aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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Nellie Nelson said:
Respectfully snipped and colour added by me.

Did people know this? I thought I'd been keeping up fairly well but I missed this entirely.

The DT for this defendant - freshly convicted, guilty as sin perpetrator of pre-meditated murder in a death penalty State - tried to get the death penalty taken off the table?
Yes I knew about it. Maybe I read it on the legal thread but somewhere they said this was just a standard motion that all DAs will do... possibly against JA's will :floorlaugh:
I am tearful as I am watching my recordings of Dateline and 20/20 . . . the wonderful homecoming for three girls who were kidnapped and tortured for 10 years who are reunited with loved ones this Mother's Day weekend (I understand Michelle may be staying/living with Gina's family as she doesn't want to be with her own mother due to an abusive childhood??) - I can't begin to imagine the celebrations in those families, although I was so sad to hear that Amanda's mother passed away at an early age.

Then we have CKJA, on a psych hold and evaluation in Lower Buckeye, who hurt so many Alexander family members and friends by murdering Travis - she will not be spending a happy Mother's Day with her own mother because of her horrific actions 5 years ago.

Wow, what a contrast between the two stories. For those of us whose mothers are no longer with us, we remember the years of having a loving mother to honor, and now we are blessed to be honored by our own children and grandchildren.

I pray the Cleveland girls, including Amanda's dear little girl, can move forward and celebrate their freedom and their families with joy.

I pray that CKJA will be sentenced very soon and taken out of the limelight which she so desperately tries to hang onto.

I would rather focus on the healing of the Alexander family members and the reunions of the poor girls in Cleveland.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
I am mostly a lurker and I try to stay caught up here, but I might have missed someone else discussing this.

There have been questions about why Jodi didn't kill Travis immediately after arriving in Mesa or why she spent 13 hours there.
Something said on Dateline last night made me think. in discussing the Mormon religion and its view on premarital sex, the reporter said that, according to Mormon beliefs, if a person engaged in premarital sex and did not repent, he/she would be condemned to eternal damnation (I am paraphrasing).
Could that have been a motivation for Jodi? Do you think she purposely had sex with him before killing him, ensuring that he had no time to repent and be forgiven?
I know that sounds sick and twisted, but it is Jodi that we are talking about.

I don't think she could have just popped in and said "Honey, I'm home!" :facepalm:

Since we know the 5/28 texts were the only verified last exchanges, I have the feeling she "showed up", unannounced, IN his house, with a gun to her head, crying she was sorry, everyone would be better off w/o me, blah, blah, blah. Travis "talked" her down, they go to sleep (talking someone down is exhausting), she wakes up, initiates sex, gets some pictures, he takes a shower and she finishes him off.
He was done with her as of 5/28, she had to get a way into his house to kill him, if she just showed up with the taped sex convo, he would have grabbed it and thrown her out. She lured him into a false sense of security. I think she controlled and initiated EVERYTHING that day.
She had pulled the "suicide" thing before, and a gun only made it better. It probably scared Travis, thinking she was "serious". He felt sorry for her.
The church angle didn't come into play until 2+ years after her arrest, so I think it's irrelevent, no matter how much of a big deal she wants to make of it. It was an after thought on her part.
I've asked this before, but if this case gets to the next phase, what mitigating factors do you think the defense can use? The only one I can see is that she has no prior record. I honestly believe that is because she just never got caught. We know that she stole the gun from her grandparents. Did she steal the knife from one of the restaurants where she worked? Bobby, Darryl, and Travis would have never contacted the police if she stole anything from them. Here is the site for mitigating factors in Arizona. They're listed on the left.
I am mostly a lurker and I try to stay caught up here, but I might have missed someone else discussing this.

There have been questions about why Jodi didn't kill Travis immediately after arriving in Mesa or why she spent 13 hours there.
Something said on Dateline last night made me think. in discussing the Mormon religion and its view on premarital sex, the reporter said that, according to Mormon beliefs, if a person engaged in premarital sex and did not repent, he/she would be condemned to eternal damnation (I am paraphrasing).
Could that have been a motivation for Jodi? Do you think she purposely had sex with him before killing him, ensuring that he had no time to repent and be forgiven?
I know that sounds sick and twisted, but it is Jodi that we are talking about.

