A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers

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Katie on Dr Drew, loved hearing your opinion today of the jury watching the video about Jodi's mug shot.
Does anyone know the identity of the two blonde-haired ladies who sit behind Travis' family?
I'm home! I have notes to type up, but need to get my son ready for bed first. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed meeting everyone! I'll get my notes on here as quick as I can!
Heads up, folks - I have it on good authority that the whole gang is terrorizing some poor bartender. If you're near down town Phoenix watch for police helicopter activity. Doubt if there will be any coherent updates for some time.

I hope they all have designated drivers. We need your views from inside the courthouse, not the jailhouse. :floorlaugh:
I hope they all have designated drivers. We need your views from inside the courthouse, not the jailhouse. :floorlaugh:

Hey, wait a minute. Maybe you're on to something.

We now have a number of in courtroom WSers! I think one of them, or someone new, should volunteer to get into a little mischief that lands them in the same jail with JA to really get the inside scoop!

Who's willing to step up to the plate for a little face-to-face chit chat with JA? :giggle:
We're just hanging and talking talking talking no one wants to leave- WS ers and t's friends
OT and excuse me for posting and not being an court attendee as I know this thread is not for discussion, but for you observers in court - you might not have caught this but I am still stunned by it. Watch Attorney Nurmi smirk and smile at the antics of his client.
(A view we had, that you most likely didn't!)
skirmy nurmi thinks his clients smarta$$ answers are funny?? NOT! - YouTube

Is it ok for defense to do that? Earlier he was waving his hand in the air at Jodi.
OT and excuse me for posting and not being an court attendee as I know this thread is not for discussion, but for you observers in court - you might not have caught this but I am still stunned by it. Watch Attorney Nurmi smirk and smile at the antics of his client.
(A view we had, that you most likely didn't!)
skirmy nurmi thinks his clients smarta$$ answers are funny?? NOT! - YouTube

It is becoming obvious that she needs to be coached when she gets in a pickle regarding her word games. I only hope the judge or jury is noticing.
Questions for the courtroom observers: (1) What was YOUR "WOW!" moment of the day? (2) What line of questioning/sparring seemed to garner the most interest from the jury? (3) How apparent was the change in Jodi's demeanor today in court & did it change the way you listened to (or believed) her testimony? and (4) Who commands more attention during the testimony: Juan Martinez or Jodi Arias?

Thanks so much for being our eyes and ears! I'm new to the site, but this is definitely my favorite thread. I appreciate the chance to interact with y'all! (Yes. I'm from Alabama. I'll be blessing some hearts on here, I'm sure.) :)
Inside the courtroom do they show the video view of the lawyers and defendant that we see on tv, or is the screen left blank and you look at the lawyers back?
We're just hanging and talking talking talking no one wants to leave- WS ers and t's friends


Waiting Patiently
Questions for the courtroom observers: (1) What was YOUR "WOW!" moment of the day? (2) What line of questioning/sparring seemed to garner the most interest from the jury? (3) How apparent was the change in Jodi's demeanor today in court & did it change the way you listened to (or believed) her testimony? and (4) Who commands more attention during the testimony: Juan Martinez or Jodi Arias?

Thanks so much for being our eyes and ears! I'm new to the site, but this is definitely my favorite thread. I appreciate the chance to interact with y'all! (Yes. I'm from Alabama. I'll be blessing some hearts on here, I'm sure.) :)

(1) What was YOUR "WOW!" moment of the day?
Hmm... probably when JM brought up JA giving herself a papercut and asking her how she thought TA felt when she stabbed him.

(2) What line of questioning/sparring seemed to garner the most interest from the jury?
I was only in the afternoon session, but they took a lot of notes right after the 48 hrs. clip was played. They were definitely paying attention to the ?'s and A's that followed.

(3) How apparent was the change in Jodi's demeanor today in court & did it change the way you listened to (or believed) her testimony? and
It was another 180!! She went from the soft spoken "victim" during direct, switched to the arrogant and snarky REAL Jodi on Thursday, and she was back to soft spoken today. NOT AT ALL. I don't care if she whispers or screams... she's still LYING!

(4) Who commands more attention during the testimony: Juan Martinez or Jodi Arias?
Martinez, definitely. There were a couple of times that several jurors were looking back and forth between the two, but there are still a few that I never saw look at JA. At all.
Inside the courtroom do they show the video view of the lawyers and defendant that we see on tv, or is the screen left blank and you look at the lawyers back?

The screen is blank and we can only see their backs. It's definitely a different experience than watching on TV. I already want to watch it online because I couldn't see Jodi and could only see the back of JM.
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