certainly applies to this trial.
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