Good point. She may have known he had gone to the bishop to start repenting.

She showed up, convinced him to "sin," (according to his beliefs) and then killed him in a manner where he was aware he was dying with no opportunity to repent. That's even more torture. Yep, possible! And it sounds like it meshes with her twisted thinking.

I wish they would include that theory in the aggravation hearing next week. Hard to believe it could have been any crueler, but this would make it even worse! Ugh.
Have you ever looked at awards received from work, or other places, and they are just general ones without your name on them? They don't really mean as much to you as ones with yourname engraved. It is said one of the most gratifying things for people is to hear their name spoken.

In the wild chance that JA does not get the DP, and JSS gives her a light sentence, JA will be gathering and treasuring videos of the trial for her own perverse pleasure for years to come.

I hope JSS does not rule in favor of having the VIS entered by video, and JA has to listen to anything the Alexanders have to say. I also hope they never speak her name...refer to her as to what ever legal reference they can..... defendent, murderer, killer, stalker, etc, but never THE JODI ARIAS that she sees herself. Do not give her the importance of speaking her name aloud.

(Forgive any typos/misspellings, typing on a Nook and it is hardfor me to do.)

IMO, we didn't just endure a 4 month trial with all the delays and drama, with an extremely cautious judge, to see it end with that same judge giving her a light sentence.
to steal a line.......mark my words. not happening. you think judge sherry wants to be known as the judge who gave JA the minimum? after all that?? i know you said you thought she would. just curious why?
Not at all. The dates for the MEs are often a bit odd
001 is CFJA

This is the ME

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
05/13/2013 8:00 AM
CR2008-031021-001 DT 05/09/2013
Docket Code 012 Form R012 Page 1
DAY 68
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter: Robin Bobbie
12:47 p.m. Trial to Jury continues from 05/08/2013.
Court convenes in chambers with Counsel for the Defendant only.
Discussion is held.
12:53 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:00 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant and Counsel for the Defendant
Counsel for the Defendant moves to dismiss the death penalty option.
IT IS ORDERED denying the motion.
1:14 p.m. Matter concludes.
1:16 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant,
Counsel for the State and victim next of kin present.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED continuing the aggravation phase from this date to 05/15/2013 at 10:00
IT IS ORDERED sealing the in chambers hearing not to be transcribed until the
conclusion of the trial.
2:02 p.m. Matter concludes.
This case is eFiling eligible:
Attorneys are encouraged to review Supreme Court Administrative Order 2011-140 to determine
their mandatory participation in eFiling


To find MEs go here
Type in CR2008031021

This made me laugh out loud because I was just coming to the threads to post we need to keep an eye out to see if the defendant tries to move in a motion to retract the option for life without parole! yet we see that they tried to get the death penalty off the table In the motion!

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
I am mostly a lurker and I try to stay caught up here, but I might have missed someone else discussing this.

There have been questions about why Jodi didn't kill Travis immediately after arriving in Mesa or why she spent 13 hours there.
Something said on Dateline last night made me think. in discussing the Mormon religion and its view on premarital sex, the reporter said that, according to Mormon beliefs, if a person engaged in premarital sex and did not repent, he/she would be condemned to eternal damnation (I am paraphrasing).
Could that have been a motivation for Jodi? Do you think she purposely had sex with him before killing him, ensuring that he had no time to repent and be forgiven?
I know that sounds sick and twisted, but it is Jodi that we are talking about.

BBM - Arias did not kill Travis right away because the roommates were home and would have heard the commotion. IIRC, the only window she had was between 4-6 PM on 6/4 as both roommates were not home. I think the reason she had sex with him was to make him think this visit was no different than any other in the past.
BBM. Was anyone else shocked that, right after Travis was found murdered, that CH and SH went into Travis' email and online accounts? I was. I could understand them giving LE passwords, etc., but they went in immediately. They could have screwed up the information by resetting time stamps or otherwise affecting the data. I thought that was a bad move, although I'm sure they meant well.

