aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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i shall never tired of watching this.

i never seen the JC part with the comments mentioned but my god i freaking despise her :facepalm:

And that horrid scowl from Wilmott as if she was offended that the family should have a moment of release from this mess created by the DT.
I have no problem whatsoever with Troy Hayden getting and doing the interview with her. Why on earth would I? He's nailed the interview of a lifetime. And how hard he hit her with questions doesn't hit my radar either. I don't have any expectation of Troy being my voice, asking questions I 'have a right' to ask. To be perfectly frank, I would love to spend a few minutes talking to her. Just to get a personal feel for how twisted she is. I would have loved to do the same with Manson. I am fascinated by these people who are clearly an aberration. Hayden is a journalist. This case is worldwide. He nailed an exclusive. If we all heard that he had the chance and said no, we would have been like WTH??? She is using him and he's taking advantage of her for his career. His personal feelings for her don't matter to me at all. I was glad to see the side of her that exposed itself in the interview.

I don't have a problem with the guy getting the interview either but I would prefer to see the full 45 minutes of raw tape versus the doctored version (samualized).

JMO - I find the audio tape of her setting the interview up much more intriguing and much more telling of what this murderer is really about. Gone is the little soft spoken girl, present is the aggressive manipulator. I'm more inclined to think the jury would be better served hearing this phone call, than any statement she made in the video, except for maybe she wants death (her freedom) as soon as she can get it.
Really is beyond me. I've never heard of attorneys objecting to something in a victim impact statement. So if I got on the stand and said I was a lifelong friend of Travis and my life has been made immeasurably worse because Jodi stalked and killed him, the DT would object because I called her a stalker? That's the only thing I can think of.

LOL, your post gave me a mental image of victim's impact statements interrupted every other word by objections! IOW, a 15-minute statement takes two hours to present because the DT jumps up with, "Objection, approach," over and over...and over.

All in an attempt to reduce the IMPACT.
I find the audio tape of her setting the interview up much more intriguing and much more telling of what this murderer is really about. Gone is the little soft spoken girl, present is the aggressive manipulator. I'm more inclined to think the jury would be better served hearing this phone call, than any statement she made in the video,

Honestly, I can't understand a word she's babbling in that message. She talking 1000 words a minute and her tone is frantic and aggressive. That's definitely what should be played for the jury, not the interview.

There is nothing in that interview the jury hasn't already seen.

And maybe play the message she left for Travis hours after killing him and the text message and e-mail she sent to him.

That's the scheming, calculating Arias they convicted. It will bring it back to focus once the defense tries to turn her into a victim again.
And that horrid scowl from Wilmott as if she was offended that the family should have a moment of release from this mess created by the DT.

Yes, Willmott's little hissy fit over a physical reflex single response really pisses me off. I believe that is the reason for the motion to reduce victim impact statements to videotape.... to prevent "outbursts" like she was forced to be subjected to. My god. Has she been taking vindictiveness lessons from CMJA?
You are so right. They've held everything inside for 5 gut wrenching agonizing years. You bet it's going to erupt and vitriol is going to spew all over Arias. But it won't be uncontrolled and it won't be inappropriate.

I hope they take the crayons and coloring book away from her. With no "shields" to separate herself from the reality of what's going on, we may get to see her tazed after all. :D

Jodi has already "set the stage" for what she will do when the family gives their impact statements. She will not look at them! She says she can't look at them because they look so much like Travis, her "abuser".....B...S! She wanted to explain to her "audience" that she would not look them in the face because of any guilt on her part, but because she saw her abuser in their faces. That girl has an answer for everything! You can't say she didn't give it some thought that this day would be coming. She leaves nothing to chance. One day, many years down the road, there will be a 4th version of what happened on June 4th. She'll blame it on RB, or MM, or DB and she was just in the room. Heck, maybe even her brother since he's the one that took her to get the rental car.
Thanks for that. The DT specifically says "so objections can be raised in advance." Is that a threat or a warning?

I don't understand why the Victim Impact Statements should be limited. The statements by CFJA during trial certainly were not. How could this possibly be fair? :banghead:
I am not sure from your post if you worked as a journalist. If you have, then perhaps you'll agree that that is one of the distastful aspects of the interview and give voice to those whom you can't stand, know are lying ect. But if she was not barred from giving interviews legally, then it's not up to him to decide whether it's fair or not becuase of the trial. And their are news directors at the other stations asking thier field reporters why did you not get that interview? And sometimes just letting someone speak like he let JA ....the reporter knows they are going to hang themselves. I don't know this reporter or his body of work..but he may have been smart enough to just let her keep talking. JMO

i ALMOST worked in journalism. LOL. i almost got a job as an AP for the local CBS affiliate after my second semester. the evening anchor taught a couple of classes i took and thought i was good 'raw material' for that job. the day the final decision was to be made, the station got a new news director. he'd 'worked his way up from the mail room' and didn't want raw material----he wanted experience. so i finished my degree and promptly went back to nursing.

i don't know anything about the reporter except he said he thought she was being sincere. :facepalm:
I watched the clip of the verdict being read several times and here's what I saw: clerk pronounces guilty and there's an audible gasp from either Sam or Tanisha, immediately cut short. Now of course Jean C. later breathlessly reports in her best JVM voice that it was a "shriek." It was absolutely not.