Then they gave the access info to LE who immediately locked down the data.

Thank you for posting this. I thought the same thing. I think they too felt like they had to do something, anything to help. Their intent was good, but LE did not want to compromise their investigation and shut that access down pretty fast.

When my brother was murdered, I was still up at 4AM and calling my cop friends and telling them to look at this person etc. ( who had nothing to do with it). They wisely told me to let the detectives do their job and if they had questions they would ask. Most helpless feeling.
BBM. Was anyone else shocked that, right after Travis was found murdered, that CH and SH went into Travis' email and online accounts? I was. I could understand them giving LE passwords, etc., but they went in immediately. They could have screwed up the information by resetting time stamps or otherwise affecting the data. I thought that was a bad move, although I'm sure they meant well.

Then they gave the access info to LE who immediately locked down the data.

They couldn't have done anything to the info that LE couldn't have retrieved from the web server.
I just got to watch Dateline and 20/20 from last night. (posted on YouTube)
The 20/20 piece was okay but the Dateline piece was awful. I wanted to slap Michael Kiefer. He talks like Jodi was innocent and that we have a mob mentality.
She admitted she slaughtered Travis so I think the guy has a screw loose. He really should check himself into rehab and get over his addiction with himself.
I don't think she could have just popped in and said "Honey, I'm home!" :facepalm:

Since we know the 5/28 texts were the only verified last exchanges, I have the feeling she "showed up", unannounced, IN his house, with a gun to her head, crying she was sorry, everyone would be better off w/o me, blah, blah, blah. Travis "talked" her down, they go to sleep (talking someone down is exhausting), she wakes up, initiates sex, gets some pictures, he takes a shower and she finishes him off.
He was done with her as of 5/28, she had to get a way into his house to kill him, if she just showed up with the taped sex convo, he would have grabbed it and thrown her out. She lured him into a false sense of security. I think she controlled and initiated EVERYTHING that day.
She had pulled the "suicide" thing before, and a gun only made it better. It probably scared Travis, thinking she was "serious". He felt sorry for her.
The church angle didn't come into play until 2+ years after her arrest, so I think it's irrelevent, no matter how much of a big deal she wants to make of it. It was an after thought on her part.

IMO, Travis would have never gone to sleep if he knew Arias had brought a gun to his house ...
Ah, so JA WAS at the courthouse on Thursday. Some reports stated she never left Buckeye.

The inconsistent reports in the news was what caused me to find Websleuths. I love this place. It should however, come with a warning: Highly Addictive! LOL

She was there alright.:scared:
I thought the 20/20 show featured Jodi in stripes very shortly after her arrest, not her conviction??

You are correct. She wore stripes for her early interviews, but the one held right after her conviction was announced she has on a her court shirt, but her bottoms are the stripped jail pants.
Dr Drevv broke this:

Dr. Drew On Call was provided exclusively with an e-mail sent by Jodi Arias on Sept. 1, 2008 to a leader at Travis Alexander's employer Pre-Paid Legal.

I am writing this letter in regards to Travis Alexander, whose life was taken last June. He was a good friend of mine. Am also, at present, in custody as I am being charged with his murder.

I am not writing this solely to plead my own innocence. That goes without saying -- as Travis meant the world to me and I would never harm him.

It is my understanding that his memory will be honored and recognized in Las Vegas this September. I would humbly remind those who say any different -- that I am innocent until proven guilty.

It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.

With humble gratitude,

Jodi Ann Arias

Watch HLN’s Dr. Drew and his special guests' reaction to the e-mail in the video player above.

CFJA is a vvhacko

Thanks, Gavvntlet. A vvhacko indeed. I guess I just assumed it might be a threat to blackmail. I vonder vhy? :floorlaugh:
Respectfully snipped and colour added by me.

Did people know this? I thought I'd been keeping up fairly well but I missed this entirely.

The DT for this defendant - freshly convicted, guilty as sin perpetrator of pre-meditated murder in a death penalty State - tried to get the death penalty taken off the table?


Did the defense submit this motion before and the Judge stayed the motion until after the verdict? I am probably using the wrong term but you all will KWIM!
So there WERE jury questions during deliberations. Looks like it was a short answer, and the verdict came shortly after that.

Docket Code 012 Form R012 Page 1
DAY 67
Courtroom SCT5C
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter, Mike Babicky, is present.
A record of the proceeding is also made by audio and/or videotape.
9:57 a.m. Trial to Jury continues from 05/07/2013.
The Jury is present in the jury room and deliberations continue.
LET THE RECORD REFLECT Defendant and respective Counsel are present in the
court room and review the jury question.
10:12 a.m. counsel and Defendant leave the court room.
This is one of the few things with which I respectfully disagree with many of the posters here. I think she's looking forward to the victim impact statements. She can't wait to hear how the Alexander family and friends have suffered. That was her goal with this trial IMO.

I believe the DT filed the motion to have the statements on videotape. They know what an impact they will have on the jury (why they call them impact statements, I guess!). They're trying to save her life -- that's their job. But I think it's pointless. The jury has seen Tanisha, Samantha and Stephen every day. They already know how they feel. I'm not even sure they need to make a statement, except that it will finally give them a chance to speak out.

I beg to differ. They will be exposing her to the jury and the public at large. They will be saying bad things about her. Her 'reputation' is everything. She was very agitated when DeMarte was on the stand, for example (and trying to 'rub' her out with all the frantic pencil erasures that day).

I also think that she certainly views them and Travis as one and the same, an extension of him. If she could she would annihilate their statements and their presence and them as she did him. It makes her crazy, IMO, that she has to suffer their presence constantly. They are an affront to her (and something she can't control).
BBM. Dr. Horn is busy Monday and Tuesday, JA is under Suicide Protocol, so she probably has to have a 72 hour hold and evaluations before she can go back to Estrella or Court. Sheriff Joe is the control over that. And I don't think for a second that JA is enjoying her 24 hour monitoring at Lower Buckeye in her paper clothes and concrete bed. She lost all of her "CONTROL" after her post verdict interview. I doubt she'll be able to do ANY interview while under the Sheriff's control.

If I'm not mistaken, he declared no more interviews from the jail. *hopes*

Jodi wouldn't listen anyway.

IMO Wilmott and Nurmi seemed surprisingly clueless about how their defense was perceived. I think they could have used someone to tell them the truth and I don't think they had anybody. But maybe they wouldn't have listened either.

I'm kind of thinking the little psycho was running things. Her insane scribbling and demanding JW look at what she'd written made me think she overruled all of their suggestions and insisted on doing it her way.

The jury sure fixed her little red wagon.

:floorlaugh: OmG your commentary to your therapist was hilarious "what the ******ity F " I love how you write.

Glad you got away from him, real glad.

Oh gurl. The words I uttered during those times ... :floorlaugh:

When I heard his voice as a reporter... I kept thinking I have heard that voice before! This morning I woke up and remembered it is the voice on the Jodi bangs parody that is the one of the best parodies on this trial everybody remember it? it seems to me it is the same voice of the reporter in the parody this reporter the same voice! At first I thought it was out takes of this reporter in one of his previous interviews but it is not! Any one else agree?

Sounds like the same guy to me. And it is hilarious.
Dr Drevv broke this:

Dr. Drew On Call was provided exclusively with an e-mail sent by Jodi Arias on Sept. 1, 2008 to a leader at Travis Alexander's employer Pre-Paid Legal.

I am writing this letter in regards to Travis Alexander, whose life was taken last June. He was a good friend of mine. Am also, at present, in custody as I am being charged with his murder.

I am not writing this solely to plead my own innocence. That goes without saying -- as Travis meant the world to me and I would never harm him.

It is my understanding that his memory will be honored and recognized in Las Vegas this September. I would humbly remind those who say any different -- that I am innocent until proven guilty.

It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.

With humble gratitude,

Jodi Ann Arias

Watch HLN’s Dr. Drew and his special guests' reaction to the e-mail in the video player above.

CFJA is a vvhacko

DD: I need some nausea medication.:floorlaugh:
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