What angered me was Willmott's reaction. She frowns and shoots an annoyed look of disgust back over to the Alexander side of the gallery.

It wasn't an outburst, it wasn't uncontrolled, it was a single, quick, involuntary gasp. Just one, from one person.

I suspect Willmott is behind the motion. This family continues to be put through hell and back. Their grace and dignity throughout this trial is beyond admirable.

I don't know which younger sister it was, but it wasn't Sam or Tanisha. The little sis with the highlights... She just gasped, one can hardly blame the girl.

Jodi's ugliness (if I were Travis, I would want to jump off a cliff if I did what he and lies are doing her in more than any reactions from the family. She should check her own actions such as flipping the bird or slash across the throat with her hand...the jury is not blind, Ms. Passive-Aggressive Murderess Arias.

Victim Impact Statement

One of the things that I am really wondering about is if the family, in their VIS, can address the "continued assault on Travis" through the courts by the convicted murdered after his death. So much of their grief and pain has been suspended, prolonged, magnified, etc. since learning of his death up to this phase of the trial.

I am really wondering about this also. I think all Travis's family and friends who want the death penalty should stress the fact that they know for as long as she is alive she will continue to attack and torment Travis and his family and his friends and the attacks and torment will only stop with her death.
Pardon if this has been discussed to pieces, but I completely believe JA provided the post conviction interview questions. She knew every question and in what order, and for a long time. He knew better than to go against the grain, had to do it her way or not al all.
Yes, Willmott's little hissy fit over a physical reflex single response really pisses me off. I believe that is the reason for the motion to reduce victim impact statements to videotape.... to prevent "outbursts" like she was forced to be subjected to. My god. Has she been taking vindictiveness lessons from CMJA?

Anyone surprised to learn that it was Willmott and not Nurmi who called Ryan Burns a 'wh@re for the State'? I automatically assumed it was KN until I saw JA say 'she' or 'her'.... WOW.
There is no easy way to post this without being explicit but I'm going to try ... here goes ... what she said about that incident was something like:

I pretty much knew the rest of her "story", figured everone here knew it also and didn't have to go into the lying, gory details.
LOL, your post gave me a mental image of victim's impact statements interrupted every other word by objections! IOW, a 15-minute statement takes two hours to present because the DT jumps up with, "Objection, approach," over and over...and over.

All in an attempt to reduce the IMPACT.

Morning all! That's exactly what I'm picturing....but that would almost guarantee the worst possible ending for their client. The jury has already found her guilty of pre-meditation, so they have no affection for her. If the jurors see JW or KN objecting and cutting up while TA's family is given heartfelt, obviously heart broken statements...they will show her no mercy. I think that's why the DT wants the statements vetted beforehand...they know that they will make enemies of the entire world if they continue the antics that they have engaged in during the trial while the victims are speaking.

That's why I hope JSS denies the motion (there's no way she won't IMO)...the DT and JA will both be forced to sit there and take it.
When the verdict was read, who are the 2 dark haired ladies sitting in front of the Alexander family? One had a black tank on, the other maybe a pinkish top. Is one of those Det Flores' wife? And there's a younger broad-shouldered man in a khaki colored suit sitting near the Alexander family near the front- is that JM's brother? TIA
Anyone surprised to learn that it was Willmott and not Nurmi who called Ryan Burns a 'wh@re for the State'? I automatically assumed it was KN until I saw JA say 'she' or 'her'.... WOW.

Actually, IIRC I think the letter in which JA says that her lawyer called Ryan this was written BEFORE Wilmott was on the case. IMO JA was referring to her previous attorney who was also female.
Yes, Willmott's little hissy fit over a physical reflex single response really pisses me off. I believe that is the reason for the motion to reduce victim impact statements to videotape.... to prevent "outbursts" like she was forced to be subjected to. My god. Has she been taking vindictiveness lessons from CMJA?

She's totally into JA and her cause imo. She's lost any objectivity she may have had.
And that horrid scowl from Wilmott as if she was offended that the family should have a moment of release from this mess created by the DT.

I think Wilmott was blown away by the magnitude of the verdict. All twelve voted for premeditation. Somehow, I don't think Wilmott was expecting that. I saw her more as stunned and incredulous than angry. JMO
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